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oh homework.. the sworn enemy of every student, good luck with it.
Oh wow you draw really good :D sadly i'm on the level of drawing that would kill anyone who see it.
more like drawing instead of making homework *cries*
Fine~ I'm making homework rn orz and being not-so-productive about it OTL I MISSED YOU TOOOOOO ; w ;
unfortunately didn't get time yesterday lol

my friend came over so we played smash.

most probably i will try it out today or tomorrow.
Are you tall as well? I'm about 5 feet 11 inches so about average I guess.

I've bought owner suits on accident too :( mainly because the cancel and confirm buttons are opposite from what I'm used to:( guess you better use the casino cheat to make up that money lol j/k

Lol. Only 6 points. Sounds terrible. Well you should be able to get that competing your first mission on your next vacation. Gonna play as Momiji?

I haven't gave Kasumi the tickets either yet :( I will eventually. Yep I've uncooked the sound figure, helps with the pics since the girls will look your way and smile.

Might play one more to give Momoji the new suits too. Can't wait to see what's next.

:EDIT: I know I've told you I don't really like Samsung phones, but after seeing the Note 7 I think I might pick that one up when I can upgrade my phone in November. Guess it'll be a birthday present for myself lol. Have you ever had a Note phone?
Well darn, I just miss out on, like.. 6 points for level 110. Will need to do one more vacation x3

After that I can focus on giving Kasumi the Pole dance tickets. I just need to grind owner casino a bit more and I'll have unlocked the 4th and last ticket.
Did you unlock the Mysterious Sound Figurine too? It's so convenient for taking pictures :3
anh vien ao cuoi , anh cuoi dep , anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi ngoai canh , chup anh cuoi bien
Yes, i'm trying to move/ install save data to my 3ds
Hmm....i'm not sure...why?

Oh and one more thing, my friend code appear as question mark, does it need to add other's friend code first?
Hmm I'm not sure. I only transfer save data to my laptop to back it up. Are you trying to download save data and install in on your 3DS?

Is your 3DS unlocked to download any game?
no, the other way transfer file from pc to new 3ds xl
BTW, could we transfer save data from pc to new 3ds xl? is it just copy the save data to micro sd in 3ds?
Taxation. I already want to die.

What about you, working or studying?