Hello Dragon55. After downloading Injoku Shinryuu Club, my antivirus found a malware on Icsebody_exe. Is it false positive? Thank you very much for the download links.
Hmm... Well, to be honest, she is for me not familiar - but about this news/article did in Otakumo's blog read somewhat... Really, a terrible event, he should be in a deep hole thrown will...>_>
Hi there! I saw you are a fellow member of Idol Hell (sorry for stalking :( ) so i thought that i greet you and maybe talk to you from time to time if you don't mind. So with that being said I'm Gamerguy (Feel free to call me Gama-chan) And it's nice to meet you
Well On Sundays my brother tend to use the computer a lot more than on other days so i can't be here that much in 40 minutes he will come here to use it.