What If?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2011
This is very simple, you basically state a What If? scenario for the next person to attempt to answer. Then that person with the answer gets to ask their what if for the next, and so on.

Example Question:
What if the world was flat?

Example Answer:
We would all fall off the edge.
I will start:

What If: Everyone on the planet got along?
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Hmmmm i would say that we could then focus on the Earth and start to take care of it and one another. We would no longer have to suffer from illnesses in my opinion as we work be able to work with people and find cures that we currently can not do due to the fact that we don't all get along with one another.

What if: Mutants (think x-men) actually existed?
O That would be cool, but only if you could choose your power.

What if: the planet went into another Ice Age?
I fear that not many would be able to survive it if any at all truthfully.

What if: teleportation was a reality?
That would be SO SWEET! then I could come see you faster ROFL! :P

What If: you were a girl instead of a boy?
I'd be a lesbian :whistle: seriously. If I was a girl instead of a boy I am unsure of what to think or say as I've never really put much thought into it.

What if: there was a cure for cancer but the governments of the world kept it from us?
I would start a world wide revolution, and I am sure others would as well.

What If: You could do any 1 thing you always wanted to do with NO repercussions, what would it be?
That's a tough one......... probably go back in time and made sure I did things differently when it came to schooling.

What if: the American government actually do stuff for the people for a change?
I would have to kill myself, because it would be the real end of the world! LOL!

What If: I became the President of the US?
The world would be a better place :P Well other than the first part in which we would have our first female president I feel that you could do some good because you are a business owner and I have long thought that we need someone who knows what to do business wise because it's apparent that the government is nothing more than a business.

What if: aliens do exist and they choose to take over the world?
That would be sucky, I believe in Aliens ect. but I do not think them taking over would be a good thing, we would be reduced to slaves most likely.

What If: You hit the lottery, what is the 1st thing you would buy?
I would buy some land and have a house built nothing major just a nice 4 bedroom with 2 baths and a good size kitchen and a PC room.................

Well actually I'd probably take my boys on a shopping spree first if I was going to be truthful. Nothing major but I'd let them spend a hundred or two at toy r us or something.

What if: you had one wish to us on anything you want, what would it be?
hmm, I would want to see the world at one, where we all work for the betterment of the species, no more petty BS.

What If: You could be anyone you wanted to be, who is it?
Damn another tough one because even though I'm rather dull I am comfortable with who I am. I honestly could not pick anyone.

What if : we could leave the 3rd dimension for the 2nd dimension would you?
Yep, in a heart beat! (I would be Chuck Norris!) NOT! LOL!

What If: Things you think are good, turn out to be really bad?
I'd probably still end up doing them.

What if : you could turn invisible, what would you do with that power?
hmm, Not sure, Probably sneak into some place I always wanted to go but couldn't.

What If: The world was told we have 24hours before we explode, what would you do?
I would spend the day with my kids. I'd let them do anything they wanted and be at peace because I believe in a higher power.

What if : we could time travel, what time period would you want to visit the most?
hmm, 500 years from now.

What If: You woke up, and everything was gone?
I'd probably be a bit concerned at first but then my nature instinct would be to search and see what had happened.

What if : you could fly like a bird?
I would fly all over the world :)

What If: Everyone in the world Farted at 1 time!? (Jan said to ask this LMAO!)
lmao it would probably cause wild fires in places that typically don't have them :P

What if: there was a secret organization controlling the world from behind the scenes?
There Is! I swear, it is called "The Underestimated Whoopee Sexpot Women Society!" LMAO!

What If: You caught your neighbor trying to have sex with a exhaust pipe?
I'd probably move away, or if I had it on video I would put it on youtube lol

What if: someone other than us actually posted in here? :O I know shocking huh? :P
That would be great, I hope more peeps find this thread and start as well :) the more the merrier!

What If: Your wife came to you and said "THAT IS IT! We are moving where ever you want!" where would you go?

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