What things you usually do when you get depressed?


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May 26, 2012
Hello there :)
I want to know from all of you about what activities you usually do when you get depressed, I think I need to try them out :D
I just got fired due to my health condition and some internal affairs in office, so my friends there hate me, my family look me like someone that need to be thrown to the mental asylum soon, my old friends busy with their works, and my boy friend currently have some affair with my best friend.
I don't know what to do to cheer my self, and right now I am nearly penniless.
I think I am fortunate that I can't hold my self not to commit suicide and other crazy things, though I have had done some preparation for it.
So what should I do to end all of this depressed time?
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suicide ??????? no way in hell!!!!! the is no one deserve for u to commit suicide

well i think u did the first thing is talking about ur problem i know how it feels to be alone but surrounded with fake friends or being left because of an illness i had a rare disease since my born that made me unable to move freely but its all right since one day u will find some one to care for u just for ur self friends or boyfriend that will be better than the people u know now

even though what i say is like imagination and all i believe that if i think that way good things will be in my way so.....
cheer up and if u want to talk to some one about it u can com to me or allot of people here
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Thank you for your support, marmora :)
I hope you are also doing fine with your condition, I really appreciate your support for me :)
I hope we can be friend from now on! :D
i'd love to be friends with u :D :D :D
im fine really i got used to it :D so its not that of a proplem to me :D :D and if u need any thing dont hesitate to ask :)
I run downstairs and punch our cactus!

Then do 100 squats, 100 pushups, and run 10km (this step is just for future "become a super hero" plans).

Then I get up, hit the dog with a stick, and get back to work, dammit!

Well in actuality I normally just try to blame it on a random hormonal imbalance and see if I can go do some things I enjoy to cheer myself up a bit. Once I'm able to look at things with a fresh perspective it often doesn't seem so bad anymore.
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A good way to get back to normal and move on.

Under stress? Acknowledge what happened, follow by doing things that benefits you like exercising or learning a new trick. This phase should last 1-2 week at most. Right after you should immediately go back to normal and just start by working and slowly branch back to your social life and be more bearable! You should prob modify this to fit for your own benefit.
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Doing things that make you happy keeps you off stress and gets you to move on. Personally, when im depressed, id read something or watch anime, it gets me to relax. Working out or just going for a jog also cleans up your brain. Music also helps :)
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Lol [MENTION=38039]Lucifer Angel[/MENTION];

Yes, that certainly CAN help I'd imagine. :8

Whenever I feel down about anything, I take the time to look at my life, and appreciate the GOOD THINGS that are actually going for me at the moment.

It's true that nobody's life is perfect (we shouldn't even expect that), but being able to tell yourself "Damn, my life isn't ALL bad" and get out there and work on whatever things you AREN'T enjoying, that tends to work more often than not in most cases.

Just my opinion.
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[MENTION=27510]svehla[/MENTION] ; Personally I would say : to have faith.

But loving yourself and accepting yourself might be a good start to find inner peace.
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Depression.. hmm... i was in depression for a month or two because of... lesser things than you... mostly that i couldnt stop myself from thinking that i would lose someone dear to me though i was aware it wasnt likely to start with... But depression makes me irrational even if i try and use logic... I didnt actually think of suicide since i knew it would just end any chance of fixing it if there was any real problem in at all... I suppose it was the moment when i was the vulnerable since someone else that i had thought close... sort of disappeared... thus i didnt want anyone else to do similarly... Various actions of the friend kind of... got disproportionally important in my mind and i couldnt keep myself from thinking about it... But to solve this i sort of just needed to find more which i could rely on and just talk about it... There was various smaller things that came about but that was the main reason for my depression..

So i guess to get out of depression i went with identifying the problems then finding out how to solve those problems... if your boyfriend is cheating its probably better, if harder, to just confront him about it... if he is then you should really just break up and leave that problem behind... i imagine that it would be better for you in the long run to not be burdened by a cheating boyfriend.. know that it could just be everything going out of proportion in your mind though..~ Fighting it with logic might keep it from getting too bad since you would be aware of what is reality and what is just baseless feelings..~ But you really should talk to friends... preferable someone close who wouldnt mind listening to you every so often and helping you sort out your emotions..~ Ask for their help when you do want to talk... try for someone who is patient and will be logical with it all (i might be putting too much of an emphasis on logic but it is something important to me, lack of logic really bothers me until i find the reason behind it) Someone you trust not to tell the world... You can tell the world on your own and can probably control who knows and helps more so in that manner... They might go around asking others for opinions and other ways of helping but i see possible harm if the wrong people find out.. So yes, have some people who you can talk to every so often but try not to annoy them by going too much? Some may not mind and other may but its kind of hard to tell depending how youre talking to them (i did most of the talking online though meeting in person might help) Make sure to thank them and that they know they are valued..~ Youre the one asking for help here~ I dont really know the condition surrounding your work and parents but your work experience could probably be used in ways to better yourself for the future... For your parents i would suggest talking to them and try to get their understanding, something else that may be hard...

On a side note, i wrote really nice emotion filled poems and my artistic side was feeding off the depression and manifesting in quite interesting ways..~ Fairly sure i wrote most the poems i did through a veil of tear like in pyre's avi ;p So i guess i actually used the depression for productive things in that way? Im not sure how it might work for you~ It was also quite a time to just learn about myself and what i valued..~
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[MENTION=27510]svehla[/MENTION]; I hope things are improving for you! Stay strong. Whenever I feel depressed or stressed what really helps me is to exercise. That could be anything, going for a run/jog, or long walk, anything that keeps you active so you are not constantly thinking about how depressed you are. Also try talking to family members that you still have a strong relationship with and tell them the issues you are having. The worse thing you can do is sit around all day not talking to anybody, you don't want to do that, let's us know if you need someone to talk to.
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Hello there :)
I want to know from all of you about what activities you usually do when you get depressed, I think I need to try them out :D
I just got fired due to my health condition and some internal affairs in office, so my friends there hate me, my family look me like someone that need to be thrown to the mental asylum soon, my old friends busy with their works, and my boy friend currently have some affair with my best friend.
I don't know what to do to cheer my self, and right now I am nearly penniless.
I think I am fortunate that I can't hold my self not to commit suicide and other crazy things, though I have had done some preparation for it.
So what should I do to end all of this depressed time?

Hello to you dear svehla~

Thank-you for sharing your intimate thoughts and feelings with us. By typing your problems and coming to us on ASF, it displays your faith in humankind and that you still believe there is hope.

The first and foremost thing is to toss the idea of suicide aside. I don't mind people thinking about what it is like, but I do mind that people are convinced that suicide is the last resort. If you are considering the latter, please remember there will be people left behind who will be hurt and because you have us, the people of ASF, aware of such things, we will be more saddened.

However, it does appear you have been trying very hard everyday to just live through life and you have thought about some things to keep yourself from delving into anymore serious/deathly scenarios.

By being aware of your surroundings and understanding yourself more, you can slowly pull out of your depression.

By typing out your feelings and having us reply, does it ease your mind or give you more confidence? If it does... continue typing and we will continue to respond. That is one way to minimize your depression.

Because each person's mind works differently there will be different attempts to lessen your anxiety, worries, self-doubt, and most of all what is eating you from the core of your heart.

The most we can do is give you words of advice, encouragement, make you laugh a bit, and be here to listen to what you want to share. In the end, it is up to you to change how you view things and to move forward.

If your 'friends' hate you... then you are done with them. If they do not put any effort to understand you or try at least to contact you, then you should focus on yourself first. Love and cherish yourself. If you do not have your health... if you do not embrace your strengths and weaknesses, then you will only feel more depressed.

Laugh at the silly moments while looking at old photos...

Sit outside and reflect upon yourself as you watch the tiniest leaf float gently to the ground (enjoy what nature has to offer you)

Keep crying, crying, and crying until you feel tired, fall asleep, or just can't cry anymore. This may sound even more depressing for you, but sometimes... the tears we shed are the tears of the feelings we keep bottled inside.

If your family believes you are crazy... but only if you still love and cherish them... then you may attempt to change their perspective on things. However, if they really do not have any ounce of love or concern to try to understand, then that is all the more reason to love and cherish yourself more.

Sometimes, I scream in public. ^^

It's not the against the law or anything too humiliating. I just scream that "I don't like this ice-cream!". I don't mind the strange looks because it is fun to do things unexpectedly and to chuckle a bit inside.

No matter what, every person who is living right here and now has their hardships and moments of "how should I live from now on?" or "is there any way to make this better?". So many questions and sometimes when we find one answer, that answer just brings in more questions and even depression.

Come to us anytime. Even if you have a million of things going on in your life, we'll just counter-attack a trillion things to help you out in any means possible.. within our ability of course. :3
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Sometimes, I scream in public. ^^

It's not the against the law or anything too humiliating. I just scream that "I don't like this ice-cream!". I don't mind the strange looks because it is fun to do things unexpectedly and to chuckle a bit inside.

Now I'll know how to find you. I do stuff like that, but normally when I'm alone so that I don't make people worry for their safety (but even when I give a friendly smile to old ladies they usually glare at me :sowwy:).

Also, thank you for the gift of proper ventilation: a concept some people here need direly to understand XD
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Hmm... yes finding a release for building emotions is quite important... whether is something public or private..~ Just whatever to help you feel better..~
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Then I have more actions that may amaze you, but that is not the issue right now. ^^

If svehla is reading this, then she must know that we do care and are willing to listen.


Very true.

Sometimes, people are too concerned about what other people think and feel. Once in awhile, it's good to be a bit selfish and outspoken.

As long as the person is aware of what he or she says or does, then a little of "I scream for ice-cream" would be alright~
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accept it, talk to someone about it, cry when you feel sad but don't dwell on it, do things you enjoy, listen to some music that you like (but i would advise against depressing music cuz it might make you feel upset again), watch a comedy or something funny or entertaining, take up a hobby, try to meet some new people or contact some friends and if it's really serious try to find a therapist or something. i understand what it's like to feel deeply deeply sad, my younger brother went missing last year (we think he ran away) and even before that i had depression so i understand what it's like to just be in a state of sadness. sometimes i would just cry really hard and it helps having someone you feel comfortable enough to cry around or someone you can talk to when you feel sad. but don't dwell on your sadness too long, just know that things will get better, it's always darkest before the dawn~ i know you don't know me but you can talk to me if you want
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Thank you every one for caring about me. I really appreciate all of the advises that given to me. Thank you so much, all of you :)
Now, I am still not doing anything that can harm myself, so no need to worry about it :)
But I haven't tried any advise yet, because I still focused to recover from my sickness. Actually I have kind of strange severe allergic reaction for almost 2 months, I got some severe rash and itch on my skin, also coughing and sniffle every day. It is kind of disturb me, but I think I can endure this until I find the right curing method :)
Then about my depression, I think I am fine now. I am still lazy to eat something, but I drink milk and eat ice cream, so I think I will survive things smoothly. I appreciate every one advise, that I should go to talk my feelings to some one, probably a friend, but I just don't feel up to talk to some one, I think I need some time to be alone, and free from anything a while :D
And once again, I deeply appreciate anyone here, that care about me and write many advises. I want you all to know that all of your advises helped me a lot :)
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Thank you every one for caring about me. I really appreciate all of the advises that given to me. Thank you so much, all of you :)
Now, I am still not doing anything that can harm myself, so no need to worry about it :)
But I haven't tried any advise yet, because I still focused to recover from my sickness. Actually I have kind of strange severe allergic reaction for almost 2 months, I got some severe rash and itch on my skin, also coughing and sniffle every day. It is kind of disturb me, but I think I can endure this until I find the right curing method :)
Then about my depression, I think I am fine now. I am still lazy to eat something, but I drink milk and eat ice cream, so I think I will survive things smoothly. I appreciate every one advise, that I should go to talk my feelings to some one, probably a friend, but I just don't feel up to talk to some one, I think I need some time to be alone, and free from anything a while :D
And once again, I deeply appreciate anyone here, that care about me and write many advises. I want you all to know that all of your advises helped me a lot :)

Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Hopefully you can verify the cause of that allergy and how to avoid adverse reactions soon as well. :)
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Thank you every one for caring about me. I really appreciate all of the advises that given to me. Thank you so much, all of you :)
Now, I am still not doing anything that can harm myself, so no need to worry about it :)
But I haven't tried any advise yet, because I still focused to recover from my sickness. Actually I have kind of strange severe allergic reaction for almost 2 months, I got some severe rash and itch on my skin, also coughing and sniffle every day. It is kind of disturb me, but I think I can endure this until I find the right curing method :)
Then about my depression, I think I am fine now. I am still lazy to eat something, but I drink milk and eat ice cream, so I think I will survive things smoothly. I appreciate every one advise, that I should go to talk my feelings to some one, probably a friend, but I just don't feel up to talk to some one, I think I need some time to be alone, and free from anything a while :D
And once again, I deeply appreciate anyone here, that care about me and write many advises. I want you all to know that all of your advises helped me a lot :)

Have you tried getting your thyroid levels checked? I have a Thyroid Disease called Hashimoto's and it causes me rashes also, and I get sick a lot, and am always tired, sometimes I have no energy at all. It's worth looking into at least. Something else you can get checked for is Lupus, which also causes rashes over your body (My mom has that) Both of those diseases can cause severe depression as well.
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Thank you every one for caring about me. I really appreciate all of the advises that given to me. Thank you so much, all of you :)
Now, I am still not doing anything that can harm myself, so no need to worry about it :)
But I haven't tried any advise yet, because I still focused to recover from my sickness. Actually I have kind of strange severe allergic reaction for almost 2 months, I got some severe rash and itch on my skin, also coughing and sniffle every day. It is kind of disturb me, but I think I can endure this until I find the right curing method :)
Then about my depression, I think I am fine now. I am still lazy to eat something, but I drink milk and eat ice cream, so I think I will survive things smoothly. I appreciate every one advise, that I should go to talk my feelings to some one, probably a friend, but I just don't feel up to talk to some one, I think I need some time to be alone, and free from anything a while :D
And once again, I deeply appreciate anyone here, that care about me and write many advises. I want you all to know that all of your advises helped me a lot :)

We are very happy that you read what we wrote. It should be us who should be thanking you for allowing us to know what is happening in your life and in your heart.

I am not an expert on allergies or anything related to it, but it does sound irritating and pretty serious. The usual method would be to drink more water, tea, or have more Vitamin-C while resting or doing a little walking to keep you moving.

If you don't have it checked by a doctor or don't know the exact cause for such symptoms, it might be slightly difficult to suggest what medication or treatment that may aid you.

Still, if you can endure it or you have a pretty good notion about how your body works, then please do take care of yourself even more.

That is great! You can eat and drink a bit. Even a little bit is a wonderful start. It displays how your mind and body acknowledges that you need a 'something' whether it's solid or liquid foods. It's thinking about something else besides being depressed.

If you truly wish you need time alone then by all means, please do so. Just to let us know how you have been and what progress that has been done, we will continue to be here and support you.

Laugh and smile as much as you can. Reflect upon yourself and what needs to be done. You are welcomed here on ASF anytime. ^^
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I watch or look up hentai and sometimes watch real porn.
Reading through some of the suggestions and see this! hahaha

Well svehla i hope your situations getting better if you want support I'm always free to lend a hand ^.^ in ways that i can.
Other than that i'm not to sure what i can say. :(
Luckily i haven't been through much depression especially depression on your level so i feel if i try to give advice it would be considered arrogant.

Whenever i'm down in the dumps anime is usually my Savior :P or the internet.
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Thank you every one for caring about me. I really appreciate all of the advises that given to me. Thank you so much, all of you :)
Now, I am still not doing anything that can harm myself, so no need to worry about it :)
But I haven't tried any advise yet, because I still focused to recover from my sickness. Actually I have kind of strange severe allergic reaction for almost 2 months, I got some severe rash and itch on my skin, also coughing and sniffle every day. It is kind of disturb me, but I think I can endure this until I find the right curing method :)
Then about my depression, I think I am fine now. I am still lazy to eat something, but I drink milk and eat ice cream, so I think I will survive things smoothly. I appreciate every one advise, that I should go to talk my feelings to some one, probably a friend, but I just don't feel up to talk to some one, I think I need some time to be alone, and free from anything a while :D
And once again, I deeply appreciate anyone here, that care about me and write many advises. I want you all to know that all of your advises helped me a lot :)

Your welcome, and not alone. If you don't feel up to talk too someone about yourself, then maybe listening to someone else might be just as good, but only easier instead. Then you might hear things you relate to without having to say a word. That is if somone like that is around for you to listen to.

As for the allergy and rash...My first hunch is that I would cut out milk, icecream, and anything that has too much sugar or carbs in it and see if that helps. Have some foods with insoluble fibers and raw vegetables like celery.

That is unless its an allergic reaction to something from the outside like pollen if thats what it's called in English. You know summer time is allergic season for many people and all that. But the way you presented this makes me suspect whatever the allergy is, its coming from a situation from the inside which is affected by what you put inside. Typically when the body reacts to too much sugars, refined carbs, lactose or what not by a negative effect caused by less than favorable internal conditions in your digestion, it can show it self as rashes and itches. It could also be common food allergies, as some people are lactose or gluten intolerant.
Note: overload on sugars and bad food combinations causing fermentation is ideal conditions for the overgrowth of yeasts which are always present within your body and digestion system and will opportunistically seize any opportunity to grow. The body under normal conditions keeps these things in check. So that, and also elevated blood sugar levels themselves may cause rashes, though I'm not 100% sure if it's really 2 different things or just the cause and effect being missunderstood. Commonly things associated are things like type 2 diabetes and eczema.
If you do check out fine for these things and you don't discover any other cause, I would carefully consider what I eat and what effect it has, it's something most modern people including doctors grossly underestimate and are largely unawares. They just go their marry way threating symptoms or problems with medicine while ignoring the root cause of the problems sometimes.
Keypoint: your digestion is integral for your health.

[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; "I scream for Ice cream" Yah, I saw what you did thar. har har.
And what your saying feels lovely liberating, also potentially frustrating ..maybe, cause once you start, you may want to yell out of the TOP of your LUNGS and not just a little bit. Thats what I would want. I tried it once....far into some deep woods "P
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Hmm... i know little about allergies.. a doctor of sorts would probably know more...

Milk and ice cream... xD So i guess youre one of those who look for snack foods when theres problems..~ Or sort of anyway..~
Being alone isnt a bad thing...~ Just dont go on too long..~ But we'll be here if the depression comes back or anything..~
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