Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; you want that podlee...???

mmmm it need more scary and cool boss... not like xeroic.. nyahhahaha
[MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; Depends, the only good looking "form" of it is the normal one lol
lol........ you use whitening to got that form.. and can rinse if they become pink.. :XD:

Code to unlock the site: XY1012

X7M4 - Xerneas
X4C7 - Clauncher
X2R4 - Bunnelby
Y2P6 - Noivern
Y8H7 - Yvetal
Y5B6 - Spritzee
X7C9 - Helioptile *
Y3F2 - Pangoro
Y6J5 - Sylveon
X8T9 - Litleo
Y6V8 - Talonflame
X3K5 - Chespin *
X5H8 - Fennekin
X6P4 - Froakie
Y4L6 - Skrelp *
Y8P4 - Pancham
Y9D8 - Gogoat *
X4Q8 - Dedenne *
X7Q5 - Honedge *
X8G5 - Inkay
X5T3 - Swirlix
X9K3 - Malamar *
X5W8 - Fletching
Y3S7 - Skiddo

note : 1/2 code dint work for me. when i type * it work for me. other not... :deadsad:


ITS FOR USA........... WAAAAAAAAAA...... SOme code dont work for me... tell me if work for you guys....

[MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4809]Will98[/MENTION]; [MENTION=57409]Kirito-kun[/MENTION]; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; [MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION]; [MENTION=53698]Yukinero[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION];
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=62450]azazel sama[/MENTION]; [MENTION=63282]tobi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66363]Vivid[/MENTION]; [MENTION=13464]lpdcomic[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION];
Last edited:
I got all of them except for Dedenne for some reason it won't work for me :crushed:
I vaguely recall that customising your character's looks was one of the features disclosed early on, but seeing concrete examples of that feels good. I tend to like dress-up (what? Don't judge me!), so being able to customise how your character looks is always a plus.

As for the villains, in contrast with all the updates and revelations that give off a "cool" vibe in general, they kinda feel... not serious, at best. Like some bad chaps out of a tokusatsu series. I know that rank-and-file villains in Pokemon have always had that kind of impression, but still.

Also, those codes...

Open to residents of the United States and the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, Marianas, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Well, damn. I don't live in the US. Out of luck, then.
I vaguely recall that customising your character's looks was one of the features disclosed early on, but seeing concrete examples of that feels good. I tend to like dress-up (what? Don't judge me!), so being able to customise how your character looks is always a plus.

dress-up...... mmm....... we SHOULD judge you.... :fullblush:
Does Pokémon X and Y have the original Pokémon like Squirtle, and Charmander?
yes.. you will got it later on game... rather pick which one do you want on those 3.. and they have mega evolutions too......


and i can hear PIKAA... when we use pikachu there... hope other pokemon will say like that.... :P

[MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4809]Will98[/MENTION]; [MENTION=57409]Kirito-kun[/MENTION]; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; [MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION]; [MENTION=53698]Yukinero[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION];
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=62450]azazel sama[/MENTION]; [MENTION=63282]tobi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66363]Vivid[/MENTION]; [MENTION=13464]lpdcomic[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION];
[MENTION=2663]meyrinkay[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41234]kosmos6000[/MENTION];
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa can't wait. Just showed it to my sister; earlier, she'd mentioned that she'd been already bored to death by Pokemon, but this new trailer seems to spark new interest. I'm really curious about riding, multi-battle, sky battle -- heck, make that everything! Also all the effects look so cool. It's becoming more and more JRPG-ish and that's lovely.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa can't wait. Just showed it to my sister; earlier, she'd mentioned that she'd been already bored to death by Pokemon, but this new trailer seems to spark new interest. I'm really curious about riding, multi-battle, sky battle -- heck, make that everything! Also all the effects look so cool. It's becoming more and more JRPG-ish and that's lovely.

............................ thats girly reactions... :XD: :fullblush: go buy 3ds first....... -__- and i already preorder pokemon x and y.. around 410.000... most cheapest one i gues..
Second if you need the codes still its...
Xerneas- X7M4

see if those work for you and if you want the music ill pm you my email so you can log onto that site and download them.

Also I'm loving all these new features in Pokemon.
Mega Mawile in action! I'm hyped from just seeing that :< Also, chibi chars can have the clothes from what I could see :3 The only thing I don't like is... does mega evolving take a turn? Why does it require such a long animation to mega evolve when you have to do it once per battle? Will you stay mega evolved during the battle if you switch pokemon and then switch back?
I'm hoping that you will be able to skip/turn off the mega evolution animation. I kinda want to know more about it to, i know that it last the entire battle so it shouldn't matter if you change Pokemon.

I guess we wont know for sure though until i comes out.
Was that girly? Well, whatever, I guess ┐(´・ω・`)┌ And yeah, I'll order one soon -- as for the game itself, probably I'm getting Y after all. Sis wanted X but unless she still persists (as I mentioned she doesn't hold much interest as she did when Gen VI was first announced) I don't think it's wise to buy both right away on release day...

As for mega evolution, I think you need to do it every time your Pokemon enters the field of battle. In my view, it's sort of like stat-enhancing buffs and similar set-ups (Aqua Ring, Leech Seed, etc) that disappear when the Pokemon is switched out or abilities that reactivate when the Pokemon is switched out and back in (Intimidate, Slow Start, etc).

...Probably the only way to make it worth it is to NEVER switch out at all.

Quick, start a petition to Nintendo to ban Roar, Whirlwind, Dragon Tail and the like!
I guess... I hope that they don't manage to screw something up, but I can bet that the mega evolutions will be animated until you turn off ALL animations -.-

[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; Kinda suck that they always delay the battle as if that's their main goal in newer pokemon games to make it feel that you play more even though the only difference is that everything is slower...
[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; =⌒▽⌒=) i forget mention i buy that for my bro too... i will play x and bro will play y... im not too maniac buying x and y just for me... :ohnoes:

mmmmmmmmmm......... i do not thinking that so far.. so i will fight my blazikenite with water pokemon till he die... :sowwy:
Hmm, your mileage may vary, but personally I don't mind at all. People complained like that too when Gen V came out, that it had too much eye candy, that Gen IV was more efficient, that the battle in Gen V wasn't nearly as swift as before, etc, etc. Me, I do enjoy eye candy and therefore don't mind all the extra effects slowing battle down. (That's also what I referred to as the series becoming more and more JRPG-ish.)

Second, same here. I'm actually not a fan of switching out in the middle of battle (except for PvP competitive battle). I always set my battle system to "set" instead of "shift," and derive more pleasure from having a strong Pokemon continuously pwning my opponent's Pokemon one by one.
[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; I don't mind move animations and stuff. Sure, mega evolution animation is eye candy even though it looks horrible that they're surrounded by a metal ball and then turns mega when it breaks. I don't have any better idéa but still, seeing that once or twice would've been enough for me. The animations when the pokemon roars after becoming mega is kinda the only thing that looks good during the mega evolution... I also dislike that you have to see how much weight your pokemon got by showing the impact when he lands after you throw out your pokeball. It got uses, but that doesn't change the fact that it's annoying to see that every single time when I don't even have a move that's modified by weight.

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