Who would win?

wow..tough one. I'd say ichigo in this case.

Kyuubi cloak naruto or Hollow ichigo? :P
The never did show hollow ichigo much :/ I would say naruto though
Hayate or Hinagiku? (HnG)
Heaven cuz god could destroy the opposition with a few words
Unstoppable army or impenetrable base?
Hmm i say kite cuz he could just screw over megaman with a data drain xD
Chaos or Control?
Dog. Because a dog can dog dog, so dog is dog.

Nigel Thornberry or Nigel Thornbery?
Lightning seems tougher :/ (but yuna could summon stuff) never played 13 so idk
Black Cat or Vash the Stampede
havent seen black cat yet, but im sure vash would win, hes pretty hardcore

Blue ranger or White ranger?
blue! never underestimate the underdog.

ikaros or ichigo
Im pretty sure superman would win cuz batman is just a normal guy with armor and a cape :/
Nanoha or Madoka?
But superman is pretty much invincible unless batman finds some kryptonite but superman had proven that even that doesnt work at times
Pokemon or Yu Gi Oh?
Pokemon, coz they're far more cute than a boy with weird hair.

Humvee vs LandRover
I'm not much of an army or rugged-looking car fan so I guess it's the LandRover for me.

Pizza or Taco?
power rangers. they bring down godzilla clones daily

kyuubey vs reimu

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