I was gonna VM you that you too lol. Love the whole design, especially how the jeans fit around the butt. Love her shoes too. She has this alternate version too. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/review?scode=FIGURE-013937&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_maker_id%3D1607%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
I also really like this one. You Know I'm a sucker for extra props like that chair she has, the envelope with the papers inside and all that, and like her face too.
And yes, Alter has great quality. 2 of my favorite figures, Momohime, and Kongiku are Alter.
Are you gonna use that torrent for the Steam version instead? Since it's ripped from Steam you don't need Steam to play the game. Just plays like a regular VN. If not, the JAST version isn't too bad, and really hasn't been too much of a issue till Chapter 3, where I'm at now, but still, Steam version fixed all those errors supposedly.
I also really like this one. You Know I'm a sucker for extra props like that chair she has, the envelope with the papers inside and all that, and like her face too.
And yes, Alter has great quality. 2 of my favorite figures, Momohime, and Kongiku are Alter.
Are you gonna use that torrent for the Steam version instead? Since it's ripped from Steam you don't need Steam to play the game. Just plays like a regular VN. If not, the JAST version isn't too bad, and really hasn't been too much of a issue till Chapter 3, where I'm at now, but still, Steam version fixed all those errors supposedly.