New profile posts

lol, oh brother. Where is all this taking place, anyway?
Guess it's just one of those things to just kick back and enjoy watching the morons argue.

Oh? So it's one of those "your word, your spelling" things, eh? I'll say no more.
Nah, not really.

Yup, there is indeed a male uncensor! But, flippin' HF is down right now, otherwise I'd give you a link.
I'll go ahead and sneakily upload it for you on Mega, as well as the latest SBX2 uncensor.
Not everything has been shared here on A-S; still quite a few HF specific mods.
Ergh, don't say that! You will break all my girls' hearts!!!

P.S.: Sorry for the late reply, just finished eating dinner.
lol, this is one of those debates where nobody wins, I can see. An abandoned melon on the beach is a waste, though, I agree!
But on the other hand, I've never seen a melon shaped coconut, before. Aie yie yie.

So people are having this debate about her, or are you having it with yourself? lol

And no, no, no, I spelled it Snugglepuff with the "L" before the "E", heh heh. But... Does inserting a "U" really make it not so much of a Pokemon?
What is this, debating day? lol, yeesh, no more debates, it's supposed to be a lazy Saturday, for me! Even more so, shouldn't it be lazy Sunday for you?

Anyway, I'm working on a beach shoot with Miyusuki Saito and one or two other characters I've yet to decide on. Decided to do something a bit more sexual, this time...
I'm too "safe" with my shoots, I need to add some edge!
You sure you're not confused? If she had 2 pair of melons, she'd have 4 melons! O_O That'd be too freaky, even for me!
And I stand by my belief that it's a watermelon. At any rate, a completely meaningless debate, lol.

Snugglepuffs... Yeah, I suppose that's what they look like, eh? I've heard of the word Snugglepuff, but I haven't the faintest idea of what one would be, lol.
You seem to be very confused about coconuts, melons, and "bunnies", lol!
No, I won't bother asking. I'll just... let all this slide, heh heh.
lol, no, I've never heard that before. Anyway, isn't that a watermelon? It's a weird looking watermelon, but not a coconut, since those are round.

Heh heh, your love of dah booty continues to thrive. Lookin' good! That's a lot of little stuffed bunnies!
Strike that... those aren't stuffed, are they? o_0
Good, good! You do that! ;)
Yup, I'll never understand those morning crazies... Never.

Btw, did you catch my latest pic/studio contribution? Not much, but it's something.
Oh, most definitely! But, unfortunately, if that's the case then I know a few wacko-packo insane people in my family. o_0
Those would be nice additions. I just hope it's not just only the orange swimsuit they showcased earlier =/
Do you have the untranslated text for Chapter 2 of Inyouchuu? I would like to take a stab at translating for fun.
I would like Ayane's witch costume, and Nyo's Snow White from this years Halloween set for DOA 5 LR to be added in X3.

Nighttime is always the right time! Guess we're both night-owls, eh?
I hate mornings... -_-
lol, that's a nice way to deal with it! I pretty much do the same thing, or just ignore them.

Ahh, gotcha.

I know how you feel... I told myself I was going to go to bed earlier, and what happens?
After several weeks of succeeding, I slowly start breaking out of my habit, and have now fallen back into being a crazy night-owl, again. -_-
People are letting their portable devices run their lives, and yes, that is extremely sad.
Every time I see people sit around on their phones/iPads for hours, I want to either slap it out of their hands or something along those lines.
Yup, that's pretty damn sad, agreed.

When I talk about dds tattoos, I'm referring to the SkinTextureMod, which uses dds. Seems like it would save a lot of trouble just to use that, personally.
(I still have yet to check it out, btw! Mostly I remember it from PC)
As for the simple, smaller tattoos, I can't argue against that; can't use the STM on face ones, that much I know.

So yeah, as far as the body is concerned, I don't see why we all shouldn't just use the convenient SkinTextureMod.
Plus, I think you can save certain skins to load for certain girls? Can't remember for sure, though.
And maybe stick a random comment here or there :akazukin_idk:

You keep disappearing all the time :rr_tail:

Art classes usually dont have much in terms of tests :miku_tehee: Basically that not everything in the world is happy~ I guess you could write about yourself being shiny :kurochan_sun:

Cells? What were you doing? :alice_shock:

How often do they stay dead? :nekopara_tease:

W-wh-what? I-I cant dance :akazukin_but:

There are some but these are just magnets :kurochan_sweat:

I would think that stores would want their schedules to be obvious so people know when to come :alice_orz:

W-what? When did we get here? :akazukin_dead:

Gum is so bothersome to deal with... :akazukin_down:
Then I guess Ill just hide away where youll never find me :alice_hide:

It is a way to learn by seeing what others are doing and get ideas from them :miku_wut:

Imouto wasted my milkshake :lapi_sad:

You can photoshop things into the world? :nekopara_wut:
Yes I got your message, it was very sweet thank you
Everything is allright dont worry, oh and thats great, hope to talk more then ^^

Take care~`
I just have to follow numbers :akazukin_easy:

though i'll be probably disappear the next week :rr_phew:

:mini_eh: We have small tests like once in few weeks~ Elements of dark? :bigeyes: Do I have to write that I'm the one who radiate her light? Spreaddddd~ :runhappy:

My cells died a lot during that time, takes time to recover :nyanmusu_dead:

There are main roles who died :akazukin_but:

Samy will be the dancing one :lapi_music:

Ehhh...I remember having some board games with magnets :miku_beg:

Nope~ Unless we ask the staff personally~

It's too late! We are already at her hideout!:rr_punch:

There are still people who do that sticking :nekopara_annoyed:
You have avoid my attack :nyanmusu_allright:

That's how samy learns?:nyanmusu_sparkle:


Photoshop~ [IMG]
Oh thanks, I wasn't sure about adding that. I thought just the name would be too plain and leave too much empty space. Glad you like it :3

Oh boy, a monster girl VN. Your game indeed :3 It's gonna be a painful wait I guess!
I wonder why that is, anyway? Why Trick or Treaters seem to be at a decline? My first instinct, for around here, at least, was after 9/11, people became paranoid.
I don't know, but it's pretty depressing.

I don't think they limit it to simply 1024. The latest uncensors have been in 2048, I believe, and there are some skin options for even a 4096 res, I believe.
It's something you'd have to see for yourself. Pretty sure it's in dds format. I should be able to port over Dalia's tattoos, actually.

Well, enjoy your sleep! Sorry I didn't reply, sooner, getting dinner ready.
Same to you! Talk lata! :)
Oh, really? What day do you guys celebrate it? Shouldn't "All Hollows Eve" always be on the 31st of Oct?
Ahh, well, good for you regarding that, at least, lol.
lol, sounds fun! I'm looking forward to all that candy, myself, heh heh. We don't get trick or treaters in our neighborhood like we used to, though. : / Kinda sad.

lol, if you're still fine after a few years, you're good to go! It's that first year or two of living together that our the toughest; that's when you realize whether you can tolerate each other or not, lol.

Yeah, the SkinTextureMod has made things much easier to implement tattoos and whatnot.
Ouch, well that sucks. :/ Did you at least get to Trick or Treat? Halloween's the best! Another excuse to watch horror flicks, ha ha.
Well, that's another reason to know she's a keeper, right?

Yeah, you're right about all that, I just was a little thrown off by the way you explained it to me. My mind must have been screwy, lol.

Good to know! Hopefully it all works fine for ya.
Yup, sure did! I don't really celebrate them, anymore, heh heh. ;)
Really? Oct. 31, eh? Well, that's still pretty cool! I'll have to think of a Halloween style gift for you, looks like!
Yeah, that's my favorite holiday, so I'll probably be busy doing something or another.

Ahh, yes you did mention that, but I kept looking at what you wrote and scratching my head...
"Is the girl Haydee, or the game Haydee?" Didn't think it was both!