[Entries] WOW #4 - June 2016

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We're accepting both poems and short stories for this round too. Prose may be more suitable for those with more leisure as it can take quite some time to plan, write, and proofread. Poetry may cater more to the adventurous as it can take a higher level of challenge to compose and construct. By allowing both, we hope to see more participants and more diversity without alienating anyone who leans more to either side.

As usual, all participants will get this award...

...but the winner will get this!


I suppose it's more appropriate to call these "criteria", but referring to them as "rules" may help ensure that people pay attention to them. At least, I hope so. Anyway, the rules for WOW are pretty simple:

  1. Your entry can be EITHER a short story OR a poem.
  2. For short stories: Minimum 500 words. Maximum 1500 words.
    For poems: Minimum 4 lines. Maximum 40 lines. (Line breaks don't count.)
  3. No racism, religious topics, overly obscene depictions, animal/child abuse or other inflammatory topics.
  4. You can pick any title you like for your entry as long as it conforms with #3.
  5. Please post your finished entry wrapped within spoilers in this thread.


The theme for this month's Weavers of Words shall be...



"“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”"
― Elbert Hubbard,

Have you ever wondered about, how you could live in this world alone? Which is impossible, because us humans need people next to us. A circle of special friends, is the best gift that you ever had. Friendship is about having wonderful moments with your friends and sticking to them no matter what you do or what goes on. Although there are many forms of friendship, some of which may vary from place to place, certain characteristics are present in many types of friendship. Such characteristics include affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, altruism, mutual understanding, and compassion, enjoyment of each other's company, trust, and the ability to be oneself, express one's feelings, and make mistakes without fear of judgment from the friend.

While there is no practical limit on what types of people can form a friendship, friends tend to share common backgrounds, occupations, or interests, and have similar demographics.

Anyway, to clarify:

The theme for WOW #4 is FRIENDSHIP.
“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend”

The deadline is on 30 JUNE 2016.
You MAY edit your entry submission post as many times as you please before the deadline.

Please submit your entry before the deadline. If you're unsure about certain aspects of your draft entry, feel free to ask around in the discussion thread. You can have only ONE post in the entry submission thread, but you're not restricted from discussing the WOW as much as you want in the discussion thread. The deadline may be extended on our discretion if circumstances necessitate it, but it won't be shortened for no reason, so rest assured and don't rush. Take your time to make a masterpiece!

This thread is only for ENTRIES!
For discussions, questions and comments, please go to this thread instead.

I'm really nervous about posting my story here. this is my first time to write something like this so i'm unsure about everything. I hope it fit's into the friendship theme (even tho it's kinda lame and stuff ) but well if i wrote it it would be a waste to not post it right? So without further ado here we go:

Anything For a Friend​

Two young boy sitting in the middle of a beautiful meadow watching the setting sun together.
One of them turns toward the other.

Hey Shuu what is your dream? He asked the other boy.
Why do you ask about it Kanata ? He replied with a question.
I’m just curious. Said Kanata with a smile on his face.

My dream is to become a world famous violinist. To make others happy with my music, it sounds like a really nice thing. Shuu answered while his eyes were shining with happiness.
Oh! That’s nice. I want to listen to your playing someday. Said Kanata and smiled at Shuu.

Main Story
Since then ten years have passed.​
Shuu worked hard towards his dream while spending all his time with his dear friend Kanata. They were really happy together dreaming about spending everyday like how they spent the past ten year. There were no hardships in their life so far. But sadly life is a cruel thing that tries to ruin the happiness of boys like Shuu and Kanata.

One day Kanata got really sick. The doctors were all puzzled as they never saw an illness like his before. Couldn’t do anything about it they just waited for a miracle. Kanata’s condition worsened by each passing day, it looked like he won’t make it out alive. Shuu never left his side during this hard time.

One Day a mysterious person who called herself a Witch appeared.
Your friend seems like he is really ill. Poor guy doesn't have too much time left in this world. She said indifferently.
Don’t say that! Kanata is strong. He will get over this! Said Shuu with trembling voice .
Sorry my dear. I saw this happening a lot of time in the past, No matter how strong you are this illness kills you! She said it resignedly. But there is a way to save him.

Really? You are not kidding right? Shuu asked it with a new hope on his face.

No. I’m not kidding said the Witch with a serious voice. BUT before i tell you the way to save him let me warn you that it will be a very dangerous task and chances are high that you die or lose something important in the process.

Kanata is the most important to me so i don’t care about the risks! Said Shuu with Urgency in his voice.

All right then if you decided to go on this dangerous task then i will tell you. Said the Witch.

I will going to open a portal that leads to the entrance of a cave in a different world. Only one person can go there and i can only keep it open for a limited time so once you stepped in you need to hurry or you get stuck there until the end of your life. At the end of that cave there will be some special flowers, you need to bring one of it here so we can brew a tea out of it, That’s the only way to save your friend. So let me ask you one more time. Are you sure you want to do it? She asked.

Yes i am sure about it. Said Shuu with certainty.
Well then i will open up the portal. Be careful and hurry if you want to save your friend. With that the Witch opened a black portal leading into an unknown new world. Shuu stepped in the portal without hesitation. But looked back at Kanata for one last time while mumbled : Please hold out a little longer. Then he disappeared.

After a few moment Shuu found himself in front of a cave. With hurried steps he walked into the cave.

In the cave he had to climb jump and do dangerous things like that but he never thought about turning back before getting the flowers. After a while he reached the end of the cave and saw some really mysterious but beautiful flowers. He proceed to take one but suddenly with a loud roar a huge bear like creature appeared in front of him.
What do you think you are doing there ?! The bear Yelled.

Shuu got really surprised not only by the sudden appearance of a monster but by the fact that it was able to speak too.
Let me ask you again, what do you think you are doing there? Those flowers are sacred flowers and outsiders like you don’t have the right to take them.

But my friend is really ill and a Witch said this is the only way to save him. So please don’t stand in my way. He pledged.

Hmm.. So your friend is ill? Is he important to you? Would you sacrifice anything to save him? The Bear asked.

Yes i would sacrifice anything. Shuu said without any doubt in his voice.

Heh. The bear snorted. Let me check you out.. Ah so you dream about becoming a violinist.. Would you give up on that dream to save your friend?The bear asked curiously.

Kanata is more important than a dream ! So yeah i would give up on it without hesitation!. He said.

Fine then. I will take away something from you. Something that required to play a violin. It will be very painful but after that i will give you a flower and take you to the outside of the cave,

Meanwhile Back at the hospital.​

Oh time is running out, i’m afraid he won’t make it in time. Said the Witch with a little uneasiness in her voice.

The portal starting to close. But in the last moment Shuu appeared with the flower in his hand.
The doctor gasped at his sight.
What happened to your… but couldn’t finish his question because Shuu interrupted it.

No time for that! Quickly let’s brew a tea from this. After they made the unconscious Kanata drink it.

The waiting game started. After three day The doctor rushed to Shuu who was out in the lobby. He. He woke up!. Said the doctor with happiness in his voice.

Shuu rushed to the room where Kanata was held. He Run up to him and gave him a hug.

Kanata you made me worry you know. Said Shuu with relief.
I’m sorry Shuu. then he proceed to hug Shuu back but he noticed something was off.
Shuu… Your arm… What happened to it? Asked Kanata with worry in his voice.

Oh that? It’s nothing don’t worry. The Important thing is that you are all right..
At that moment the Witch appeared.

Why don’t you tell him boy? It’s a really moving story. In my thousand years of travelling i saw only rarely a friendship so strong like yours. So strong that one would even give up his dream for the other one .

Shuu don’t tell me… You gave up your arm to save me?. Kanata asked while he was barely able to hold back his tears.

Don’t worry about that. Said Shuu with a smile on his face while giving a pat on the shoulders of Kanata. It’s alright After all i would do anything for a friend. When you get out of hospital let’s return to our everyday life as if nothing ever happened alright?

They say “Hard Times Will Always Reveal True Friends “ Seeing how everything got better for Shuu and Kanata warms my heart i’m sure they will have a happy life together as great friends from now on.
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Such a rare day.

"Tomorrow I will give it to him, I promise!" I exclaimed as I struck a confident pose in front of my best friend, Himari. All she did was smile at me while eating sea salt potato chips. After my big proclamation, a sudden awkward silence filled the room.
"Yes, yes, you will give it to him tomorrow" She broke the silence by reacting to my decision extremely late. She had a stick of pocky in her mouth while she continued to play her game.
"Himari, are you even listening to me?" I poked her shoulder, asking for her full attention.
"Yeah, I'm listening. You are way too nervous, Akashina-chan~" She laughed in a playful tone.
"You know what, take a break and sleep. Preparation session is over, the next step is the execution." She wiped her fingers with a wet tissue and pushed me on to my bed and covered me with my blanket. She kissed my forehead and poorly sung me a lullaby, expecting me to sleep.

"I'm bouncing, peace out. Good night Akashina" She opened my window and she placed her left foot on top of the window sill. Himari smiled at me one last time before she went back to her room through the window in front of mine.
"Have a nice dream and don't over sleep buddy!" That was the last time I heard her playful voice for the day.

I was woken up by the sounds of my window being hit by Himari's finger nails. I carried my body up and opened my window. What I saw was Himari, showcasing her back to me. She occasionally turn her head to me as if she was expecting something from me. The cold wind that was intruding my room made it hard to guess what Himari was trying to convey to me.
"....I'm sorry...what?" I had no choice but to be straightforward to her.
"Ribbon!...My new ribbon!" She jumped up and down, waggling her high pony tail left and right. At that moment, I realized that there was a ribbon tying her pony tail up.
"(Her ribbon blended with hair perfectly I didn't see it!) I'm sorry, the ribbon is hard to see..." It was hard to lie to her and I decided to be honest.
"YES!" She turned around to face me properly.
"eh?" I was dumbfounded on her unexpected reaction.
"I knew this ribbon will be invisible when I wear it!" She placed her hands on her hips, looking really confident. To follow her confident pose, she laughed as loud as she could be.
"Anyway, you need to hurry up and get dressed or you'll be late" Her high tension immediately fell down. Even though she was the one who look like the type who always sleep in, she always wake up at five thirty in the morning. On the other hand, I was the one who always oversleep. Without her, my attendance record would plummet down to the core of earth.

After I prepared to school and went out of my house, I saw Himari patiently waiting outside of my house under the cold. All she was wearing was a scarf and the winter uniform of our school. The way she protect herself from the cold always boggled my mind since my winter attire consisted of one navy blue duffle coat, a cardigan and the school winter uniform along with two scarves. When I ask her why she was wearing less instead of more, her answer was “My burning Soul heats me up!!!” so I long decided to not ask her about her winter attire.

“Prepare yourself, Akashina. Today is the day!” She placed both of her hand on my shoulders and stared at my eyes with her big brown eyes.
“Yeah, I will give it to him today” I replied to Himari. She responded with an extremely bright smile.
“Let’s go then” After she smiled at me, we started to walk to school.

Our morning went like usual. We talked while listening on the sound of snow crunching on our every step. When we reach school, I look down at the floor to avoid making eye contact with him while Himari quietly laugh at me blush while he look at me with a bewildered face.

However, when lunch started, I got off track from my normal day routine when he approached me and asked to eat lunch with me. It was something new to me so my initial reaction was run away as fast as I could. Because of my rash decision, I forgot to take my lunch with me and I was too embarrassed to go back to take it.

While I was waiting for lunch time to finish in the rooftop, Himari came to me carrying my lunch box.
“It took me a long time to find you but here is your food” Just like always, her smile was as bright as the sun that was impossible to see with the current season.
“Thank you...” I was so relieved to see her, I nearly cried.
“There is still half a day to go, don’t worry Akashina” She rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me. Surprisingly, it worked perfectly.

With Himari’s encouragement, I managed to survive through the two classes and enter the after school phase.
“Akashina, he’s already gone. Hurry, he just left” Himari poked me out of my daydreaming. With Himari’s signal, I ran out of the classroom, carrying my love letter.
“-kun!” I called out to him while I was running as fast as my legs could propel me. The moment he heard my voice, he slowly turned around while taking off his headphones. The moment his front was facing my direction. Since I was running without looking on what in front of me, instead of stopping and giving him the envelope filled with my feelings for him, I heabutt his stomach.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was him on all fours.
“Deadly Love Arrow, that’s new” Himari came in and gave me my school bag.
“I’M SORRRRRYYYYYY” Once again, my escape mode turned on and I ran so fast the hedgehog would be ashamed of himself.
““Wait!”” He and Himari tried to stop me. Himari was the only one who chased after me. I don’t blame him for not going after me since I tackled him harder than an american football player.

“Don’t worry, there’s still tomorrow” Himari gave me a meat bun that she bought from the convenience store.
“Here, I’ll give you this.” After I took the meat bun from her hand, I replaced it with my love letter.
“You know what, if you can’t give him this letter before we graduate next year, I’ll become your significant other” She gave me back my love letter back and sat beside me.
“Thank you...” I took a bite off the hot meat bun. Since it was snowing and cold, the temperature of the meat bun did not bother me.
“I’m not your best friend for nothing” Without me noticing, she already finished her meat bun and was staring at the one that was on my hand.
“I’ll give you half of mine” I tear the meat bun in half and gave it Himari.
“Oh, thanks!” She grabbed it without hesitation and ate it happily.

“I’ll give it to him” I murmured to myself.
“Yes, yes, you will. I will be there to help you always”
“If I fail tomorrow, I’ll try again the day after tomorrow…..I promise you, Himari….Someday, I will”

Me: Hey mom! Look! I made round characters!! I wasn't late on this for the first time!!
Mom: *Touches my forehead*
Me: I'm not sick! When I put work to something, it doesn't mean I'm sick!

Words: 1265

I would love it, love it if this is in topic. Because, honestly, sometimes I'm too stupid to realize such things.

This is early because I am about to graduate this week and I have all the time to ignore my schoolwork.
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The power of friendship!

The Legend of the Two Chairs
- 1500 words (exactly)

The Legend of the Two Chairs​

“Good morning, teacher.”

“Good morning, student. Today we will discuss the Legend of the Two Chairs. First, what do you already know about the Two Chairs?”

“Papa says they are the most valuable treasure of his kingdom. Thanks to them, ours is the most peaceful kingdom in the land. But I don‘t know why.”

“Then this is something you must know, as heir.

The legend begins with two trees that grew up side by side. One was a golden brown, the other a silvery grey. What made these trees unique was that they developed awareness, consciousness, and feelings.

It is very rare, student, that a tree develops sentience, While many people are sentient, it is a rare thing, indeed, in a tree. There might be one in an entire forest, but not in every forest. Two in a forest was unheard of.

Even rarer, the trees were friends… true friends. Two people living together might be friends, enemies, or indifferent. These two trees shared a bond of friendship that is seldom seen. They were truly happy together. For three hundred years they grew side by side, a bond stronger than steel linking their hearts.

Now in a person, awareness, consciousness, and feelings reside in the mind and heart. But a tree has no mind and heart. In a tree, sentience exists throughout the entire tree. Every branch, the trunk, the roots… the entire tree is aware, conscious, and has feelings.

So the two trees were not just friends, they were friends from their top branches, to their deepest roots.

Together, they were aware not just of themselves, but of the things in their environment, and could influence them.

They could show birds the best branches to nest in. They could convince bugs in trees to be moderate in their feeding, not destructive.

They could even gently nudge wood cutters to bypass them.

Yes, they were aware of people, and could influence their actions.

The two trees led a long and harmonious life, together.

Then one day, a wood cutter entered the forest. There was something different about him, that surprised the trees. Most wood cutters just wanted the money their wood would bring them, money for drink, gambling, and women.

But this wood cutter was very poor. His wife was very sick, and needed medicine he could not afford. His children were starving, for they had no food. The wood cutter was desperate to save his family.

The two trees were deeply moved. Something beyond the forest that truly needed them! They had to help. They knew their fine wood could save others. They searched further, and saw more people with great need of them.

Each tree offered to give the gift of it’s wood, to save it‘s friend. But neither tree could bear a lonely life. They agreed to do this together. They kindly called the wood cutter.

It took several days for the wood cutter to take all the wood of the two trees. Along the way, he accidentally spread clippings through the forest… clippings that would, in time, grow into trees.

And the wood cutter got an outstanding price for his wood, for the trees were of the highest quality. His wife got the medicine she needed, and his children never went hungry again. The wood cutter was eternally grateful for the trees that saved his family.”

The wood of the two trees was spread throughout the land.

A boy and his young sister gathered up wood shavings from the trees. Their mother had died recently. Their father had left years before, to roam the land. The children had no family to care for them.

The shavings made excellent matches. The little girl would walk the streets, selling the matches her brother made. People would tip her extra, because the matches would light on the first strike, burn longer, and not go out in the wind and rain. The children made enough to survive.

And then, a miracle! In his wanderings, their father was given one of their matches to light his pipe. As he puffed his tobacco, he had visions of the children he left behind. Filled with remorse, he returned to them. He changed his ways, got an honest job, and cared for them as a father should. A family reunited!

Some of the wood was purchased by a violin maker. He was not a great craftsman, his violins mostly suited to students and tavern musicians.

The wood intrigued him. Some was golden brown, some silvery grey. Taking more care than he ever had, he crafted the two woods into a violin. He could feel emotion in the wood as he put it together. Everything felt right about the brown and grey violin. When he played it for the first time, it was as if the instrument was laughing and crying at the same time. Every note was pure and loving. He knew this was the finest instrument he had ever made!

The maker took it to a concert violinist traveling through town. Dubiously, the violinist took it and played a note. It was so pure, clear, and full, he was amazed. He spent the rest of the day playing music that enraptured anyone who heard it, filling them with peace and harmony. Even birds stopped singing, just to listen.

He gave the maker gold coins for the instrument. The maker used the money to buy more of the fine wood, to make more violins.

From then on, the violin maker created instruments that, to this day, are considered the finest violins ever created. Each is a treasure to musicians everywhere.”

“Doesn’t my violin tutor have one of those?”

“Yes, he is musician for the court, and plays only the best.”

“Anyway, the Two Chairs, teacher?”

“In fact, that is next. But you needed some background to understand.

A furniture maker bought some of the wood. He was a competent journeyman, with several well to do clients. He decided to make two complimenting chairs, one golden brown, the other silvery grey.

Beginning the chairs, he started getting design ideas that had little to do with his original plans. The chairs slowly became more elaborate, with unique designs that made them somewhat resemble trees. Carvings and scrolling on each chair that did not truly match each other, and yet were perfectly complementary.

The craftsman lost all track of time, as refinements and embellishments flowed from what seemed an unknown source. It was as if the furniture maker were possessed. An afternoon’s project went to days, to weeks. It wasn’t until the varnish was dry, that he came back to himself.

The journeyman was stunned by what he saw! The two chairs were absolutely beautiful! They looked like two trees you could sit in, one golden brown, one silvery grey. The carvings and scrolling looked like branches, leaves, birds in nests, and details that puzzled even him. Each different, the two chairs absolutely belonged together. He sat in one. A feeling of ease and contentment gently covered him.

Suddenly, his sister and her husband burst into the workshop! The maker jumped up as the noisy pair continued an argument they had had for days. As usual, they tried to drag him into the fray.

For some reason, he told them to sit down. For some reason, they did, one in each chair.

They both relaxed, and smiled at each other. They apologized. The pair stood up and kissed. And from that day forward, the two became a loving couple, and good friends.

The journeyman knew something special had happened. As an experiment, he gathered two businessmen he knew, rivals who really detested each other. He brought them to the chairs, and asked them to sit. They sat.

They both relaxed, and smiled at each other. As they stood, they shook hands. They soon became business partners, and grew quite wealthy working together.

The furniture maker had an inspiration. The king was in heated negotiations with the ruler of a nearby kingdom. The craftsman took the chairs to the palace and showed them to the two kings. The kings agreed they were lovely, and each sat in one.

They both relaxed and smiled at each other. As they stood, they shook hands. By the end of the day, they had signed a peace treaty. To this day, the two kingdoms are at peace, fair trade and travel between them.

Those two legendary chairs, student, have been passed from king to king to king, and will someday pass to you.

Whenever there is a need for friendly, peaceful dealings, the two legendary chairs will be there. Take good care of them.”

“That is amazing, teacher! I never knew! And I will take care of them. But teacher… I was wondering…”

“Yes, student?”

“Matches, violins, chairs… there must be a lot of wood from the two trees still out there. What ever happened to it?”

“That, young sir, is a lesson for another day.”
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Starting over...but alas, some wounds never heal, especially one inflicted by false 'friends' in an early age...

She, the de facto headmistress of my school, summoned me to the park today morning…

…no, that was just me overreacting. She just called me out, not gave me a formal, written summon. The said park is a local park not too far from my home, in walking distance.

But I sprinted…somehow I don’t feel like keeping her waiting today…that, or I cannot wait. The sun was not even up...

As I sprinted into the park, it was unusually quiet. All the life I could see was the flora that is around the park; there was no fauna at all.

I walked further into the park, and I finally saw her, a small girl wearing a black suit with matching long pants and a trench coat of top of all those clothes, sitting on a bench under a big tree. She was there, “smoking” her pen. The tropic heat does not seem to faze her at all.

Enough of that…she was expecting me, so I walked to the bench and sat down next to her.

“We didn’t even greet each other” She began, in a plain, calm tone. “Not even a glance”.

I couldn’t say anything in reply. Even after all these years, I still find greeting awkward.

“Never mind about that, that’s perfectly understandable coming from you. So let’s get straight to the point…what are ‘friends’ to you”?

“Backstabbers” I replied, bluntly. Getting befriended only to have them backstab you, you tend to remember it for quite some time…teenage…teenagers…

“Don’t have many good memories with friendship I see…I wonder just how much of my pa’s former life you must relive…”

Her pa…is my mentor, and the one who saved me from my death by desperation. I’ve read his history, and turned out he had bad experiences with friendships in his teens too…with one major difference:
He had some really good friends before he ran into those bad experiences. I didn’t.

“I’ll take it as it comes, whatever it may be” I answered. “I’m sure you didn’t call me just to ask me about my twisted concept of friendship…”

“Tell me one thing: Do you consider the men and women who fought alongside you in those times you were with us friends?”

She was referring to the time when I got spirited away to that military academy, where people drown In sorrow and suffering from other forms of desperations were summoned, we trained, we battled, not all of us made it back with the trainings and knowledge gained intact, but I was one of those that succeeded, becoming this new me, starting over with life.

“That…was different. By the end of my time there, they weren’t just comrade-in-arms to me, I would proudly consider them my friends, ones that I can trust my six to” …just how conflicted can I be?

“See? Now that’s one good experience with friendship. Surely you can start over this time”.

“I thought of seeking revenge at first…after all these years, now I’ve almost completely forgotten about it. Surely I can start over here at your place…”

“That should be one of your purpose…but your main purpose here is something else, am I right?”

“It is true…but getting re-acquainted with friendship might as well be a first step towards that main purpose…”

“Go for it then. There is no hurry with my favor, so take your time”.

Her favor…write a record of my time at that military academy…I will be writing it solely from my memory as she wanted a firsthand account, and in exchange she gave me a place in her school.
She reached out to me when she found me wandering…we may had only met recently, yet I feel like we had been together for years. When she told me “He [her pa] is me, and I am him”, she wasn’t lying.

Me, a thirty-something old coot in a high school! I haven't aged since my early 20s, though, so I think I can pass as folks their age.


It came from below, and I looked down, to see a big, short-legged dog with long ears and a coat like that of a cow. He’s her dog…my mentor’s canine companion who stood loyally by him, all those time…now he is…lazily…watching over his master’s descendant...

A man’s best friend…a human’s best friend…a people’s best friend…a troop’s best friend…a best friend of one particular mass…The best friend of her subordinates also, to put it simply.

I was quite close to him back then…he kept asking (and sometimes outright stole) my food…the good ‘ol days…

But dogs are not like humans...

But then again, I’m a human no more, nor is her. That makes three of us.

So I think I can finally start over…

…in a better environment…I’m certain it will be.
I submit to you 500 words of goodness about friendship

Droplets of rain, they trickle downward my windowsill. Washing away the dusk and inviting anew peculiarity so ever full of mysteries and curiosities. This unparalleled world continues its slow waltz as the moon gravitates slowly beyond the horizon, and the morning sun breaks through the foggy mist to wake me from my slumber. Somber in my sleep, the early morning so eerie with silence. The only resonating sound one hears, is the melody of a lone heart-beating in tune to the desk clock’s tinkering that sits idly atop my bedroom drawer.

The cool gentle breeze that flows through my bedroom window makes the curtains sway, their movements reminisce of golden silk that dances with the wind. The warmth of the earnest morning sunlight as it breaks past the vanguard of curtains, makes the joy within the heart linger so suddenly with that momentary smile that often hides my misery.

The turquoise blue skies, so wondrous they cloud my mind with obscured memories of the past. Although these memories they no longer remember the portrait of this faceless person, my feelings they’ll always be evergreen. Timeless and enraptured by the older years of adventures with a dearest someone.

The euphoria from past times of clowning around, chasing dragonflies and running in amongst the butterflies through a never ending meadow of green grass will always be my everlasting springtime that is held dearest to me.

The lullaby of that voice that once called out my name, seems to fade with the leaves of autumn fall. No amount of messages that I placed in bottles that still drift across the infinite ocean, can describe how much that was cherished during our times together.

The festivals that come with every season they’re empty with just me. That unique flavour of that salt taste ice-cream discovered during one of our childish escapades no longer has that same sweet palate. This cold winter’s journey, so bitter and so lonely. White forests of snow once again conceals the riddles of this town, writing a new chapter like blank pages in the snow.

For my dearest that graces the springtime like the countless colours within the rainbow,
For my dearest that burns with a fiery passion like the brilliance of the summer sun,
For my dearest that faded away like the fall of the autumn leaves,
For my dearest that was once forgotten, left behind under the unfathomed century mask of snowfall.

How longer are the days of life that surrounds us as the candles of our lives burn out? How many more days before we’re old and senile until the day the two of us can be in the same familiar place and in the same similar season.

My outstretched hands will wait for a lifetime as these snowflakes they fall, melting away from the slight touch of warm skin. The nostalgia fleeting away so suddenly like that heaviness growing within my chest and that same odd smile that changes my sadness into new experiences of happiness.

Just edit one last time :goodtea:
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Could probably use more work @_@ But well... since imouto wanted a poem..~

Twins rest under an ancient tree
Sheltered by gnarled branches above
They watch the changing shades of day
Within the surrounding fields of blue

One motionless upon tangled roots
The other upon a creaking swing
Both in silent companionship
From their lips pass not a sound

They watch the flowers dance
A mesmerizing sea of luminescence
Petals swirling into the sky
Joining leaves scattered in the wind

Memories flow through their mind
Thoughts of their first meeting
Moments of happiness and the opposing kind
The musing of times all fleeting

Shadows darken under the moon's light
Shades of love, of hope, of despair
When their journey had no end in sight
Wandering without a care

Through trial and error they continue on
Trying to find the path fit for them
Failing to realizing their future was gone
Having disappeared in the mayhem

A pair of ephemeral shadows
Waiting for the day they continue their quest
They watch as flowers wither and bloom
Upon the tree where they eternally rest


I won't be doing the current judging system for a short time so there won't be any commentary(at least for a while), we will just announce the winner. The task of sorting the entries in order of preference proved to be anything but trivial. All six entries had their own style and approach, each differing from the others, necessitating a careful read to grasp all the nuances. Tastes will always differ and a consensus in what constitutes 'good' writing may only be as widely accepted as the influence of the group of people agreeing on said consensus. Accordingly, mine isn't an assessment devoid of sways and biases. Still, a winner must be chosen; a list of preferred entries I shall write. Even though I'm going to try to put it simple and short.



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okinawa wrote on Esan's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

okinawa wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

MRJK wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, would you mind if I will ask you to upload this? ( seem like a different version)
Wakabayashi wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, in this post part 2 and 4 in mexashare are down. Could you please reupload ?? Thanks!
