You're all so amazing!

Lol for those who dont know where the onions are try Go Advanced --> More and something should pop up~
Well domo :blushhappy:
no one ever told me that i'm amazing before, they may said some similar word like: "Go and order something on AMAZON" but never said amazing :bigeyes:
Hmm i wonder why :goodtea:
Oh boo i didnt see when i got the 45k :dispirited: Well onwards to 50k then~
Ah really? o_O
so he get money from it? cool...
He really is amazing person D:
If only i got money from this xD If it was a dollar per post i would have tons to hide :ninja: cuz i never actually use any lol~
You're amazing for being able to keep your activity at 100%! :goodtea:
Yea lolz.... most people probably won't have any issues in live anymore if that was possible :goodtea:

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