Your IRL pictures! Like your spamming\posting HQ's LAIR

Lol~ Marker and paint.

Bringing up childhood photos... nostalgia.

I just want to pat your head, Pachi.

Looks like a very precious photo for you~
That is just fine with me. Lol~

Piles of albums we could all share, but don't~
I mean, I do have photos to share, but I don't want anyone seeing myself as a child, lol.
My parents dressed me up like a girl D:

Though it's quite funny when I look back at it =]
Markers and paint... me thinks of those print outs on canvases that they sell calling paintings cuz some guy slapped a chunk of paint on it =.= except those were obviously fake...
'Tis my BFF c:
Quite an adorable lad. Your expression was a mix between a smile and someone who's about to get angry =]
*ehehe* Who knows if that was what you were thinking at the time =]
Something about heaven or paradise as far as I know, can't exactly pronounce it or else I'd just embarass myself hehe (o・´_`・o)
Haha don't be :3

Pretty cool though. What's the object that's painted? Can't really tell from the picture :o

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