What would you change about yourself/your life? And where would you rather live?


Soul King
Elite Member
Aug 12, 2013
*What trait(s) do you dislike or would like to change about yourself?/What trait has caused you so many problems/made you miss great opportunities and you'd like to change it?(same as:How did it affect your life decisions/certain situations in your life & the people around you?) And have you done anything to change it?

*What would you change about your life/society/the world if you could? And if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live?

(I hope there won't be many spams here......please? XD I'm kind of a newborn spammer myself so I understand the urge some people might get,but..)

Okay, I created this thread because I like having (partly) serious/deep talks with people, and I'd be really happy if I can get to know some of the members here in AS.. Plus, expressing yourself in forums where nobody actually knows who you are irl is very helpful. And interesting! :) And you can be totally honest without worrying about some real life stalker or something. XD
I was also curious about what others would want to change in their lives, so....I'll start.

*There are many things I wish I could change about myself but the most dangerous one now would be my lack of control over myself. I let my mood control me and do whatever I 'feel like', and I don't do anything unless I feel like it.. This is a recent problem and I don't really know what started it all, but it has caused me a lot of problems since I can't even study properly anymore because I'm not 'in the mood for it' at all and therefore I can't bring myself to concentrate properly on almost anything I should do but 'don't wanna do'... It's driving me mad.. This just shows how powerful the brain is when it deludes you with the thought that you can't do something just because you don't feel like it.
I've recently become very moody, which has kept me from doing many essential things that many people my age naturally do, and should do. Consequently, of course it affects my decision-making process since one day I'm like, I want to go for that, and the other day I just completely hate the idea..-_- I won't go into more details here because some people might get bored. ^^''
Oh, my hastiness has also caused me to take many wrong turns in my life....

So far, I've tried to keep myself in check by setting schedules and making notes, and by promising myself chocolate or ice-cream if I finish certain chores/work that must be done. :D I have,of course, tried to convince myself that this is the right thing to do, that it'll end shortly, and that I'll feel much better (and accomplished) once I've finished the task. I also keep reminding myself that any effort I exert would never be for nothing, for it'll surely be rewarded..:3
Most importantly, when it comes to a big decision, I do my best to think carefully and slowly......

*I'd stop wars and discrimination if I could.. (And I'd probably travel to the past/to an alternative universe If I could. Preferably one where I can live freely, and where there are only about 3/4 different languages in the whole world so that I can just learn them and then travel wherever I want :runhappy: NO more language gaps!)
I'd stop bullying and looking down on people who are different from you or stand out from the crowd.(actually those are the people that interest me the most. I'd love to befriend them ;)) Hmm...I'd also change something about the hierarchy system, I just don't like it...I've got no idea what I'd change though..
I'd live in a (relatively) quiet place with only a few people.. I don't like crowded areas..
If I choose a country, it'd be Japan (in the past...somewhere like Kyoto <3)..Oh right, the answer is supposed to be somewhat realistic, so no time-travelling for me :dispirited:.. If it were in the present, I'd rather live in Canada or Australia...I don't know why....

Speaking of looking down on people and treating them badly, I can hazily remember a scene from Kaseifu No Mita (one of the few Jp dramas I like) where the main character(Mita) says: ''People look down on other people when they fear that they're stronger than them or that they're a threat to them. Because humans are very weak.'' or something like that..It has been a long time since I watched it~

Yoroshiku :goodtea:
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So your aim here is to retire? Hm..interesting. But you know, you won't be able to travel freely without having to worry much about money/age if you didn't have a job.. You can just focus on getting a good/better job so that you'd still be able to see the world! It doesn't have to be related to retirement. :)
I want to see the world too! That's why I know I need to get a good job that'll secure my..life..
(and thank you for replying :3)
Im not sure i would change much really...~ Sure i have my faults but they allowed me to become friends with some great people (i guess i also lost the opportunity with some as well... probably would have more friends actually... but not the same ones if i was different in the way im thinking i might be if i changed... might even become one of those people i have quite a distaste for...) I really have little idea why i became a quiet person... i remember being quite very... talkative when i was younger but now... well only friends see much of my talkative side... irl i could go through days without saying a word to anyone (not counting online) It was some time in highschool where... well it may have been related to my main group of friends (nothing intentional harmful fyi) but i think someone said that they didnt like my voice and that sort of stuck in mind... may have been the original reason i stopped talking much... but im also somewhat... well i find that i say a lot of stupid stuff while im not thinking straight... so i guess not talking means i wont say stupid stuff... but... i suppose by now ive seen the popular/unpopular sides of life and for now i prefer being the unknown quiet kid... popularity causes trouble as well... knowing various things also allows me to understand others somewhat... dont particularly feel like losing that part of me just to change~

I suppose something else i want is a way to keep my temper from resurfacing... It used to be quite bad when i was younger... but there are times now when it just... happens... usually when im exposed to extended chronic annoyances... i suppose its understandable to get angry then but.... still want it to be rational in my anger... anger tends to be quite... irrational though... push me far enough and itll be violent anger which i really dont care for... but irrational people really do bother me quite a lot... sure everyone is a bit irrational at times but some are... much more... spoiled people especially... be a bit spoiled at times but more than that... well they really should think about others a bit more...

I dont really care where i live as long as theres decent internet =w= Perhaps some place where its warmer maybe but... i suppose where friends are~ I really should get a separate room for my art though... im going to kill myself with all these fumes and the such...
Hmm, you've been moody you say?
How but making some good ol' coffee, dim the lights and listen to some beats?
I like ending my days like that sometimes. Heres a good song.
Anyways, one thing I'd change about myself is my lazyness.
Its gotten me in a hole where I'd fail classes, lose friendships, miss great opportunities, and forget things i learned. For instance, Piano. Loved playing it. Now I forgot the reason why I quite.
But I think if I wasn't this lazy, I wouldn't be as chill and lax. "Peaceful life is best" -Kyosuke Kosaka
Recently, I've became more responsible. I need to get things strait.
... probably would have more friends actually... but not the same ones if i was different in the way im thinking i might be if i changed... might even become one of those people i have quite a distaste for...) I really have little idea why i became a quiet person... i remember being quite very... talkative when i was younger but now... well only friends see much of my talkative side... It was some time in highschool where... well it may have been related to my main group of friends (nothing intentional harmful fyi) but i think someone said that they didnt like my voice and that sort of stuck in mind... may have been the original reason i stopped talking much... but im also somewhat... well i find that i say a lot of stupid stuff while im not thinking straight... so i guess not talking means i wont say stupid stuff... but... i suppose by now ive seen the popular/unpopular sides of life and for now i prefer being the unknown quiet kid... popularity causes trouble as well... knowing various things also allows me to understand others somewhat... dont particularly feel like losing that part of me just to change~
I like your optimistic view towards this! And as long as you believe that what happened was for the best, that's good!
Seems like you've been through a lot.. Sometimes something you might have not paid much attention to could cause you trouble later if it stays in your subconscious, or if you subconsciously make a big deal out of it.
I've been there before and that's why I try to follow this iron rule I've set: Don't care about what anyone says. All that matters is that you're not betraying your conscience in any way.
So what if you get shunned or ostracized because you're different?! It's because you're different, and unique. And many people tend to dislike and fear what's different/new to them. It's human nature. It's not like you're doing something wrong by following your own interests!
Don't try to change yourself just to impress others or fit in. When you change, you change only for the better, because if you change to please others you'll only have made yourself a fake puppet, which might be an even worse person than those mistreating you.
So in order to get along with those people, you can just try to like them, smile to them, make the initiative and do something good for them/help them, and the wall between you might slowly start melting away.. You can also change for the better AND get along well with them, by trying to be nice to everybody. XD

(btw, that was also part of the long, loong rule I'm trying to follow, so I'm speaking to both you, and me here ^^)

I'm also glad that I've learned several things in life which have made me have different outlooks, and made me more open-minded. It also made me think of other people more, and why they are how they are.
Oh, and I totally agree about the popularity thing..But I don't want to be unknown either..Being remembered by many people would be good too..:fluteangel:

And about spoiled people, I guess you could somehow understand why they're like that or what made them like that when you've seen a lot in your life...I believe that everything has & happens for a reason.. :)
But have you done something in hopes of improving that part of yourself? The main thing is to convince your mind. Tell yourself that losing your cool because of someone isn't going to make anything better..It won't fix whatever it is that you want fixed, and it'll just trouble you for nothing.. I also try to think from the other party's perspective.. It can have different results from when you actually put yourself in their shoes. Trying to be them is different from putting yourself in their situation. Trying to think from their perspective could be better in many cases because you'd guess what they would do, not what you would if you were in their shoes.
[MENTION=28674] 1RenaRyuuguu[/MENTION]'s suggestion is cool too. :D I'll reply to her in a new post, so wait for me, Rena! :)

Ah, by the way,I've read it before in some of your posts, but, what in the world do you mean by fumes?! What's happening in your room!!? :O You got me worried..

One last thing.(not really important) What you said about someone saying they didn't like your voice, and about that possibly being the reason why you don't talk much any more reminded me of the title of a certain manga that's been in my bookmarks list : http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=20824
I haven't read it yet, but I just thought I'd tell you. :D "The Reason Why She Can't Smile". It's shoujo, though...

And thank you guys for taking the time to share that ~

Edit: Never mind about that fume question. XD You told me in a different post.
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Hmm, you've been moody you say?
How but making some good ol' coffee, dim the lights and listen to some beats?
I like ending my days like that sometimes. Heres a good song.
Anyways, one thing I'd change about myself is my lazyness.
Its gotten me in a hole where I'd fail classes, lose friendships, miss great opportunities, and forget things i learned. For instance, Piano. Loved playing it. Now I forgot the reason why I quite.
But I think if I wasn't this lazy, I wouldn't be as chill and lax. "Peaceful life is best" -Kyosuke Kosaka
Recently, I've became more responsible. I need to get things strait.

Wow..This is almost exactly what I'm going through right now. You know, since being 'moody' also means being 'too lazy' to do whatever you don't want to do..That's what it is for me anyway. I guess people wouldn't take it seriously when one says they're suffering from their 'moodiness', but I'm really having a serious problem here. It's not just that I'm 'moody' as in 'my mood changes quite often' ; it's that it changes a lot and could as well change my likes, interests and prior decisions along with it.. One day I'm out with some classmates and I'm having the time of my life, and the next day I feel like I just hate/would hate to be with them again. This is just an example..Things like that have been happening frequently and I feel like my mood is taking over me, and restricting me. Almost all of the things you mentioned have happened to me because of that..

The human mind is really something, huh. :D Even if you're lazy or extremely tired, when you really want to do something, you'll do it no matter what. This is all the more frustrating to me because I think: If you can do those things even if you're exhausted just because you want to, then why can't I force you to do the real important things that should be done, you stupid body of mine!! :angvoodoo:

The most efficient solution I've found is to do your best to convince yourself to do those things, and constantly cheering for and encouraging yourself! This laziness could have originally been derived from losing hope deep inside, or somewhere inside you that has given up..That's why cheering yourself up and making friends is always helpful. :thumbup:

Thanks for the advice and the nice song :).. I used to play the piano too, btw~ I have an electronic keyboard but I don't use it much anymore..
I'm glad you've already started trying to improve yourself! :cheering: I'll do my best too.
Hmm yes that puppet part... people usually make too many assumptions... most of them wrongly..~

Well one example I can give is that my old roommate liked playing music (somewhat loudly) while sleeping and I cant sleep with music on (or maybe his music just isnt the sleeping kind) I asked him to make it so the same song doesnt loop all night and that it turns off at some point but nope... he listened for about two days and back to his sleeping just fine and me staring at the ceiling for hours. I guess we just arent compatible in that way but I not get irritated and headaches whenever I hear music which resembles that which he listens to... I suppose hes just used to living alone and Im not really one to complain... but gosh he really should sort of think about others a bit... If he cant sleep without music then perhaps he could just have it loop a limited number of times. I sleep later than him and he would probably be somewhere in dream land by the time the music stopped anyway so then I could sleep but really... I told him that I cant sleep well with music on... During the final month of school I took the liberty of turning off his music after he started snoring and I guess he didnt like that so he ran off to his friend's place to sleep :/ Quite the horrible first year and I really dont feel like dorming again... An hour to get to school every day is worth being able to sleep peacefully at night... I made about three friends that year... so much for student interactions...
Hey it's ok. It's better than not making any friends at all! Some people spend their whole life alone... I feel sorry for those people..
Besides, the most important thing is quality, not quantity. ;)
I don't think I'd like staying in dormitories, unless it's with someone I'm familiar with..
I agree with you on that one..He should think about others, but I guess there's really no helping it in this kind of situations.. I don't think what you did was wrong, though :D. I probably would've done the same thing..
Honestly there's not much I want to change. If there's anything, I would need to change the world first before I can change otherwise I'll probably be the person I am today. There's a lot of things I can mull over countless times about and think that I could of done this better or could of chosen a different route for that event. But that is something I can not do. Not because I am incapable of doing so, it's just if you want to grow wiser, you have to learn from those mistakes and other people mistakes you observe. Nothing in this world can be undone, especially mistakes that is beyond the ability to rectify.

Life in itself is uneventful in many ways. You won't know what you're doing is right till the outcome appears on front of you or someone close to you. That's why I choose to do what I must to be who I am today. If I truly wanted to change, then the first thing I would do is to find what I can do and make it happen. Be it for myself or someone I care for, everyday I aim to make that change since I am already here.

As for where I want to live. Who knows, I haven't seen the world enough to understand where else I want to be. Right now, I current take care of people and it may be a long journey ahead for me. Unless something happens and requires me to return to where it all begun, I'm pretty sure I'll be where I care for those who are in need still. Regardless whether there's continual supply of happiness and peaceful events.
Very true.
What you've been through in your life made you who you are today, and you neither regret it nor want to change that. ( I wouldn't change myself entirely, of course, but I only talked about a specific trait that I need to change about myself in order to be able to live better..Just saying :D)
I really like that outlook...To find what I can do and make it happen.. It's hard for many people to do that, so, ganbatte!! :) (I'm one of those who're still striving to do that..)
Yes..Living with those you care about is the best no matter what...
Yeah and once they're gone. You'll never have the chance to spend time with them again. If I needed to improve a trait, it would be maturity. Not the one where you act appropriately but to be able to endure, accept, change and move towards a better future. Pretty sure if I reach to that point, I probably have experienced many things in life and simply continue moving forward regardless what lies beyond the horizon. With that said, I don't have to accept everything that is unreasonable and will probably change it into something more reasonable in a sense.
I don't have anything to say :') You've said it all so well :)
That's a very good point..
Oh heck, why not?

*What trait(s) do you dislike or would like to change about yourself?/What trait has caused you so many problems/made you miss great opportunities and you'd like to change it?(same as:How did it affect your life decisions/certain situations in your life & the people around you?) And have you done anything to change it?

My main traits that i dislike mainly involve my lackadaisical nature in some cases, perhaps i didn't try as hard as i could have. Certainly my lack of seriousness has also attributed to this regression in my progress on many fronts.

*What would you change about your life/society/the world if you could? And if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live? If i could change my life, i'd probably have kids and a wife, and live in a rural area. a fair amount of wealth wouldn't hurt either.

If i could choose anywhere to live, i guess it'd be right here in Oklahoma. It's not the most interesting place ever, but the people tend to suit my conservative beliefs. It's home, i guess you could say.
I know exactly how that feels (the lackadaisical part).
Now that you're fully aware of what you can improve, I hope that helps you to avoid the same mistakes later in life. :)

Tranquility..It's what everyone that's lived long in this hectic world seeks. I know I do too.
But why not start now? It's not like that dream is out of reach.

Well, satisfaction is key to happiness..in some cases. ^_^ I'm glad you like where you are now.
I wish I wasn't so awkward around certain people, ahem, *cough* my boyfriend.
I also wish I had the motivation to actually work out and be way more productive than I am.

In reality, I had rather live in some Asian country like Hong Kong, Japan or Korea.
Whilst, dwelling in the fantasy realm, I have absolutely no idea. The Final Fantasy setting/atmosphere/worlds look stunning and are amazing though.
Its difficult to expose ourselves, it requires us to make our selves vulnerable. I think awkward uh..sigh. Is because it's difficult to do those things, and make ourselves exposed. And daring to trust, and love. Dare to trust in love, in order to find out the truth, weather you are loved for who you really are. And if you are not, it's better to find out. Than to not dare step into the fullness of love. Summary: if you will really give into love, you must also give into trust, for in true love, there is trust. And you know that true love, accepts you, and loves you. Perfect love, casteth out fear, and gives you peace. IF you dare to take a chance on love, I think it would be worth it, since then either you will find his love, or find out the truth, that there is a lack of it. Love can require a bit of bravery of us indeed. I think we can agree on that ~
Now where was I....oh yes. What would I change, I'd make myself a perfect boy, so I could be loved and make somebody happy. So that my heart would be perfectly right, so that I wouldn't have to question my own heart. And so I wouldn't have to worry. because I'd be perfect. I'd give up. I'd rather be a stupid boy, and learn whats right. I want autopilot or cruise control -_+
I just don't know what that perfect is, would somebody tell me ? Rant over.

Goodnight~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hahgahahahah, I just thought of something funny in my surreal state, what ever zombie that eats my brains right now would be a healthy zombie !!! plus it would be a vegetarian, cause it would only eat vegetables.

Man...I'm done. Tomorrow ! I'm going, no more typing.
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You're right, but note that there's a difference between 'giving in' to love and being simply rash or stupid.. In my opinion, one shouldn't let themselves be completely vulnerable. Yes, you can love your partner unconditionally, trust them, and be ready to give, but you also need to have *some* caution..Uuh, not caution, I mean, try to be ready for anything. When you give in to love, try to keep part of your mind awake..(a small part) So that any wrong turn of events wouldn't break you forever. That's what I'm trying to say..

Perfection isn't that good, really.. You'd end up being a robot. :robot: And worry is one of humans' characteristics; it might not be that bad at all.. It's proven to be a good thing in many situations in life, and it's one of the things that characterizes us humans.
Haha, it seems you changed your mind in the end..? You'd rather be normal, and learn for yourself by experience? I completely agree with that. It's the best way to learn and attain wisdom, which will not make you perfect, but will help you a lot throughout your life instead.

If you have the will to make someone happy, then you should be able to do it without the need to be perfect. And believe me, being perfect isn't necessarily the key to being loved. However you may be, there's a person who would love you for who you are.(doesn't have to be a 'lover'. I mean 'in general')

Hmm, but really, what is perfect? ;P I believe perfection is something every person sees differently. So you could be perfect in someone's eyes, but the exact opposite in another's. I think it works that way. That means that you'd never be able to please everyone even if you were 'perfect'.
So when you find a person you love, and loves you back, you'd be perfect in their eyes just like they are in yours.

(You're tempting me to eat your brain right now..)

Ah, I ended up talking too much..(typing) ><
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I'm agree with Vivi about ~LOVE~
being in love its mean to be ready being happy with someone you love and also at the same time you must ready being hurt. Be honest and trust people is important thing but there are always has limitation too. I think its best to follow your heart and compared it with logic.

About myself, I want to change my behavior to proof to myself that I can do it and then make proud and protect myself too. I think if I can do it to myself, then I definitely can do the same thing to people I care about

I think its doesn't matter where I live as long as I can be with people I truly love ^^
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I would like to procrastinate less , it hasent stoped me from moveing forward but its weird bescause :
i'm bored in font of my computer not doing anything , i have ALOT of homework to do and then guess what ?

I am in the middle of pubety and i have mood swings of HELL !

I would change my ways of "not giving a damn" .
[MENTION=55226]sukartinikayika[/MENTION]; I'm glad you agree.^^
Self-confidence is essential for those who want to do something in their lives.(something great..)
You're on the right track ,so don't give up and continue going towards that change!
Yeah :3 When you look at it that way I can't help but think so too~


Mood swings!! You have no idea how well I understand your feeling!! It's almost the exact same thing as what I'm going through..
On the other side, some certain situations make me feel a bit guilty about myself/about wasting most of the time doing nothing (but I still don't really do anything about it..), and that's what has been making me move forward for the past months.. There are things I have to do and can't run away from so I end up doing them at the last moment. X__X

Eventually reality will set in, and you'll feel like doing what you need to do, for a change. That's what I believe, and what's keeping me alive these days. xD I'm trying to motivate myself by setting goals/ keeping a certain purpose in mind..
I'm also constantly fighting my pessimism and passiveness.
Guilt may motivate you to actually do something in the end too, you know.

That's how it is with me, and that's what I think would be good for anyone like me to do..
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You're right, but note that there's a difference between 'giving in' to love and being simply rash or stupid.. In my opinion, one shouldn't let themselves be completely vulnerable. Yes, you can love your partner unconditionally, trust them, and be ready to give, but you also need to have *some* caution..Uuh, not caution, I mean, try to be ready for anything. When you give in to love, try to keep part of your mind awake..(a small part) So that any wrong turn of events wouldn't break you forever. That's what I'm trying to say..

Perfection isn't that good, really.. You'd end up being a robot. :robot: And worry is one of humans' characteristics; it might not be that bad at all.. It's proven to be a good thing in many situations in life, and it's one of the things that characterizes us humans.
Haha, it seems you changed your mind in the end..? You'd rather be normal, and learn for yourself by experience? I completely agree with that. It's the best way to learn and attain wisdom, which will not make you perfect, but will help you a lot throughout your life instead.

If you have the will to make someone happy, then you should be able to do it without the need to be perfect. And believe me, being perfect isn't necessarily the key to being loved. However you may be, there's a person who would love you for who you are.(doesn't have to be a 'lover'. I mean 'in general')

Hmm, but really, what is perfect? ;P I believe perfection is something every person sees differently. So you could be perfect in someone's eyes, but the exact opposite in another's. I think it works that way. That means that you'd never be able to please everyone even if you were 'perfect'.
So when you find a person you love, and loves you back, you'd be perfect in their eyes just like they are in yours.

(You're tempting me to eat your brain right now..)

Ah, I ended up talking too much..(typing) ><

I think you likely didn't understand me exactly like I was trying to present it, though, it's understandable, cause if I was perfect, I would have worded and expressed myself perfectly clear lol (phun intended) Not to mention writing in the state i was in at that time, but then here for the reply, or clarification:

I know there's a difference between giving into love and being stupid, like in the cases where one has to protect one selves from people that would take advantage of you for example. I am still unaware that I said anything that would make it appear as if I meant anything to the contrary of that. I never said one should be that, but talked about trust that comes through love. But here was my sentiment which I tried to say>= That, that awkwardness between ppl can be because of fear, and insecurity, directly in opposition of Trust & Love and in a relationship that your serious about you don't want those things to drain and sabotage your self confidence, you don't want that, because it hinders your relationship to grow, it hinders how well you get to know your partner, and also how well your partner gets to know you, because you hold back, as if you get boxed in with invisible walls, Pure love will make you free. In a relationship with that potential 'special one' whom you want to love and be loved, how will you be able to if you can't trust in that love, and trust your partner with who you are, with your heart. You want to say something perhaps for example, but you don't dare, because your afraid of maybe what your partner will think if you do, and it creates awkwardness. Thats where trust comes into play, and trust and love goes hand in hand. You certainly don't want to go 5 years into a relationship only to then find out that your partner doesn't really love you for who you are, or that you've gone for 5 years being afraid to expose your true self fully because you where afraid unnecessary...and being afraid to be yourself. It really has nothing to do with being rash. And if someone doesn't love you truly, but only that figure of a person they thought you too be, it's better to find out earlier rather than later when you risk being more hurt and have more of yourself invested into the relationship.

So what I'm actually proposing or at least would want [MENTION=69762]MsBloodyFallen[/MENTION]; to be aware of is the above, perhaps more clearly explained now. And that there is a mistake people make in that they don't sort of say "break the ice" fully between themselves to begin with, >Trusting< themselves to be seen as they are. And when people then get into a relationship it makes them only more "caring" about what that person thinks of you, thats only natural, so it might fall into a kind of circle for some that makes them more and more afraid to dare and break trough that invisible glass, that even though they are together, separates their hearts from each other, and as the stakes only becomes higher and higher over time so it may becomes harder and harder to break the situation.


Regarding perfection, I'm simply going to say you are wrong ^&^ Perfection doesn't make you a robot, cause that wouldn't be perfect, but a very poorly made imitation of mankind's imagination of perfect. It goes to show you kinda misunderstood when you thought I disagreed with myself or changed my mind hehe. But I see I worded myself quite poorly there at the end with the likes of "so I could be loved" for example, indicating I would perhaps not be loved otherwise. I just kept everything very short with minimal explanations. To try and remedy that now, I know that I wouldn't have to be perfect in order to be loved, it perhaps sounded like thats what I thinking but, in my mind I was really just meaning so that I could be loved "THIS MUCH" and making the magical 'her' so happy and loved she would light up and think she was on drugs, and then when I pull her close in my arms and says..: just like you are feeling right now, I will make you feel forever and ever... in ALL eternity. For you are my dearly beloved one. And be like as the Sun of light in her life that she would get sick of love and feel the warmth and life just like the sun also do give us. You see, I know perfection isn't attainable in this life, but there is a path starting in order to grow into it, and it starts with the heart. I always am wanting to learn from my experiences, thats not in contradiction to perfection but a step towards it, and I would be a fool since I know it takes guidance and a wisdom higher then that of mortal men to even make any noteworthy steps towards it. So it's more like removing myself, and allowing that guidance, or my own wisdom or intelligence would only lead me astray and, or get in the way. But these are spiritual principals I'm moving into now, and I don't want to make it too much of that or otherwise philosophical.
Pro 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

next paragraph: Thank you, I believe that as well :] I actually know it. Something I had to learn though. Loving others is sometimes way easier than loving yourself, which is an important start in the ability to trust and receive the love of others.

Regarding what perfection is. Firstly I'm myself to blame for asking that question here in the first place, leading you down that road to finding one of the possible answers to the context. It was a nice and true explanation. Though in this case one must make a distinction between true objective perfection, and subjective perception of it. You described the subjective one seen through the many different lenses of human perception, wants, desires and mind. What I was thinking of though was the former type, the objective one.

Sry for saying that....PLEASE don't eat my brains..:stilleathead: at least not yet, I need it a while longer. Thanks for understanding =j

And after seeing my reply I take care to relieve you of maybe thinking you've typed too much.

Finally all in all I hope what I wrote here was a lot clearer, it's nearly impossible to take into consideration every persons possible way of interpreting a given part of text, especially when it comes to things where abstract thinking is involved and there is not a standardized common comprehension of concepts by science.
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Ah, actually I was like adding a little side note to what you said.(just something I wanted to tell MsBloodyFallen) xD I understood what you meant to say about love, and I agree with it. :3 I also agree with all you've said. XD

Well, I meant that certain view of perfection. ;P
cause that wouldn't be perfect, but a very poorly made imitation of mankind's imagination of perfect.
That means that some people actually find that perfect..:S Some people actually seek to become that 'robot' kind of perfect, because they think it's the best. (which I think is wrong, but, everyone sees perfection differently :/)
Never mind that..

Now I understand the kind of perfect you want to be. :3 Thanks for explaining in detail.
But, I still believe that all you want to do could be done even if you were the most imperfect guy on earth. XD As long as you can convey what you feel well and as long as that 'magical girl' truly loves you.[It doesn't mean that I disagree with you, I just like to state my own opinion, that's all.]
You want to make 'the one' extremely happy and you want to improve yourself in order to be able to do that beautifully.. That's a great goal you've got. I find it rather noble. Your description was really vivid~

Hmm.. Okay, I'll spare you for now. I'll try to be vegetarian for a while..
And thank you for taking the time to say all that! :)
[MENTION=62675]Vivi[/MENTION]; It was no problem, part pleasure and part "in order" to go a little more in depth, at least if I I care at all that people actually understanding what I say. Sometimes you just feel too lazy to write something so long. And I was a zombie my first post.

But, I still believe that all you want to do could be done even if you were the most imperfect guy on earth. XD
Me too, it could be done, but I wouldn't want to 'just' get it done, I'd aim higher. But thanks, since I'm pretty sure you wanted to encourage me :P

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