New profile posts

Thank you for the rep noddist! And thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you like my work, I know not everyone is into the loli scene but hey if I can convince people to give it a chance, that's great!
Cubs blew a 3-0 lead :/ game 4 tonight.

Watched the Highlights of Panthers VS Tampa. What a horrendous game lol.
Unfortunately that is true, however though he needs to sit. The entire team is responding better with Hoyer at QB. But we know that's not gonna happen.

3rd inning Cubs up 3-0. Cubs pitcher Jake Arrieta hit a 3 run homerun against Bumgarner, haha.
Bears are like the Cowboys, even though the backups are making the teams better, management will put the tired old faded starters back as soon as they can.
Bears have been playing better without Cutler, supposedly even when he gets better he will sit, but I'll have to see that to believe it.

Jordan Howard is proving to be very good for the Bears though.

Cubs game just started! Bumgarner VS Arrieta. Should be a good game.
anh vien ao cuoi , anh cuoi dep , anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi , chup anh cuoi ngoai canh , chup anh cuoi bien
I will have it ready by tomorrow. Already loving the implication that the plaster is used to make her breasts hot and warm.
lol i got confused and posted these on my profile =P

page 37:
あああ... いや... やああ....

ひひ.....大きくて 柔らかそうな いい乳房だ

これなら 素材こして 申し分かないな

わ 私その...まだ したこと なくて... それに... 好きな 人が いるんです...

だからお お願いしま...す... 非道い事しないで...ください...

安心しな お嬢ちゃん

俺達はあんたの処女を いただくつもりはないよ

その素敵なおっぱいを もっと素晴らしい物に するだけさ

page 38:
ひううつつ!! つっ 冷たあっ...!!

やあああ... き 気持ち悪い...! ...ひやあううんっ!!

くくくっ 気持ち悪い? 気持ちいいの 間違いだるうが

ひっく... い嫌あ...! もうそれ 塗るの 止めてください...

うるせなあ おとなしくして ねえと痛い目みせるぞ!!

乳腺はしっかり ほぐしてやらないとなあ

ひっ...! ひうっ ひくうっ...んっ んんうううっ!!

pg 39:
ふあああ な...なんで...

こんな... 熱くなって...やあああ...

おっぱいの 熱いの... 身体中に 広がっちゃうう...

熱くもなるだろうな こいつは島で調合した 催淫 触手体液だ

いやあ... そんなの 塗るなんて ひどいい...

ははっ なーーに処女は 奪わないんだから いいだるう?

それにこれで 終わりじゃないぞ 本番はこれからだ


なっ なんですか それ... 近づけないでえ...

こいつは乳房に寄生する 妖蟲の子供だよ (妖蟲=demon bug)

これからあんたの胸は こいつに支配きれるんだ

page 40:
つ つついて 入って...くるう... 蟲がっ... おっぱいの中あっ


んんんっ! ふうっ ンツ くうううんっ...

気持ちイイはず... ないい...こんなの 嘘...だよう...っ!

き きてる...奥ま...で...あっ はあああああああン...ツ


あああああああ..... おっおっぱいが... 埋まっちゃ...ううう...

ひっく...んんっ んううう...おっぱい 変わっちゃううう...
Lions beat the Eagles by 1... whewww... :miku_mwahaha:

Tough loss by the Bears. Hoyer almost pulled it off. Don't worry, when Cutler gets back none of the Bears losses will be "close." ;)

Cubs on Monday! :alice_glitter:
If you have any more pages, please send them to me. Hoping to at least have fun with the part where they apply the bugs on Sui
I'd be pissesd if that's all we get, but I have a feeling we won't get anything extra for Halloween as they would've announced it by now :( unless they are gonna surprise us which I doubt.
sure =)
here is page 35(pg_035), each line is a balloon:

ふうう--- 一丁上がり ...った!

"核"さえ分かっちゃえば あっさりしたもんだったね 楽勝楽勝

調子に乗らないの 水依がいなかったらもっと 手間取っていたはずよ

う-- 分かったるよ- 水依ありがとうね

役に立てて よかった-...

あんた達 いったいどうした?

迷子にでも なったんかい?



let me know how it goes or if i missed something
Whatever you decide, I'll be more than happy to see it! ^_^

Ahh, I forgot all about the male uncensor color issue... Yeesh.

Good to talk to you for a little while, enjoy your sleep!
Talk lata, buddy!
I don't mind a little of everything, honestly. Modern, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, doesn't matter.
Sci-Fi is not something I've bothered with, though, as that has even fewer to work with than Fantasy; and that's saying something, given how little Fantasy stuff we have.
Well, you're going through an artistic slump, that's perfectly reasonable. I go through them, too; everyone does.
I haven't been too productive, either, until more recently.
There's been a new version of SB3UG like every other day, so it's pretty easy to miss out on the latest one.
I think it's v1.2.11, now? Could be wrong.
Cubbies just won game 2 of the NLDS, 1 more win and it's on to the NLCS, and World Series after that! This is their year.