Your country pluses and minuses

I think this is what annoys me the most about our country (though I don't live in Indonesia)
It's just disgusting the way the big people exploit the small people with corruption. If Mr. Tomo would see this he would be incredibly dissapointed.. Same deal with thieves, etc. All people care about nowadays in Indonesia is money, money money...

Also, the tension between religion and ethnic background is also so damn horrible - I'm normally not so content when people call Indonesia a "Muslim country". Though it's true - I think we should strive on becoming a country that depends on diversity (whether Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, etc.) - which we should be! The old Javanese saying, which became Indonesia's image: "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", Through Diversity, Unite!. is completely BS now... Very sad.. I don't even care if the saying was made to express the tolerance between Buddhists and Hindus, it's the 21st century, the saying should express all of us.

Another ridiculous thing is the amount of smokers. I don't mind smokers, but really - if 8 year olds can get their hands on ciggies that cost like 10 cents each, it's ridiculous. I'm not saying it's all their fault but also the ones of Western tobacco companies that move to developing countries to make money there - catering to young people who are more likely to buy their products by literally advertising them every 5 meters; last time I went to Jakarta I was pretty shocked..

Other than that, Indonesia is amazing in terms of how ridiculously cheap everything is, how ridiculously amazing the country sides are..

Hmm, you're quite observant especially on smokes issue and I couldn't agree more about that. :(
It's a shame indeed even our society don't really care about children who smokes in our country; but even some group will care, those youngster just give fuck-off attitude towards those concern folks.
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Lets see The country that I live in right now, seriously there is always more Cons then Pros


Somuch parties


Bad people they think only of sex.
Bad education.
People get drunk even when riding cars stupid people :@ when my uncle was taking me to my house on the way there was a car infront of us ,a couple of moments the cat started to go right and left yes the driver was drunk till he crashed into some poles that made him crash into us luckily I got some minor injuries,my uncle didn't got injured,my uncle's friend got serious injuries on the head and the stupid drunk driver tried to lie to the police I stayed in the police station from 9 pm till 4 am.
When there is an accident people don't try to help they just help observe,fucking people A friend of mine was riding a Xyz motorcycle he was in the parkinglot of a supermarket by mistake he crashed into someone's car my friend's motorcycle has fallen the petrol of the motorcycle was all on my friend the engine exploded on my friend he was on fire the driver of the car has lost conscious the people just observed my friend burning till the fire truck came my friend got first~degree burns sadly after a couple of days he died.
Hurricanes like to visit.
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Lets see The country that I live in right now, seriously there is always more Cons then Pros


Somuch parties


Bad people they think only of sex.
Bad education.
People get drunk even when riding cars stupid people :@ when my uncle was taking me to my house on the way there was a car infront of us ,a couple of moments the cat started to go right and left yes the driver was drunk till he crashed into some poles that made him crash into us luckily I got some minor injuries,my uncle didn't got injured,my uncle's friend got serious injuries on the head and the stupid drunk driver tried to lie to the police I stayed in the police station from 9 pm till 4 am.
When there is an accident people don't try to help they just help observe,fucking people A friend of mine was riding a Xyz motorcycle he was in the parkinglot of a supermarket by mistake he crashed into someone's car my friend's motorcycle has fallen the petrol of the motorcycle was all on my friend the engine exploded on my friend he was on fire the driver of the car has lost conscious the people just observed my friend burning till the fire truck came my friend got first~degree burns sadly after a couple I'd days he died.
Hurricanes like to visit.
Sorry about your friend, mate. Things like this happened anywhere.
+ internet (not too great but ok)
+ economy
+ havent got stupid EU data retention yet
+ no highway speed limit

- the average politician here:
- YouTube only accessible via proxy (thank you GEMA...)
- East/West gap
- birth rate
- government likes to throw our money at other countries
- stupid copyright law
95% of my country's population
Yes, it's one big problem

Pluses is nature and size
And i hate town where i living

So guess what is the country where i living :ninja:

I cannot really think of anything. Does not mean I hate the country.

-Politics govern everything.

-Economy is gone to shit.

- We like to stick are noses in almost everything.

- We seem to say we are accepting of differences, but that is not really the case.

- I live in the south. So racism and close mindedness can be found.

I cannot really think of anything. Does not mean I hate the country.

-Politics govern everything.

-Economy is gone to shit.

- We like to stick are noses in almost everything.

- We seem to say we are accepting of differences, but that is not really the case.

- I live in the south. So racism and close mindedness can be found.

so all those stereotypes are true?

i live in the southwest of america. economy does suck. we have friendly racism, meaning we may say some racist stuff, but it's treated like any other insult or if among friends, a good joke.
some pros of our country i guess would be our freedoms. i've met people from other countries, and they always mention how many more opportunities there are here than in other place


Well our politicians won't be able to censor internet around here. Being able to live a "slow" life.


Well everything else. Our economy crashed (we are alredy used to it, as it is like that for as long as I know myself and longer)
Corruption is everywhere. People don't have works, can barely pay to stay alive and such...

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