KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

When does the support fleet come in btw? Only at the boss node?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

When does the support fleet come in btw? Only at the boss node?

Sortie Support Expedition 33(support sub fleet), 34(support main fleet). It's both.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Probably will F and H be unlucky node? Because I hate them, make a fleet of FBB+CAV+CL+3DD. As for this formation, a route is fixed to A-D-E-G-I, but G is severe when Anti-Air Cut-in is not made. In addition, the result depends whether support fleets works.

My main fleet for E-2
Kongou:49(Haruna:45), Mikuma:36(Mogami:35), Sendai:49, Yuudachi:56, Yukikaze:46, Shimakaze:43 or Shigure:60

Support main fleet
Mutsu:49, Hiei:39(Kirishima:32), Hiyou:44, Junyou:43, Hatsushimo:37, Shigure:60 or Yamagumo:35

Support sub fleet
Fusou:40, Yamashiro:39, Chitose:51, Chiyoda:51, Fubuki:27, Hibiki:43

If you're not making it to the boss node, tune down your difficulty. Sending 2 support fleet is a waste of time and resource in my opinion. I only ever send in Boss support expedition when the boss is in final rotation. I never had trouble killing the pre final form of Wo Flag, and even if you're sending 2 support fleet and you're still struggling, it means that map is too high difficulty for you already. So if you're doing hard I suggest switching it to medium, should make your life much much easier.

When does the support fleet come in btw? Only at the boss node?

There are two different support expedition you can use, the normal node support and boss node support. The normal node support is where you're having so much trouble with normal node but you can easily finish boss node, that's when you use that. The Boss support node is the opposite. However, you cannot control which node the support team will cut in for the normal node one, it just a random chance that they'll cut in for the node that you need or it might cut in during the node that you can easily win, to me in my honest opinion is a complete waste of time and resource. Boss node is also a waste of time and resource before you got the boss to the final form, as retreating will still cost you 8 units of bullet and fuel, making it unbearable if you're retreating a lot. However if you're struggling to kill the boss yet you always manage to reach boss node, then I would suggest sending boss support expedition when it is the last clean kill you need to clear the map, otherwise it is waste of resource as it is very resource taxing.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Yeah, like I said I am gonna wait until tomorrow to see if my chance of reaching the boss node increases before going down to Medium. That 51cm's probably too much of a luxury for me anyway :P

EDIT: Forget that, I'm going Medium now. I've decided it isn't worth it.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I'm starting E-1. It's easier than i though :D. Reppu 601 will be in my hand fufufufu.

About E-2, i saw my brother using this fleet: BB-CV-CV-CVL-DD-FBB ( Yamato-Hiryuu-Kaga-Ryuujou-Hibiki kai2-Kongou ), Route: A-F-H-I. 11 or 12 run in total but always reach boss node.

Btw Kisaragi Valentine art is soooo cute!!!! ^^

Edit: I've just got Urakaze. Huraaaaaa!!!
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Just did an E3 run, clean kill at boss node o.O Looks like E3 might not be too bad compared to E2. U511 here I come!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

E-2 seems to be the only map with a considerable difference between Medium and Hard mode rewards
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I was doing just the fourth sortie for E-2(Hard). As a result of having reviewed my equipment this time, I got S-Win for a boss though it was T-cross disadvantage.


The support fleet came, and the enemy whom they sank is only one. However, I might not have been able to sink the flagship without it.

Thanks for your advice, King :) I'll do my best a little more.



I'm starting E-1. It's easier than i though :D. Reppu 601 will be in my hand fufufufu.
Btw Kisaragi Valentine art is soooo cute!!!! ^^

my Reppuu 601... :dontleave:
Yeah! Mutsuki and Kisaragi Valentine art are sooooooo cute!!!! :lovestruck:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I'm not far from clearing E3, 2 more sortie that result in clean boss kill will clear it I think. Well that was quick :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

E-1 clear!!!

Valuables drop from E-1: Urakaze and Souryuu.

E-2 here i come!!!!!!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

ok, question time. I just tried E-2 once. did it on hard, because i want the prototype equipment. got in the red on my second node. My fleet:







soo.. i am using radars on my two BBs atm. should i replace something with type 91 AP shells or type 3 shells instead? if so what should i replace with what? i am using star shell and night scout as well. and which formation should i use? i plan to use double line for every node. maybe that diamond formation might be good for the boss node?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

ok, question time. I just tried E-2 once. did it on hard, because i want the prototype equipment. got in the red on my second node. My fleet:







soo.. i am using radars on my two BBs atm. should i replace something with type 91 AP shells or type 3 shells instead? if so what should i replace with what? i am using star shell and night scout as well. and which formation should i use? i plan to use double line for every node. maybe that diamond formation might be good for the boss node?

Swap your Radar out for Type 3 until you encounter the 160 hp Wo Flag at boss node. That's when you swap the Type 3 into AP Shell because otherwise even your BB just barely scratch her because of how much armor she have >_< if you have searchlight use searchlight instead of starshell. Your Shigure was there to proc the AA cut in during day, otherwise she's more or less useless so searchlight on her so she get focus doesn't really make it any worse for you, but because the way searchlight always proc it is much more reliable than starshell even though Starshell doesn't have a negative effect, in this case it doesn't really effect you since you only really do Night battle at boss node anyway. I went Line Ahead for all node, but alternative would be Double Line, however Boss node should always be Line Ahead because your BB will be useless if you use Diamond, the shelling modifier is changed to 60% which is not what you want. So it has to be Line Ahead, if you're suffering from not enough AA then i would go for Double Line.

[EDIT]E-3 Complete! I'll upload Fleet composition + Rewards in a bit like usual
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Swap your Radar out for Type 3 until you encounter the 160 hp Wo Flag at boss node. That's when you swap the Type 3 into AP Shell because otherwise even your BB just barely scratch her because of how much armor she have >_< if you have searchlight use searchlight instead of starshell. Your Shigure was there to proc the AA cut in during day, otherwise she's more or less useless so searchlight on her so she get focus doesn't really make it any worse for you, but because the way searchlight always proc it is much more reliable than starshell even though Starshell doesn't have a negative effect, in this case it doesn't really effect you since you only really do Night battle at boss node anyway. I went Line Ahead for all node, but alternative would be Double Line, however Boss node should always be Line Ahead because your BB will be useless if you use Diamond, the shelling modifier is changed to 60% which is not what you want. So it has to be Line Ahead, if you're suffering from not enough AA then i would go for Double Line.

[EDIT]E-3 Complete! I'll upload Fleet composition + Rewards in a bit like usual

Thanks! I will try that out right away. Hope I make it work. Will try medium, if it doesn't work. x9
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Just woke up and tried my first run on E-3 medium. Went through the south route and cleared the boss without much trouble (Didn't need to go to night battle at boss).

Comp: Using Carrier Task Force combined fleet

First fleet

Escort fleet

Some info on the equipment that isn't obvious in the pic for newer admirals:
Taihou using Saiun to avoid red Ts. Mogami obviously using Zuiun. Sendai is using the night scout. Kitakami is using midget sub. Yuudachi is running a AA cut in setup ( 10cmHA+Fire director, Type 91 AA Fire Director and air radar). Yukikaze is using a star shell to increase night battle CI rate. Shigure is using searchlight to increase night battle CI rate but the downside of the searchlight is that the ship is aimed at more often.

E-3 doesn't seem hard but the fact that it's combined fleet will mean a huge blow to my buckets which is already pretty low (37).
For medium difficulty 84 air superiority seems to be enough so that means lots of torpedo bombers in my carriers.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

As promised, here is the E3 clear composition and equipment that I used to get me through Hard Mode! :3

















Unfortunately I have no "Good" ship drops during E3 (probably because I didn't even stay at E3 for that long).

Thanks! I will try that out right away. Hope I make it work. Will try medium, if it doesn't work. x9

No problem, if you have anymore question I'll be around to answer them.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I just give E-2 a try. My fleet: Nagato-Akagi-Kaga-Junyou-Yudachi-Haruna. 5 run in total, route A-F-H-I
- 2 medium: F*** node F. Those 2 Ru cause heavy damage so i have to withdraw in 1st sortie. 2nd sortie i reach node H but the Ru cause heavy damage and i have to withdraw again. Change to easy.
- 3 easy: F*** node F again. 1st try the only red Ru critical Haruna, yes only her heavy damage ---> withdraw. Fleet is sparkle but after this try, Haruna and Yudachi become normal. 2nd try, node F ( or F*** ) the Ru point to Junyou and... heavy damage. Now only Nagato and Akagi is sparkle. 3nd sortie, yes node F***, Ru point to Akagi and boom, medium damage. This time i can process to boss node and kill the boss.

Voilla the prize :D. RNG trolled me!!!!!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Should have gone to E-3 hard tbh. I need to kill it 7 times in medium instead of the 4 kill of hard.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Argh... Almost finished E-3 on easy. Already 2 runs I were not able to get S-victory to finish this map. This Ta-class battleship just do not want to take damage :korokke_angry:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Argh... Almost finished E-3 on easy. Already 2 runs I were not able to get S-victory to finish this map. This Ta-class battleship just do not want to take damage :korokke_angry:

Just worry about destroying abyssal Naka and you are good. Don't bother with S rank
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage


I have no words.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage


I have no words.

My E2 was like this for a long time. Boss refuse to die when I reach it 3 times, one of the time she survived with 9HP >_>
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

E-2(Hard) 5th try: A-Win for Boss (flagship: moderate damage)



Type 0 Recon Seaplane *2, Type 14 Air RADAR *1
LOS check to a boss is all right only in this.
BB: 41cm, 41cm, Type 3 Shell, Type 0 Recon Seaplane
CAV: Prototype Seiran, Type 14 Air RADAR, 20.3cm(no.3), 20.3cm
CL: 15.5cm, 15.5cm, Type 0 Recon Seaplane
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I must have had like 10 tries by now.
Will try again tomorrow.

Edit: I don't get it, whenever I get to the boss node, about 80-90% attacks from both sides miss.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Ok, I managed to defeat the E-2 boss on hard once after the 4th try. But I decided to switch to medium after all. my fleet got heavily damaged and i don't want to risk wasting so much time and resources. passing on the 51cm is hard, but it's fine.

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