Xtreme Fortune! [LPW #146]

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/me drops by....look around.See Jez...look at her....for some time.then again....smiles.and leaves ninja style.
Together, theyll stomp through the city in an unstable gdr that should probably not have been built :alice_love:

H-h-how do you even know of such things..... :lapi_depressed:

But all those mistakes would probably look cute~ :rr_gotcha:

Mission success :nekopara_laugh:

gdr :miku_wut:

I heard them from people? And perhaps stories :alice_confused:

awww that is so sweet of samy :bigeyes: /me hugs :nekopara_hug:

But still...boku no pico is a nightmare :shinonome_tmi:

Chibi shin /me pokes :lapi_happy:

Sometimes I do that too xD Just to see the other cg's lol, I usually play with good endings first then bad ones, sometimes it gets tiring to be honest :wasclose:

Toma is really obsessive isn't he?:fullblush: I adore his yandere side though xD What otome are you playing at the moment imouto?:3

And thanks sweetie, I'll do my best <3 :nekopara_hug:

hahaha but nee-chan I stop playing after getting the good endings, the bad endings will hurt my kokoro :deadsad:

Toma is a really nice guy, perfect to be a bf but I hope he won't lock me in a cage :runhappy:
Playing Beyond the future - fix the time arrows and honeybee's 放課後 colorful*step ~うんどうぶ! :fulfilled:
Ignored as usual.
That statement was nonsense though...
/me glomps Shin
Treats for Jezzy-chan!
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gdr :miku_wut:

I heard them from people? And perhaps stories :alice_confused:

awww that is so sweet of samy :bigeyes: /me hugs :nekopara_hug:

But still...boku no pico is a nightmare :shinonome_tmi:

Frank's useless giant death robots :akazukin_idk:

Why would you know people who know this stuff :alice_...:

It is charming to have flaws :alice_blink: /me hugs :rr_hug:

Only heard stories of it but it sounds like it is :lapi_depressed:
Hi folks! :megane_coffee:

Tiring night at Magic last night. Every single round went to the time limit. Four round draft took over 4 hours.

Fair results, finished 3rd of 12.

My only match loss came when my opponent surprised me with a card I didn't know was in his deck. He won the tourney. Oh well, those are the breaks.
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