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I'm psychic :gotidea:

but don't you have dreams dear dawn?

yep lots of programming. I'll try my best to help you my dear wifu :menft:

There are like 5 departments IT, Business, Engineering, fashion, Medical.
Most girls go to IT and Business since fashion isn't grade not a bright future. Medical few only go there since there's a lot to memorize and study. And Engineering it's filled with dudes so they decide to go to IT even if they suck.

I kinda got a scholarship so i don't pay anything :runhappy: on the contrary I get paid to study :lol:

Sleep > Games > Life > etc > Exam

sleep is greater than everything :runhappy:

i won't hurt you :traitor: i'll just kidnap you and make you my wife imprison you in a tower forever :laughpanda:
Hey girlcelly,
After much digging I was able to find that you had already posted "完熟ルージュドリップ" & "LOVEMILF." I was able to download them with the few seeders that were still active, by some miracle:P

Anyway, i still haven't been able to get my hands on "GREATER HEAL":( Which is also the one game that I mostly want:(
Would you happen to have it? Would really appreciate it if you could reply, thanks:)
I don't know where you're pre-ordering but the official site I'm pre-ordering from closed the pre-ordering quite awhile ago, so watch out for scams.
Just found out that since Japan (Tokyo) is hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics they get to bring back one sport that was removed before. And since Japan plays baseball/softball that's what they are bringing back to the Olympics! Yes! Thanks Japan! Bring back best sport in world!!!!!

Also, do you if if this VN is any good?

:EDIT: actually decided to go with this VN instead. Another Yuri VN just translated, no H-Scenes but got good reviews.
Yes, I did. Its not that expensive compared to the Blu-Ray sets I got for the Fate franchise because it has Saber on it xD
Oh, great!
I'll send you a friend request then :D
My name would be Senpaiperv (all caps) in case you wanted to know.
oh that one. i remember seeing it but i'm not really into visual novels on phone so i not tried it yet. And Lucas from i-chu shares voice actor with En-chan while Leon Shares va with Ryuu and once the new characters get's into I-chu we will have all 5 battle lovers voice actor in the game if i remember correctly .

Well honestly i watched some in Television as a kid like naruto and yugioh but i was not that into it. then a few years ago me and my bro started watching One Piece but at that time i still wasn't into them as much. Then around December last year i started watching Free! and i fallen in love with it and since then i watched a lot, and around that time i met with Idolish7 too and got into idol hell.

Oh you must be strong if you have hopes of reaching Tetora. i don't stand a chance to get him so my goal was to get a copy of Yuta and i got him so it's good.

And yume100 i still too weak to do well in events orz.
The Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu--- xD ooooh I see, like En-chan? OWO <333 I like En-chan's personality and attitude uwu especially the one who voiced him, Umehara Yuuichiro x'D

Oh Love Stage-- I want to watch that too, maybe after this dump of anime that I still have to download qwq Oh, ohhh, since when did you start watching anime?? ouo

And ahh, yes, music games really are wonderful~ especially idol boy ones xDDD I also play Ensemble Stars!~ >w<)/ I hope I can reach Tetora in this time's event orz whereas in yume100 I just started playing @w@
oh then we misunderstood each other? then what game you refered to? was that the Dream Fes game or a different one?

I know i'm late with my anime too. i'm only started watching Love Stage recently and it's even tho it came a few years ago. well i guess it's because i not got into anime too much until recently.

honestly i'm not playing only music games i play games usually with full male cast like ensemble stars and yume100. and stuff like that. at one point i wanted to play that boyfriend kari game because the cards looked awesome but i not liked it that's why i look forward to the music game of it that will come sometime in the future.

i chosen En-chan because i feel that personality wise he is the most similar to me.xD
ohh you meant Tsukiutaaa o . o OH WOW REALLY AAAA ;; u ;; aaaaaaa <3

I shall finish watching Hanasaku Iroha first hehe~ Because i'm quite late with my animes aaaaa

Also, I feel the same, I can't drop any of my music games because T^T they keep me going everyday xD

En is a great choice though-- I support you xD
no not the one months ago. if i remember correctly there will be a new tsukiuta game and while there is nothing much info about it yet i heard the same guys will make it who made Idolish7 (Bandai Namco and Geechs) and it will be a music game instead of a collection of mini-games like the first tsukiuta game was. I'm a sucker for music games just if i will like all the new games i look forward i don't know how i will manage to play all of them. i may have to drop a few but i can't make decisions like that xD

Oh you need to watch the second season too. it's great, maybe even better than the first one was.

About favorite characters i'm always in trouble because usually i just simply love all the characters lol.
Ehh, I know the phone game got released months ago? Because I downloaded it before, but I uninstalled because my memory got full xD

Ayy, my fave there is also En-chan <3 I've only watched the first season though, I have yet to watch the second one ouo Ohh, and for this season my favorite would be Tsukiuta <333 Shun FTW XD
Yeah they are good and will get a phone game soon too :D

Yupo it's En-chan. it's probably my favorite show from this season. What about you? which anime you like the most from the recent ones?
anh vien ao cuoi , anh cuoi dep , anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi ngoai canh , chup anh cuoi bien

kinh cuong luc | kinh mau op bep | cua kinh cuong luc | vach kinh cuong luc | lam kinh cuong luc | lam cua kinh | mai kinh | kinh cuong luc HN
Those recent ones are really good though~

Btw IS THAT EN--- I just noticed UWU
anh vien ao cuoi , anh cuoi dep , anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi ngoai canh , chup anh cuoi bien
kinh cuong luc | lam cua kinh | gia kinh cuong luc | kinh an toan | kinh mau op bep | vach kinh cuong luc | kinh cuong luc ha noi | kinh cuong luc mau