You Might Be An Otaku If...

And I do cosplay...a lot more than I should admit ;)

^^^ Pics or it never happened :P j/k

You might be an otaku if you feel you can cosplay (insert anime character here) better than the professionals :P
You might be an otaku if you camp overnight in front of game store, waiting for the latest release of erogame, dress up as the main character for the game - eventhou you're a guy and the character is loli lil' girl!!
wow. umm, that is deep lol! love it tho <3

You might be a Otaku if you just thought "But Loli's Rock!" cause. they do an we all know it :) there is a little loli in everyone!
@GMKosMos I don't care for lolis but I won't not watch a show because of it :)

You might be an otaku if you're super popular with the girls and you make your pervert best friend jealous all the time because of it.
WHAT?! Become an otaku make you super popular with the girls?!!
I must've something wrong then, coz I'm still not popular.

You might be an otaku if you make your girl/boy friend cosplay so that you can be with your favourite anime character.
hehe stares at Janet.....she does that for me BUT ANYWAYS!

You might be an Otaku if, you know more about your PC, or Anime, than you do your job. lol

You might be an otaku if... you're thinking about buying original Japanese High School Briefcase Bookbag! ;)
You might be an Otaku if for Christmas you purchased a High School Uniform from Japan, on eBay for your girl to wear for you for fun time....wahaha she hit me again!
WHAT?! Become an otaku make you super popular with the girls?!!
I must've something wrong then, coz I'm still not popular.

You must not be otaku enough :P

You might be an otaku if you have a MAL, A-P, and Anidb account.
WHAT?! Become an otaku make you super popular with the girls?!!
I must've something wrong then, coz I'm still not popular.
You must not be otaku enough :P

You might be an otaku if you have a MAL, A-P, and Anidb account.
Looks like the otaku in me not strong enough.

You might be an otaku if you organize a demonstration in front of Harmony Gold asking them to let Macross to be allowed to enter US.
*Harmony Gold produced Robotech by merging 3 animes - Macross, Southern Cross and Mospeada. Then they claim right for selling things related to those animes in the US under Robotech name. Many US Macross fans angry with that action.
You might be an otaku if your monthly bill for hair spray and hair gel exceeds your monthly income.

(Crap I need more hairspray to perfect my Goku hairstyle XD )
You might be an otaku if you set your VCR to auto record your fav anime show, coz you were watching your other fav anime on the other channel/station coz their aired at the same time.
Ok, I now about MAL & Anidb, but what is A-P?

You might be an otaku if... your calendar contains air dates of your fav shows.

A-P = Anime-Planet

You might be an otaku if you rely on your (cute) neighbor to come wake you up in the morning.
Thanks for explanation =)

You might be an otaku if... you started referring to your dog as "inu".
You might be an otaku if you call your little sister imouto-chan out of the blue. :3
You might be a lucky otaku if your lil' sister called you Onii-sama/Onee-sama.
You might be an otaku if your walking down the street minding your own business and suddenly a girl runs into you, after a few Gomenasai's she becomes your girlfriend :D
You might be an Otaku if your parents call the WHOLE Family when they hear you had sex for the 1st time......real story in there...
WHAT!!!! Seriously, that totally sucks!

You might be an Otaku if that pisses you off more than bums you out!

*EDIT* Forgot to mention, NOW watch they will do that to freakin MetroCON that I go to every year here in Florida! That will completely tick me off.
Yeah it's sad but true :( all those glorious photos of pantsu will be nevermore forevermore (It's Ishihara Shintaro's fault :@ )

You might be an otaku if you spend more money on (not so natural like blue, green, pink etc.) hair dye than some young emo/goth punk :P
haha good one!

You might be an Otaku, if you sit at your bedroom window upstairs and talk to the girl/guy next door every night before bed.
You might be an *extreme* otaku if you put a bounty on Ishihara's head.

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