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trust me, i am already positive at this point orz but who knows, i do hope it goes well
Then your Jeanne =/= to my Saber then, I have one and only waifu, Seiba. So no, one of your statement has to be wrong (your love for Jeanne = to my Saber or you didn't betray your Kosu Mosu)
but if we think it won't be good from the start then that will ruin the experience so i'm positive about it,

I feel mixed emotions about it though, recent anime adaptations of otome games didn't turn out good- especially idol boys
Welcome back imoutooooo :rr_hug:

I wonder why... havent heard anything like that here :nekopara_sigh:

Then why not just find rabbits :miku_mad:

Isnt catwoman a thief? :lapi_shock:

Maybe she just forgot to tell you :miku_tehee:
Can you teach a bird tricks? :alice_confused:

So yeah, real nekomimi are more fun to poke :akazukin_tehee:

Then I would have a reason to leave in the middle of class... :lapi_ko:

F-for what? :puniko_shocked:
Onii-chan I'm back, done with the tests (at least for now) :runhappy:

Idk...people say that muslims tend to be not liking dogs :akazukin_sweat: He could just place it on the ground and run, dogs eat anything edible :akazukin_dash:
They like short tails which make cats look like rabbit?:kurochan_stone:

Catwoman who works as a part time cosplayer? :kurochan_wut:

We're partner! I don't think she'll betray me :fag:
It is hurt :bigeyes: I'll just keep until it healed :rr_tail:

We haven't reached that advancement :chuuni_bwaaah:

What if samy have class on that particular time? :korokke_surprise:

/me plans to photoshop samy :evillaugh:
"what Saber is to you, Jeanne D'Arc is to me :p"

You just declared your love for Jeanne but your waifu should be Kosu Mosu? Clearly you cheated! :D
that's good. honestly there really a lot of upcoming idol games to look forward i'm afraid i will die from all that lol
Yes, yessss. Somehow I didn't like the whole gameplay at first but I slowly got addicted xD
Oh Yumeiro Cast? they having a collaboration campaign with I-chu now. for some reason i never got into that game. it looks good and the music is good but dunno maybe i not played it enough. well i hope you enjoy your time with it :D
There is no end x"D Alsoooo I started to play Yumeiro Cast! It's so wonderful, especially the songs and the seiyuus~

Goodluck with job-hunting btw >w<)/ FAITOOOOO
*prepares knife* xD

Oh that's too bad! Issei's event was REALLY vicious i only barely made it into top 5000, i had to wake up at 3 A.M to make it in time to the last hour rush i was so dead after it. and there was idolish7 event and ensemble stars event too it was like hell lol. and in the meantime i'm still in the middle of job hunting. luckily the events ended for now so i can take a bit of rest.

Well, I can still play, but the problem is, I can't play enough anymore ;-; I couldn't get the 2nd Issei LE *crais* I lacked so much time, I could have got the 2nd one but ;;;;;; I hope I can get the 2nd one through scout someday somehow OTL I have to up my game, I guess xD How about you? How is laifu-?
i bet you will get even better then again i would kill someone to be able to draw like you do :D

So how is school? i hope you get some time to play games beside school stuff
Thenkkkkk ; u ;

Also, ayyyy practice is not my friend but I try to practice for the sake of improving ; w ;
oh homework.. the sworn enemy of every student, good luck with it.
Oh wow you draw really good :D sadly i'm on the level of drawing that would kill anyone who see it.