H Games wiki

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on the H Games Wiki. I created new templates for company and game pages and I'm currently changing all game pages to the new template.

While that's happening I also hunt for unlinked game pages or just check the orphaned, uncategorized or unlinked pages sections to see what else should be fixed.

I'm also writing some tutorial pages for basic page creation.

Random thoughts:
  • Except for game pages, there are some modding and even translation related articles spread over the wiki. Maybe those should be moved to their own Namespace and get a "Modder's portal" frontpage.
  • There's an abandoned (unlinked) HGames_Wiki:Community_Portal that may be useful for the Help: Namespace or on the main page.
I'm currently trying to reorganize the stuff in the wiki. Would be great if you could come over and help us getting the wiki up to date.
I am also working on a bot for mass changes, but it's far from beeing completetd.
I'm currently trying to reorganize the stuff in the wiki. Would be great if you could come over and help us getting the wiki up to date.
I am also working on a bot for mass changes, but it's far from beeing completetd.
You already helped a lot. What do you mean by "if you could come over and help us getting the wiki up to date"?

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on the H Games Wiki. I created new templates for company and game pages and I'm currently changing all game pages to the new template.

While that's happening I also hunt for unlinked game pages or just check the orphaned, uncategorized or unlinked pages sections to see what else should be fixed.

I'm also writing some tutorial pages for basic page creation.

Random thoughts:
  • Except for game pages, there are some modding and even translation related articles spread over the wiki. Maybe those should be moved to their own Namespace and get a "Modder's portal" frontpage.
  • There's an abandoned (unlinked) HGames_Wiki:Community_Portal that may be useful for the Help: Namespace or on the main page.
It's a great idea with the modder's portal. Please post if you have some links you think I should add to the first post.
What do you mean by "if you could come over and help us getting the wiki up to date"?
Getting a suitable logo, propably some custom skin for the wiki and reorganizing content (I am a bit unhappy with the content structure; I am thinking about creating subpages).
I am planning to get some CSS and wikiscript skills as soon as I am done with my bot, so I can help creating a custom skin (only with coding the skin, I am a horrible designer / drawer) and write a few own plugins for the wiki.
Currently I am thinking about a voting tool for hgames concerning following categories (subject to change):
  • Graphics
  • Story
  • Interactivity
  • H
That should help people to decide wether the game is worse to download or not (I experienced this with Happy End Trigger: I downloaded that huge game and had to discover that my templates on the hgames wiki have more interactivity then this piece of ****). I already did a template for this, but I personally think it's useless since it would only reflect the oppinion of the latest editor.
Oh, and yes I have great plans for the wiki... propably enough for the next 10 years... ;)

I am also looking forward to the release of mediawiki v.1.23 which will bring great new features(VISUAL EDITOR(!!)).
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Getting a suitable logo, propably some custom skin for the wiki and reorganizing content (I am a bit unhappy with the content structure; I am thinking about creating subpages).
I am planning to get some CSS and wikiscript skills as soon as I am done with my bot, so I can help creating a custom skin (only with coding the skin, I am a horrible designer / drawer) and write a few own plugins for the wiki.
Currently I am thinking about a voting tool for hgames concerning following categories (subject to change):
  • Graphics
  • Story
  • Interactivity
  • H
That should help people to decide wether the game is worse to download or not (I experienced this with Happy End Trigger: I downloaded that huge game and had to discover that my templates on the hgames wiki have mor interactivity then this piece of ****). I already did a template for this, but I personally think it's useless since it would only reflect the oppinion of the latest editor.
Oh, and yes I have great plans for the wiki... propably enough for the next 10 years... ;)

I am also looking forward to the release of mediawiki v.1.23 which will bring great new features(VISUAL EDITOR(!!)).
You have some great ideas! I'd love to see the voting feature implemented! That would be a great help to new users although some of the old games might not get many votes, meaning they could easily be over/underrated.

Regarding custom skin I'm more reluctant. There has been a general consensus in the mod club that we hated the Wikia skin and preferred the MediaWiki default skin. This is primarily because the of the typeface and heading styles. I wouldn't mind a different color scheme, though I would prefer it to be HF/AS like, which would mean it probably should be rather minor.

I think it should be possible to update to the new MediaWiki version, but I prefer the pure text editor because it is much easier to see what's what and I have permanently disabled Wikia's visual editor. In addition I have often seen that other contributors edits done with the visual editor ending up effing up the page hierarchy.
That would be a great help to new users although some of the old games might not get many votes, meaning they could easily be over/underrated.
I also see that problem of over/underrating, but I am a bit into algorithms and already made up a small concept how to prohibit major over/underrating.

Regarding custom skin I'm more reluctant. There has been a general consensus in the mod club that we hated the Wikia skin and preferred the MediaWiki default skin. This is primarily because the of the typeface and heading styles. I wouldn't mind a different color scheme, though I would prefer it to be HF/AS like, which would mean it probably should be rather minor.
What do you mean with "the Wiki skin"? I am thinking of a more refreshed skin like this one(transperancy, propably even a changing background image, depending on the article you currently have opened), but for me it's more important to get a better navigation system into the skin - propably with a plugin which is integrated in the skin.

I think it should be possible to update to the new MediaWiki version, but I prefer the pure text editor because it is much easier to see what's what and I have permanently disabled Wikia's visual editor. In addition I have often seen that other contributors edits done with the visual editor ending up effing up the page hierarchy.
Oh, the visual editor is already out? I thought it's only bundled with the 1.23 preview ^^. When you say that it messes up the page code, I can only agree with your desicion to disable it.
Nah, I think the visual editor on Wikia is their own. I wouldn't mind enabling the visual editor at all. Most edits will be fine using it and many contributors don't like to have code in the text when editing.

Regarding the skin I guess we are in opposite camps, lol. With skin I obviously mean everything from fonts, colors, background etc. I prefer the standard MediaWiki, but I'm open to trying some things, like a different background image on for instance the front page of each specific wiki.
Ok, I see your point. I think we can postpone the discussion about the skin until I have a concept and know what's possible anyway ^^
Maintenance report #1

I am starting mass maintenance of all Illusion games: Changing all pages to the new hgame template.
Aprox. Time: 60 minutes.
  1. Adding the "maintenance in progress"-notice to all pages which will be changed [18:14:17 - 18:16:57]
  2. Replacing the old template with the new hgame-template [18:20:08 - 18:41:01]
    ---> Some things got messed up by the bot, gonna fix that before proceeding with the next step [18:45 - 18:55]
  3. Converting the old templates, so they can be used in the new one [18:56 - 19:03]
  4. Removing the maintenance notice [19:07:23 - 19:12:56]
Total time: [18:14:17 - 19:12:56] 59 minutes
So far everything worked, but I had to correct some things manually. In some cases the template can't be used correctly, because the pagename is not the same as the template name.
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(I am a bit unhappy with the content structure; I am thinking about creating subpages).
The current grown page structure *is* somewhat fsck'd up.
Instead of "game_h_guide" there should be Game/H-Guide subpages, but this is a major effort. I'd suggest to have:
  • Company pages
  • Game About pages with one or more subpages:
    • Gameplay
    • H Guide
    • Tech Info
    • Mod links
True modding info (how to mod, etc.) should go to a Namespace. That would by default not include those pages in searches. If, for what ever reason, there's need for another page (think 3 screens of FAQ for example), let's do this, but it should an exception, not the rule.
The only problem would be the DISPLAYTITLE, but for that we could set $wgRestrictDisplayTitle through a template to make it look nice.

I am planning to get some CSS and wikiscript skills as soon as I am done with my bot, so I can help creating a custom skin (only with coding the skin, I am a horrible designer / drawer) and write a few own plugins for the wiki.
About plugins, I'm only missing the (pretty standard) ParseFunctions plugin. I'm not sure if we need some more, the wiki is quite simple at the moment and I feel it should stay that way to encourage orther people to edit it.

Currently I am thinking about a voting tool for hgames concerning following categories (subject to change)
Based on community experience, such votes are best placed in the forums. I'd say 90%+ browse the forums, 10% the wiki at the moment. This may change, but at this point we need just more content and encouragement for new editors.

I am also looking forward to the release of mediawiki v.1.23 which will bring great new features(VISUAL EDITOR(!!)).
Well, I prefer a plain editor, but visual editor is great for people foreign to mediawiki markup. May be an important step to bring more editors in.
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I appreciate the initiative, but as long as we don't get any notifications for editing pages on the wiki I'd prefer to have the discussion in this thread. Or maybe you know how to make notifications work?
I usually put talk pages that I'm interested on my watchlist and check it when I'm visiting the wiki. But I guess it's better to use the thread as Checkmate will probably read it too.

About the suggested article structure featuring subpages, I wrote the requirements at the talk page:
$wgNamespacesWithSubpages[NS_MAIN] = true;
$wgAllowDisplayTitle = true;
$wgRestrictDisplayTitle = false;
which would allow to have a page Somegame/H_Guide and use {{DISPLAYTITLE:Somegame H Guide}} to show the game name in the title. If we do not get subpages or unrestricted titles, we should ''at least'' standardize the pages used ($GAME, $GAME_H_Guide, $GAME_Gameplay, $GAME_FAQ ...). Guess we need to ask Checkmate first what he thinks he want to allow.
Offensive content warning

Do you think it makes sence to create an warning for game containing "offensive content" like rape, etc. (e.g. Itazura Gokuaku).
I would like to have this kind of warning since there could be more people like me, who are going through the wiki and looking for the next game to play and don't like rape, etc.
I have a template in mind, looking like this:
style=" width:25%; margin-top: 4px; border: #990000 solid 2px; -moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px; -opera-border-radius:8px; -o-border-radius:8px; -khtml-border-radius:8px; border-radius:8px;">
<div style="margin: 0px; padding: 10px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px; background-color: #CC0000; font-size: 1.4em;">
[[File:Icon_msgbox_warning.png]]'''Offensive content warning'''</div>

{|width="25%" style="-moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px; -opera-border-radius:8px; -o-border-radius:8px; -khtml-border-radius:8px; border-radius:8px;"
;This game features some things which could be offensive to you
Re: Offensive content warning

Do you think it makes sence to create an warning for game containing "offensive content" like rape, etc. (e.g. Itazura Gokuaku).
I would like to have this kind of warning since there could be more people like me, who are going through the wiki and looking for the next game to play and don't like rape, etc.
I'd say dependent of whom you ask, any page in the wiki can be considered offensive (to someone). But dark themes may be somewhat special in that regard.

I have a template in mind, looking like this:
Or just use another {{Msgbox}} variation like {{stub}}, {{delete}}, {{cleanup}} and {{From Wikipedia}} to keep things simple.
Re: Offensive content warning

I'd say dependent of whom you ask, any page in the wiki can be considered offensive (to someone). But dark themes may be somewhat special in that regard.
Of course the games on the wiki are somehow all offensive. But since the possibility that you are offended by hentai and get on the wiki by accident is somewhere near zero we don't need to mark everything as offensive content ;)
Re: Offensive content warning

I usually put talk pages that I'm interested on my watchlist and check it when I'm visiting the wiki. But I guess it's better to use the thread as Checkmate will probably read it too.

About the suggested article structure featuring subpages, I wrote the requirements at the talk page:
$wgNamespacesWithSubpages[NS_MAIN] = true;
$wgAllowDisplayTitle = true;
$wgRestrictDisplayTitle = false;
which would allow to have a page Somegame/H_Guide and use {{DISPLAYTITLE:Somegame H Guide}} to show the game name in the title. If we do not get subpages or unrestricted titles, we should ''at least'' standardize the pages used ($GAME, $GAME_H_Guide, $GAME_Gameplay, $GAME_FAQ ...). Guess we need to ask Checkmate first what he thinks he want to allow.
Checkmate (anime-sharing) is hosting the wiki for us and has nothing else to do with the content or how we organize it. We decide how we want it and if we think some WikiMedia feature is missing either I or Checkmate will install it there is consensus that it seems like a good idea.

I think the namespace structure is a good idea (I can see the possibilities and it seems the right thing to do), but I have had some issues with the VH wiki at Wikia because of the nested structure. I don't remember what it was, but I think it had something to do with exporting it and/or the interwiki navigation not working as expected. Just a general FYI that the structure may make it somewhat more unwieldy and/or might require more wiki knowledge to handle. I think we could go ahead and do it on e.g. the @HomeMate wiki as suggested. It is a rather old wiki and new gameplay findings and subsequent edits are unlikely.

Do you think it makes sence to create an warning for game containing "offensive content" like rape, etc. (e.g. Itazura Gokuaku).
I would like to have this kind of warning since there could be more people like me, who are going through the wiki and looking for the next game to play and don't like rape, etc.
I have a template in mind, looking like this:
style=" width:25%; margin-top: 4px; border: #990000 solid 2px; -moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px; -opera-border-radius:8px; -o-border-radius:8px; -khtml-border-radius:8px; border-radius:8px;">
<div style="margin: 0px; padding: 10px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px; background-color: #CC0000; font-size: 1.4em;">
[[File:Icon_msgbox_warning.png]]'''Offensive content warning'''</div>

{|width="25%" style="-moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px; -opera-border-radius:8px; -o-border-radius:8px; -khtml-border-radius:8px; border-radius:8px;"
;This game features some things which could be offensive to you
I agree with hmoeller. I think that trying to classify what will be offensive to some people in an adults only wiki is a little contradictory. I mean who are we to judge if people will find a game offensive? If anything we should have a general warning on all pages (maybe a little less flashy than yours). I wouldn't mind if you decide to edit a warning in on the pages you find offensive, but you should be aware that it will most likely just attract more attention (most probably from people who's attention we don't want) than it will help guys to steer clear if it's not their cup of tea. ^^
Re: Offensive content warning

I think that trying to classify what will be offensive to some people in an adults only wiki is a little contradictory. I mean who are we to judge if people will find a game offensive? If anything we should have a general warning on all pages (maybe a little less flashy than yours). I wouldn't mind if you decide to edit a warning in on the pages you find offensive, but you should be aware that it will most likely just attract more attention (most probably from people who's attention we don't want) than it will help guys to steer clear if it's not their cup of tea. ^^
Yes, you're right. Thinking of it, it propably would be better to create a template for games which displays what the game features in general (e.g. romance, rape, etc. but also things like openWorld).
Re: Offensive content warning

I think the namespace structure is a good idea (I can see the possibilities and it seems the right thing to do), but I have had some issues with the VH wiki at Wikia because of the nested structure. I don't remember what it was, but I think it had something to do with exporting it and/or the interwiki navigation not working as expected. Just a general FYI that the structure may make it somewhat more unwieldy and/or might require more wiki knowledge to handle.
So let's do this and try it for a couple of games (GGCY is already prepared for that, AHM would be next to test, then I'd take a look at VH). We can still roll back those changes if necessary.
Re: Offensive content warning

Yes, you're right. Thinking of it, it propably would be better to create a template for games which displays what the game features in general (e.g. romance, rape, etc. but also things like openWorld).
Great idea! That would be helpful and open. :)
Artcile structure

So, I've planned the structure for all games except VH. For some pages I didn't know what to do with them:
  • Artificial Girl 3 gameplay guide
    Difference to general gameplay?
  • Artificial Girl 3 Clothing Uploads
    Empty page. Propably delete?
  • Artificial Girl 3 user-made clothing
    Is propably out-of-date; Delete?
  • Artificial Girl 3 version history
    Which category?
  • Box_-Hako-_skinship_guide
    What means "skinship"? Rename?
  • Sexy Beach 3 mods resource usage
    Propably needs a better name
  • Yuusha Digital
    The content does not fit the page name...
Some random questions / thoughts I had while planning the page structure:
  • Which title would be better for an overview/list of mods: "Mods", "Mod list", "Mod overview"?
  • Create a seperate lvl-2 Sub for patches, etc.? How name it?
  • Create the standard pages "Gameplay", "H Guide", "Technical Help" and Modding" for all games (also for those which are currently missing this pages)?
  • Is the correct name Box -Hako- or "Hako Box"?
  • Rename "LoveDeath_2_-_Realtime_Lovers" to "Love_Death_2"
  • Rename "Renai+H" to get rid of the "%2B"
  • Rename "VH" to "Violated_Heroine"
  • Rename "Schoolmate Sweets!" to "School_Mate_Sweets!" so it matches the names of the SM1 and SM2
  • Does ILLUSION FIELD really have to be completely in capital letters?

Please go through the plan and tell me what you think / edit the plan.
I will fill the summaries when the plans are confirmed.
So, there is a new "User" on the wiki. After reading his User page i think it could be a spam bot*:

So, shall we block the user or not? If he had inserted the text into some article, I already would have blocked him, but since it's just his own page...
*That's irony. Of course its a spam bot ;)
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