Would you date a trans girl ?

have meet and know many in my days. most are very feminine, friendly and nice. most have went for op.
if the "trans" are fully feminine inside out, means, their true inner feeling as a woman, and have an op.
probably i may accept.
Absolutely not! lol

Yes, I know that my views are cave man like, but I've lived long enough to understand my sexuality base. I used to be open the concept that I was unsure of my sexuality, but after working next to a gay guy that was constantly flirting with me I soon realized that I wasn't at all attracted to the same sex, even if it seems so romantic in those bishonen anime's, RL tends to add "grime" and "POW" to everything.

Don't get me wrong though, If someone is unhappy with their gender and changes/pretends it then it's fine by me. I strongly believe in freedom of ideals and expression as long as your not forcing others to partake, and your completely honest. I say go for it.

My opinion may change if they were to make a way to completely reconfigure someones DNA, but I think we are light years away from that as a working concept at this time. And until then I'll see a man as a man.

Sorry for the long winded post didn't want to sound like a random troll :P
LOLLLLLLLLL it might make sense for me to date one, since they're technically a guy? I have several interests that's not that common for girls~ and I'm sure there's guys like that :P (i know a few~)

maybe I should ask the girls~ would you date a trans guy?? X_X

i would never~ it's really weird that way. I mean.. I do want to have my own children and all, but you can't do that with 2 girls.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe i should ask~

guys~ If you could BE a trans girl for any amount of time, would you, and why? :P
Hmm more feminine than i already am? :goodtea: Well i dont really like guys that way... though i wouldnt mind playing around and acting for a day ;p /me goes makes friends act along with meh xD
I don't understand the question. When you say "trans girl" do you mean a girl dressing and acting like a boy, or a boy dressing and acting like a girl?

Furthermore, pre-op, or post-op?

With that said... If it was a boy that dressed and acted like a girl, then... if they were cute, and I liked them. Even if they decided to eventually go post-op then it would be okay. But since I'm bi and kinda have a thing for futanari anyways, it'd be kinda neat pre-op too I think.

For a girl that dresses and acts like a boy though... I just don't think I could get into that. Not pre-op or post-op. If I'm going to date a girl, I like feminine girly girls... I wouldn't date a butch manly girl.

A-Anyways! With all of that said... I wouldn't necessarily go out looking for a transgender person to date, but... if the stars aligned and it just so happened to be, then... then well, what I said above then.
As with dating anybody, I would only do it if I liked their personality and we got along well~
Yes, even if she's previously a boy, if I like them I like them.
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I would if he/she had great hair and liked anime.
If she is cute and has big boobs (would be fake anyway lol) ...maybe I would xD
only if she is my type (not only looks), I mean who knows life is a crazy bastard, I mean I think of it like this: I am dating a girl a long time already and I realy like being around her and one day I find that out, Ill have difficulties jest leaving her, unless she chated or lied than there is no question and the answare is no.
i have to go with a solid no. i eventually want i kid of my own though
yeah that may be a problem lol, yet I cant denie my feelings if I have them for someone, I tried countless times already and I suck at that :bored:
Yeah, I'm pan-sexual, so this is a definite yes for me. o:
I wouldn't but that's just my personal taste.I don't disapprove of it or dislike trans girl,they are people like everyone else.It's just not my cup of tea.
Tranny's has penis'. Guy's have penis'. Girls don't have penis'. No I wouldn't date a tranny because it'd be like dating a guy. Imagine having sex with a tranny, you could penetrate the tranny or the tranny could penetrate you. Also not to mention if your swords accidently touched during sex, or even worst the tranny's wang is larger than yours!

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