:donow: :shocked: :deadsad: :donefor: :dead: :eathead:

If you'd tell me which game. Even then I'd probably say no since I don't write fan fiction.

Would you post an onion you created yourself? :menft:
I did some with my dad (he's a former instructor in tae kwon do), but I never picked up his love for it. Doubt I'd ever will at my age; I do feel a bit of a loss, but if it's really not in one's interests there isn't much that can be done.

Would you post that onion you mentioned? I don't know which one. :XD:
some of them, minor editing




Oh NO! Some of images were deleted from imageshack site :dead:......... I can't show you more interesting ones

Will you kindly tell me how many VN's did you played so far (only number of course)?
My VNDB account lists around 217, though there's a number I haven't completed and those I simply haven't gotten around to listing. The number I'm interested in playing? Hundreds, and they're rising daily...

Would you share the name of the most recent game you've played?
I actually don't play much games, too old PC for new games and no time. In the past 4 years i have only finished ~ 5 games. I tried some more but they weren't interested or i didn't have a time or space to keep it. I lost interest for games. I sometimes watch walkthrough or something...

Will you stop playing games anytime soon?
My interest for games (and anime) aren't what they used to be. Their is a chance I will give up both in the future.

Will you stop spamming?
I'll change on the first of next month. Procrastinated so much, I might as well choose a nice date to do so.


Will you be cooking dinner this evening?
Hmm...one only? The one that pops into mind is Might and Magic 6. It was the first CRPG I played that I can recall (certainly before my other favorite, Baldur's Gate). Having an open world where you're free to go do what you want (you could go into Dragonsand and face off against dragons right away, but you'll be unlikely to survive), flight spells that allowed you to enjoy the thrill of flying over legions of monsters and dragons and diving to grab chestfuls of treasure, engaging (for the time) pre-rendered scenes for shops and homes, interesting skill system (including the idea of hunting down trainers for each compared to the always-available tree we have today), tie-ins with the Heroes of Might and Magic series, among many other details. I played the hell out of that one over the years, and as recently as a few months back I was even partway through yet another playthrough together with MM7 using GOG's copies (I've no idea where my battered pirated copies are today).

Would you always haggle over price?
Nope. I remember my grandmother was always buying tickets, hoping to strike one and get some cash, but I always felt that the chances of winning are so low it's not really worth it.

Would you rather work from home, or are you one of those who think the office is where all work should be?
I would if only I made ice. As a compromise I usually chill large bottles of water and drink that.

Would you step up at any performances when the host calls for some volunteers?
I'd rather be a hamster. Or cat. Or were you meaning the other kind? :lmao:

Will you be making an online purchase soon?
depend on how soon? Within 1 hour / day / month?

Would you buy a game after playing/tried pirated version?
That depends on a number of things. Did I feel it was worth it? Is it on deep sale now (what's cheap to the West is killer to my pocket when currency exchange is factored in)? Does it come with DRM beyond Steam (UPlay, etc; one reason I keep a copy of Anno 2070)? These aren't the full list of factors, certainly.

Would you ever try a VN? (If you have already, I'd like to know the title! :happywhistle:
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Unfortunately i didn't play any and i'm afraid it will take too much my time and pulled me into it. I only used a few games for studying reasons such as graphic and how game works. So there is no time or interest for playing games at the moment.

Would you drink only water every day if possible?
If it's chilled water, why not? Used to love soft drinks but chilled water is the best. I've always got two 1.5 liter bottles in my fridge.

Will you redecorate your room this year?

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Deladela2000 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Is it possible to re-upload this game?
Sble wrote on UFO's profile.
Hi, Can you reupload the link of this? Please.