Post Your Steam IDs

So, I took the step of making a new group on steam to simplify this for those of you who are looking for like minded members to possible play with on steam, or just having a direct means of communicating for any of those who prefers steam or don't use irc for example.


This should simplify the process of finding other members without the need to having to friend invite every single one person.
It's currently a private member group but I will send invites to any and all members who who wish so.

P.s. I also emh changed my username, it's now: 'Neon Lights' I think maybe I'll stick with using that from now on....maybe.
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Get in the group people let's play some vidya.

SteamID is Sulfaen.CZ

now i am playng:
Orcs must die2
Civilization 5
The secret world
Worms Revolution

What about a duel in Civ 5?
My steam ID is reyalamor;

I connect most of my pc games to steam, but the main game on steam I play, would have to be The Last Remnant with 93 hours, next would have to be Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution.
Thanks man -- edited the original post!!

No prob. Now I'd like to quote some guy you apparently know: "Dude go online!" ;-j We don't have to go all creepy FB hunting like last time haha....even though I was the only one actually doing that.
steam id is : nthing bby i think, yay
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my steam id is evg92 i think or Marco The Phoenix

i play a lot of games :P
Dano1123, I have skyrim, fallout 3, fallout vegas, oblivion, torchlight 2, tomb raider
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[MENTION=62441]EvG92[/MENTION]; tried adding but came up with 3 or 5 different users, wasn't sure which one is you. At least so you know in case you come back here and see this.

[MENTION=28809]Seemless[/MENTION]; Added

[MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; came up blank "no user exists" sure you didn't give me your PSN instead ?


Sry for the late adds, but I don't really know unless you summon me. So if anyone else reads this, Just give me a mention so I'll know and can add you. Or read the 1st post.
[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION]; Sorry! My steam ID is Dano1123
[MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; Ah , how cute(liked the avatar I laid my eyes on). See you already know some common friends...hehe If I had known that it would have been easy adding you.
[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION]; I got your group request, but I didn't get a friend request

[MENTION=28809]Seemless[/MENTION]; I added you
[MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; Oh, I didn't send one, I thought it was just for the group mostly you where interested in, thats why I organized it. Sending one now before I go to bed for the night. You almost made me say "pleasure doing business with you" >< xJ
I mostly just use the group myself you see as a kind of AS exclusive list and organization.
[MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; Ah , how cute(liked the avatar I laid my eyes on). See you already know some common friends...hehe If I had known that it would have been easy adding you.

Thanks, My Avatar on Steam is of Momohime from the game Muramasa.
my id is simple!

I only play a few games atm cause i don't have many.

Borderlands 2
FEAR online
Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Mod
No More Room In Hell

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