What game are you currently playing?

I was playing Moe Chronicle but that game sucks ass so I went back to playing Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus.
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I play Murasama Rebirth (Vita) bought the Complete Edition yesterday. Amazing game, love it.
Before that i played through 9hours 9persons 9doors. I hope the sequel Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward will also be so good. I think about to play it next.
The Secret World... Joined the Illuminati because you get to wear a gas mask...
Metro : Last Light ( XBOX 360 )

the redux version is nice but really only noticeable improvements would be in the 2033 version rather then last light would love to see them come out with another game loved the story and action and interaction as well as the consequence feature
1. Clash of Clans (Android)
2. Plant vs Zombies 2 (Android)
3. Hill Climb Racing (Android)
4. D.C.~ダ・カーポ~ (芳乃 さくら route) (VN)
HoTS. Need to bring a few characters up to 6.
Legend of Hero's Trails In The Sky


Outlast Whistleblower


Darksiders 2

Haven't played my copy of the first game yet. :digoil:

Back into HoTS after nearly two weeks! Rustiness must be remedied.
Playing Skyrim after a 1 year break.Played 250 hours so far but still so many things to do....and have to kill some time until Fallout 4 release.
Finished Whistleblower, so backto Legend of Heroes, grinding all those ahcievements...
Cs:go, with some ret... friends (indeed). This time the server shouldn't be kicking us out, maybe?
Diablo 3 & Expansion- After procrastinating this game for so long, going to enter the world of mmorpg grinding for rare loot again

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