New profile posts

Hmm so more than dreams you have hopes? That's also very wonderful, I'm happy to hear that you still hope for things while trying to be realistic, which is very mature, like you!^^

I understand you, but I want to know more about you, what are your hopes? Whatever they're please hold onto them, if you believe it that's the most important thing, I admire you more now! Look you're very important to me and I treasure you from the deepest place in my heart, you're a strong person as I know you after all this time but still you're a human like everyone, so what I'm trying to say is, if something bad happens one day please stay strong and believe in yourself that it will pass. I want to be next to you and tell you all these while looking into your beautiful eyes but sadly I can't, so I'm trying to say all these at once while I find the free time.

Hm? What are you being passionate right now?^^

And thank you dear, you're a great person I can depend on~
Oh by dreaming I meant, something you want to achieve in life or something you wish ^^ It makes me curious to wonder if you have a passionate side for a thing you want, but I bet if you really want something you would become serious for it, you're usually chill and relaxing to be with but I wonder what makes you hyped and energetic. For me my dream is to become a better person, I have my flaws like everyone but I want to be a good person more than I am right now~ Kinda text got long gomen T-T
Aww that's very lovely dear and I think so too, also thank you for thinking like that, happy ~ <3

I wanted to ask you this but, do you have any dreams? I want to know more about you. :nekopara_hug:
What were you thinking about me?:fulfilled: Maybe we're meant to be~
I'm thinking of you~
Hello dear elos! How are you lately? ^^ I decided to buy a ps4 since you said there're more japanese games. Can you help find them? Or can you share some of your games, thanks <3
I take all the help I can have xDDD
Sem II? :-O you aren't in the summer holiday right now? :(

P.S. dreamy profile customization xDD :boys_peace:
Nah it'll be my first time. It is quite far from me, so it'll cost some money.

Not really learning much Japanese other than my self-study. I don't get opportunities to practice it all that often, considering it is the national language.
Oh my...:fullblush::blushhappy: This is so intense I feel my cheeks are turning into a tomato color, wish I was there next to you now~
Can you tell me and lighten me up~?:puniko_love:
And you're a smart man~ Starting to move ahead, like what~?:fullblush:
Hehe~ Only I know you the best so~ Only I can make you feel like that fufu~

*wraps my arms around you* Captured you <3 :megane_staaare:
Fufu~ I guess I can attack you now~
Oh no your nose is bleeding! I guess maybe asking a reward was too much~ But still give me one~ *gets more closer*
Mission make Shi's heart doki doki success~!

*clings and wants a reward*
I haven't played any of the Dark Souls, but I've heard they are good. Thinking of getting Bloodbourne though.

Yeah vacation was nice, but good to be home.
Sounds like you are having a good time. Have you been to Osaka yet, or will this be your first time?

Are you learning any Japanese?
I thought i should drop by and say a hello! But i won't be staying i got a job now and i will have even less free time now. So then we will keep in touch!
Hello, thanks for the friend request :)
Hope we can get along :D
I'm having a good time. I've only had sake twice, but it is okay. I wouldn't say it is great so far, but I could maybe see it growing on me if I had a few different kinds.

Going to Osaka on the weekend to meet up with some people. Going to be a pretty big trip. :)
Maybe I can forgive you if theres cake :rr_mmm:

When did we have spies? :puniko_shocked:
I dont think we would both fit if it was as small as that :nekopara_wut:

Did you see that sun thing that people say is outside? I heard it was bright :miku_tehee:

Was it Jeju black pig? :kurochan_kyaa: