Sora's Expression turns-me on! ~I want juice right now~. just can't get enough of her!

But somehow, the lines in the final preview got me curious, can't wait for the next episode.

P.S. guess this is the first time in my life that i want to have all the Blu-rays.
Nice lake.....

You can just buy the last volume of blu ray just for Sora's arc.
I kind of did't like this anime, comparing to VN (though I have to wait for full Engpatch, or if that don't happen then more 5-6 years until I can read Jap myself >.>)
I only watched the first 2 episode, the art made me disappointed :56c0fba3:
but after what you guys said, maybe I should just go for Sora's Arc(not 'buy' the Blu-ray though, I don't have money:56c0fba3:)
You can just watch Ep 1,7,10,11,12 for Sora's arc.
Kozue flees in a panic, while Nao apologies and leaves. Meanwhile Haruka is shocked, but Sora kisses him too make it all better. She doesn't bother to get dressed or cover herself up, but then again she'll be nude for quite a bit of the episode.
Later Haruka talks it out with the two girls separately: Kozue won't tell anyone and never speak with him again. During the monologue with Nao present we get a deeper cast into Haruka and his relationship with his sister and why he'd go out with Nao in the first place. It looks like she walks away crestfallen, but she also might have forgiven him - at the very least she understood his feelings. Then again she is a rapist, so that may be why being cheated on his not too hard on her.
Haruka goes into a moping mood again and Sora tries to cheer him up like always - with sex and a reaffirmation that it is okay. This time he gets a bit rough prior to the act. Sora tell him it is okay. He starts crying. He wants to stop because their siblings. Sora doesn't accept that. They argue. They fight. He slaps her and she leaves.
At dinner Haruka reveals that he's been contacted by his uncle: Their aunt and aforementioned uncle want to take the siblings in, but only one per household. So Haruka runs the idea to separate by Sora, who is not exactly thrilled.
He continues moping until the next evening. Upon awakening he finds Sora gone and checks her room, which is completely trashed (RIP bunny). She ran away, since he's so bothered by their relationship. He and Nao start searching for her. Nao reveals that Sora saw her raping him and that she is serious about their relationship. This seemingly gives Haruka new motivation and he remembers about the lake behind the shrine. There he finds her, but she continues to run away. He gives chase until Sora comes into the deep end and starts frantically splashing around. Here he catches up with her and tries to hold her, but the way she struggles leads to them both going under and drowning.
Haruka wakes up on the nearby stairs with Sora crying over him. It is unclear whether she or Akira got him out of the lake. Either way they make up and move overseas to be together. The last part is revealed in the dialogue their friends are having later. All in all Kozue is hit the hardest and suffers from her broken heart while Nao takes it pretty easy.
The last scene mirrors the beginning in the train with them acting just a bit different.

In the omake Motoka cosplays as all the other characters, but Haru confirms he likes her best and they get married.

Haha, no sex for the imoucons. :P
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A satisfying end to the series.

This series has always been awash in contradictions, and the finale was consistent with that, right up the end. This last episode did a fine job of helping us feel the pain the twins were feeling. For Sora, it's simple - she's been living in a sheltered fantasy world for her entire adolescence, with Haru as the only focus. She can't understand why things aren't as obvious to Haru as they are to her. For him, things couldn't be less simple. He's both rational and a functioning member of society - things Sora is not. Haru is both intellectually and emotionally horrified by what he's doing with his sister. Yet he's also a sexually charged teenager, and is truly in love with his sister. As Nao says, you can't choose who you fall in love with.

Throughout the final drama, it's Nao who shines. It always seemed very possible that she - despite having the most legitimate grievance - would be the most understanding. She loves Haru, but she also loves both siblings as true and dear friends. She understands loneliness and being scorned better than anyone in the group, and she feels the pain Haru is suffering. She wants them (especially him) to be happy. Though she didn't "win" in the romantic sense, Nao transcended the limitations of her hard life and was truly noble in the end.

As for the end, it's an ending where you can basically believe whatever you choose to believe is the truth. The symbolism of what happened is more important than the cold hard facts. I think the director was trolling the audience a bit - intentionally dropping conflicting hints in an effort to leave things up to interpretation. Perhaps more importantly, in both ends Haruka and Sora are together - whether in death ("In solitude where we are least alone") or abroad somewhere, building a new life. It was a very effective final episode, either way - suspenseful, painful, challenging and thought-provoking.

I would credit this series as doing a better and more interesting take on the omnibus format than Amagami SS. While in that show it was largely a gimmick, here it served the larger story, helping to reveal facets of Haruka and Sora's character, each preliminary arc a different window into who they were. The Nao arc, especially, flowed seamlessly into the Sora arc - there may not share an exact continuity but the emotional tenor of the two is in perfect concert.

After watching the series and playing the VN.. some speculations for the bad and good ending.. (some might contradict some points)

Some below are gathered from other users, so I don't take credits for everything.

Reasons why they lived:
According to VN, Sora saved Haru.. they went to Europe for vacation, sent a text to Kazura.
According to VN, Sora can swim.
Akira noticed someone was outside her house.. and when she was shown in the anime, it was the same scene as Akira's arc, and this day she just performed the ritual dance.
The bunny might be very popular and can be bought elsewhere.
According to Omake ED, Nao might have found them and saved them, and she does seem like one who would leave them alone after making sure they are fine.
According to the anime OP, Sora and Haru were in water (where they were drowning) but a sudden light from above brought them upwards, this might be of the goddess (Sayuri Hime) of the lake which saved them.
Since they planned on leaving, they wouldn't bother fixing up the broken rooms, making the bed and such.
Kazura was the only person with a cell phone, besides the twins and her dad, that's why she got the text. Nao only talks through local phone.
I personally believe that this anime is made for a happy ending, just my thought though. We just might be over thinking too much.

Reasons why they died:
When Sora and Haru were running into the lake, Sora clearly showed signs of drowning before Haru got to her, and Haru definitely thought maybe it was a good idea for them to die together.
In the VN, Haru and Sora had the same idea when they were drowning (to die together)
In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. Death is their only solitude, if they want to be together forever with an incest relationship. To a place where nobody else can get between them, to somewhere they can be least alone.
Nobody would be able to find Sora and Haru if they drowned into the lake, there was no way for anyone to tell someone drowned in the lake by looking from outside the lake.
The dead trees below the lake resembles death.
After the drowning scene, when Haru wakes up, he saw the Milky Way, it represents road to heaven in some myth.
The broken doll is the biggest evidence they died, since the doll in the train scene is completely perfect, and that the doll is Sora's mom memento, it would lose its meaning if they just get a new one.
All the characters looked somewhat unhappy after the incident, as if they knew about something Prez didn't know about.. especially Akira, if the characters goes the way they did in the other arcs, she is most likely the one who created the mail, to prevent others from being unhappy. (She would be like in her own Arc, trying to prevent others from being unhappy and being all lonely herself.. etc)
Also, since Prez is the one who led to all this.. and despite her personality, others might keep this truth from Prez to prevent her from doing anything reckless..
The train scene is a metaphor of road to heaven.. there was nobody on the train (and again there was nobody on the train when they came), no person announcing stations, and Sora was wearing a white ribbon which she never had before.. Also the scene outside changed from dark to bright all of a sudden, as if Earth reached heaven.
Remember Haru received a text from Sora? and Haru had the phone with him when he was looking for Sora, which means they both ran into the lake with their phones, thus they cannot send text to Kazura unless they buy another one, but the village is not a modern city and doesn't have cell phones, I doubt they had time to buy a new one before reaching their destination..
The text Kazura received had no date on it.
In the Anime, Haru clearly stated they had no money left.. how would they be able to travel? And Sora clearly will not accept that they get separated.
Sora never answered when Haru asked if they are alive.

I can confidently say Yosuga no Sora is one of the better adaption for eroge games that stick with the source material faithfully after seeing almost all eroge adaptions even if it felt a bit rush but that is time limitations problem. I gotta praise the music and placement of it in the series setting up the atmosphere perfectly. The omnibus format with branching routes at a certain point (like a VN) also work wonders. With this , i am hoping to see better eroge with deeper and better characters and stories get adapted with 2 cour. I am surely looking forward to Oretachi no Tsubasa wa Nai and Stein;Gates as those two has better stories than Yosuga no Sora.

P.S Longest post I ever written.
I don't think they died - the points raised for that arguments are mostly nonsense as well - for example the phone part - I would imagine that an airport does have disposable ones in store. ;) There's just too many parts not fitting in an end where they died, while an end where they lived makes a lot more sense. The statement about the money is him quoting his uncle by the way - we do not know how much they actually have left (since they sold a flat beforehand they should still have more than enough).
Anyway, the title would also fit a survival end - "In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone" can be taken in more way than one:
They are separated from their friends (solitude) and living with an acquaintance of their parents they barely know (alone). They also seem to live in a country where the taboo on incest is lower - or where nobody knows they are siblings.
I do think the good ending suits more as the bad ending points contradict more. Forget to mention that in the game itself they survive but how they didn't drown is also a mystery. Sora can swim but to save Haru with that clothes is lol. I guess this is one error in the writing. I guess just leave it as the lake saves them.
I understood it as Akira saving them, since it was explicitly shown that she noticed someone running around outside her room. Then again, speculations are speculations. ;)
Volume 1: Kazuha
22 December 2010
Contains Episode 1,2,3,4 (with Episode 2 listed as offering both "Kazuha BGM version" and the "On-Air version")
Also includes OST "Arrange" CD and 20-page booklet, and various non-credit segments on the disc.

Volume 2: Akira
26 January 2011
Contains Episode 1,2,5,6 (with Episode 2 having a "Akira BGM version" as well as the on-Air)
Also includes Soine ("Sleeping Together") CD for Kazuha and Akira, a box for the Kazuha & Akira Blu-Rays, and two booklets (both the 20-page booklet, and a separate 36-page booklet)

Volume 3: Nao
23 February 2011
Contains Episode 1 + 3 other episodes (presumed to be 7, 8, and 9)
Also includes OST "New" CD and 20-page booklet

Volume 4: Sora
LE: 23 March 2011/RE: 6 April 2011
Contains Episode 1 + 4 other episodes (presumed to be 7, 10, 11, and 12)
Also includes Soine CD for Nao & Sora, a box for the Nao and Sora Blu-Rays, another box for the whole series (I assume this is for the CDs?), plus a 20-page booklet
Limited Edition includes a Sora Plushie.
Full BD series is out get it NOW! 1080p vr. or 720p vr.

I downloaded the BD version of Sora Arc at Kira-Fansubs, and yeah I have never been much of a fan of too much high quality video. I usually DL XVID video formats or 720p at most, my aim was just to watch a reasonable quality of anime without the need to waste precious bandwidth. but this time after seeing SORA ARC BD VERSION OUT. I couldn't stop myself, mixed emotions and excitement in just re-seeing this perfect anime.

It was midnight about more then 0:00 I let my NETmagic work against the dreadful FS (FileServe) link from giving me VERY SLOW and i really mean SLOW DOWNLOADS. I had doubts if i can finish a 400+MB File, so before i got the peak of my internet speed I first downloaded the SORA ARC BONUS CD. I was wondering what this is, i thought it was the same as the visual novel bonus CD wherein Kasugano Sora sang Futari which was also sung by Rita.

It was my first DL, so i waited for more than 30 mins with 40kb/s max speed of DL. and believe me the average speed ranges from 20-30 only with a ofcouse a dead speed of 5kb/s. well it was just a mere 30+MB size so it didn't matter much if it did get DC'd during the DL. after finished DL, then extract the RAR file, i saw two tracks in FLAC format, it didn't have any scans or anything just plain 2 FLAC files. "SO what the hell let just play this thing"

When i opened it i heard nothing, "What a rip-off it's nothing" I scanned through out the FLAC, then randomly selecting a time line, I herd a MOAN. "OMG WTF!!!" It's damn a BIG bonus CD for pervy otaku's like me!

passed 1:00 i played track 2 the WHOLE NIGHT, (PLACE A WORD HERE WHAT WOULD YOU DO WHEN YOU HEAR "IKU" + MOANS OR EVEN JUST THE SLEEPING VOICE WAS ENOUGH) was all the thing i could possibly do, well not all the time XD, while trying to take the SORA MENU and BGM. I changed the DNS several times to get passed the FS limit, i tried MU link but it was definitely worthless, DL speed was increasing my eyes are pure blank looking at my laptop waiting to finish one DL. then i thought about doing some photoshop of Sora SS i get from the previous ATX version. (which now i just placed it at my avatar). another DL, then finished it. then BGM and MENU was done.

Now that I've refreshed my sight from the ATX version now I skipped through the 1st and 2nd episode, and went directly to the 4th episode (since this is where all the fun begins). speed couldn't get better it reached a max of 80kb/s and an average of 40-60kb/s. enough for an 1 hour DL. so every after 30 mins of watching I RE-WATCHED it 1 more time. I even had the time to disble the subtitles and see if i can still understand, thankfully almost 70% is understood.

one episode after the other, watch and re-watch was all the things i did the whole night. i even forgot to sleep being excited and untolerated waste of a single byte just to have my precious SORA BD VERSION. it did not fail me, in my heart it shouted like "IT MOVES IT MOVES!" SHE'S PERFECT!

Morning came and like a total of 12 episodes i watch the whole night, i made a lot of photoshopped SS of Sora, a lot came from the creditless ED version. someone from my place saw me SLEEPING AT MY LAPTOP WITH A OPENED IMAGE OF SORA, Luckily it was not the "X" of it. if it were i wouldn't be opening AS for a while :3.

about 12 times of watching episodes 3-5, about 1.4GB Downloaded. several re-watch of the ED Full ver. and a whole bunch of GIF's i made. it was definitely worth my LIFE for it! and even right now I am still REALLY HAPPY!

PS: I am suffering from slow net connections right now :( I don't know why.
^epic YnS fan. look at the post length. too much
After GIF's I'd definitely learn how to create interactive Flash Animation. as of now just plain frame by frame animation and simple action script but not until I get my hands on real time study books :).
are the BDs anything like H-ovas? lol, your description sounded like it did.
Obsession fits it. :P
YnS is as close to an hentai without actually being one. By the way, the uncensored the BD - more to see and apparently the audio track now includes moaning. :P
i see... (thinks of the $$ paid out...)
Enjoy wet dream tonight to the ones who watched the blu ray.
didnt download (or should i say cant, might as well download vn..)
someone should post the extended scenes online~ XP

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