Who is the character you mostly feel resemble with?


I was thinking about the last syllable 'zi'.

It sounded like 'Shi' in Japanese.

'Shi' made me think about 'Shion' from Shion no Ou.

Shion is headstrong and sensitive to people's feelings at times, but she conveys how she truly feels without hindrance. I like her character.

So I called you 'Zion' instead.

I see :goodtea:

i think that this nick have good source to it, the issue is that in my lang it sound like really bad word O_o (not the real meaning of the word but the sound it make....)

Hmm actually i think there is supposed to be a mix

as Sam said : P

I don't match with any of these characters...

keep in mind that i still add more :bye:
plus i did said that people can reply/pm me about what to add.

and as for the Hungry part .... i will left it as a mystery for fun sake : P
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I honestly don't resemble any character listed O_O

or maybe I just refuse to believe it :p
Well theres 100 onions or so i think~ Going to have tons of chances to find a match xD
Hmm but humans can be described as having many layers also~ All depends if anyone bothers to talk about it ;p
Hmm well i though of a couple layers quite quickly~ Doesnt take time to find a bit of detail~
but that time could be spend playing games, watching anime, reading manga's


well also doing something else constructive aswell.
Hmm... I dunno about this. I tend usually tend to be someone or something more "original" although I also used to take references from fictional characters too when I was younger out of plain and sheer "coincidences" about what the character and I have in common.

I guess I could say I was more like Minta Arisato or the protagonist from P3 during my high school years.
Now, I could just say I'm more like Sanae Hanekoma from TWEWY if you really insist on comparing myself with a fictional character haha.
Added two more characters

took inspiration from Ein and the spoon (actually it was coincidence.. i posted it before i saw what he said)
See? The greatest stuff just "click" and happen when you let it happen. XD
That's already 3 in one day. XD
Most part Rito.... and part David i guess... :goodtea:
Hmm two more? /me goes see~

And yes the greatest art looks natural~ (depends what type of art though)
This is what I think about when Sam addresses me as 'Oujo-sama'.

/me pokes Sam's cheek


Lol hmm this was used as the ending right? Well im not quite sure i think of you as nagi though~ You dont seem quite as childish and various other things xD

/me rubs cheek and pokes ojou sama's nose~
I was mostly thinking about how you were similar to Hayate in terms of personality~

I like Nagi, but as you said, I don't really fit her role.

I'm not quite sure what anime or game character is similar to me.

/me wrinkles her nose and pokes Sam's arm
Hmm maybe... xD I suppose i am similar to some extent~ Not quite as sturdy though~

Well a character to fit you... /me starts to mentally cross out characters...

/me hides from poke by going behind ojou sama's back and pokes~
hmmm.....there's a character who resemble me but.......most of his other characteristics doesn't .....

i guess i'm more like new character that you want to add:)

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