No, I don't you should do that. Would you sleep at work?
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Sep 12, 2012 #526 No, I don't you should do that. Would you sleep at work?
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Sep 12, 2012 #527 If they let me... Would you help me investigate somebody?
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Sep 12, 2012 #528 Maybe, depends on who it is we are going to investigate. Would you go on a blind date?
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Sep 12, 2012 #529 NEEEVVVEEEERRRRR X_X (I might get hooked up with a bi person x_X) Would wear a rainbow shirt for a day if it made everyone have a better mood?
NEEEVVVEEEERRRRR X_X (I might get hooked up with a bi person x_X) Would wear a rainbow shirt for a day if it made everyone have a better mood?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Sep 12, 2012 #530 Hmm why not~ I dont really care what i wear anyway xD Would you fly around the city to spread sprinkles everywhere?
Hmm why not~ I dont really care what i wear anyway xD Would you fly around the city to spread sprinkles everywhere?
Karlotto Elite Member Elite Member May 2, 2012 1,478 40 Sep 12, 2012 #531 Hell yes! I spread sprinkles everywhere anyway. Flying during it would be even better! Would you draw a nude portrait of someone if they asked you to?
Hell yes! I spread sprinkles everywhere anyway. Flying during it would be even better! Would you draw a nude portrait of someone if they asked you to?
kona WhiteManedQueen Elite Member Jan 30, 2012 832 9 Sep 12, 2012 #532 hell yea!! would you abandon your family for your true love?
Karlotto Elite Member Elite Member May 2, 2012 1,478 40 Sep 12, 2012 #533 Hmm...yes. Maybe. Depends, who`s my love? Would you join a ballet class to meet girls?
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Sep 12, 2012 #534 Hell yea, my true love maybe there.... Would you go deer hunting?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Sep 12, 2012 #535 Hmm maybe? idk... Btw... nude portraits arent that fun xD Would you dip cookies in tea?
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Sep 12, 2012 #536 no, but if it was hot cocao I maybe would. Would you drink tea/coffee on a hot summer day?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Sep 12, 2012 #537 Hmm sure~ Iced ones ;p Though i could just let it cool~ Either way i need some liquids~ Would you catch a grenade for her? ;p (gosh how i hate the lyrics and how fake it is)
Hmm sure~ Iced ones ;p Though i could just let it cool~ Either way i need some liquids~ Would you catch a grenade for her? ;p (gosh how i hate the lyrics and how fake it is)
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Sep 12, 2012 #538 I know what you mean, I feel the same way about that song. I am not sure if I would, depends on who it is I am doing it for, and I can't really see what the point in it is, you would just be blown up.... Would you do anything for love?
I know what you mean, I feel the same way about that song. I am not sure if I would, depends on who it is I am doing it for, and I can't really see what the point in it is, you would just be blown up.... Would you do anything for love?
Kasumi AFK Master Elite Member Sep 12, 2012 1,456 8 Sep 12, 2012 #539 I suppose it depends on what it is I have to do and what sort of love I'm doing it for. :/ But generally, anything? Unlikely. Would you allow a friend who's a complete diva put make up on you? Or if you're a guy, dress you up?
I suppose it depends on what it is I have to do and what sort of love I'm doing it for. :/ But generally, anything? Unlikely. Would you allow a friend who's a complete diva put make up on you? Or if you're a guy, dress you up?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Sep 13, 2012 #540 Hmm... idk... xD Maybe maybe not~ Would you run around the city in your birthday suit?
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Sep 14, 2012 #541 No Would you compete in a eating competition?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Sep 14, 2012 #542 Maybe~ Probably lose though~ Would you go on a month long challenge where they test your limits?
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Sep 14, 2012 #543 Yes.... If I get money in return.... But I'll probably won't last through it.... Would you hire a hitman to get rid of someone you hate???
Yes.... If I get money in return.... But I'll probably won't last through it.... Would you hire a hitman to get rid of someone you hate???
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Sep 14, 2012 #544 Hmm nope~ Too extreme for now~ Would you go on some quest of vengeance for some thing that killed your family and whatnot? xD
Hmm nope~ Too extreme for now~ Would you go on some quest of vengeance for some thing that killed your family and whatnot? xD
thecoins Velvet Voice, Raindear Elite Member Jul 20, 2012 8,933 127 Sep 15, 2012 #545 probably, as long as i don't injured when they attack my family would you help your neighbor to build a cannon-like weapon to shoot bird?
probably, as long as i don't injured when they attack my family would you help your neighbor to build a cannon-like weapon to shoot bird?
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Sep 15, 2012 #546 No way... He might aim the cannon at me instead of the bird.... Would you run a marathon would me???
Neko Uh oh... Elite Member Nov 16, 2011 10,375 440 Sep 16, 2012 #547 Sureeee... Would you give your best to photoshop contest? :3
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Sep 16, 2012 #548 I'm pretty bad with photoshop.... So I can't.... Would you become a nascar racer??? Last edited: Sep 17, 2012
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Sep 17, 2012 #549 Maybe, it could be fun, but it also pretty dangerous Would you consider to travel north of the polar circle?
Maybe, it could be fun, but it also pretty dangerous Would you consider to travel north of the polar circle?
DaRk_AnGeL_ZoA Nekomimi♥ Elite Member Aug 31, 2012 2,658 41 Sep 17, 2012 #550 Yeah I like the cold......... Would you spend a whole day flying a kite?