[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Is there an updated translation for this new update? I've installed it (the new update) and everything has reverted to Japanese. I'm not sure if its my pluggins not working for some reason or the translation pluggins now being outdated, I have noticed most of my pluggins now not working so not sure
Is there an updated translation for this new update? I've installed it (the new update) and everything has reverted to Japanese. I'm not sure if its my pluggins not working for some reason or the translation pluggins now being outdated, I have noticed most of my pluggins now not working so not sure

Translation package is found in HF from what I heard and you have to wait for modders to update the plugins.
The Automatic function is for creating a new UV. There's probably no best settings. It depends on what kind of result you want. For example, the number of planes = how many planes will be used for projection, the more no. of planes the less distortion but you'll get a lot of UV islands.

Are you still fixing the map? Well, the Automatic function is one way to cut the troublesome face UV but then the new UV won't be at the same place anymore. Isn't that more difficult to adjust?
Well after few test on the Automatic part. It is not favourable way to adjust those UVs. I am skipping that. The one you recent mentioned:
Both methods are pretty much the same. If you choose to rescale each group individually there's a Cut UV Tool in Maya that allows you to cut a UV shell in to pieces. You can find it in the UV Editor menu bar and on the tool shelf (an icon looks like a knife if I remember correctly).
After some few practices.This method is ideal in fixing UVs only problem is it is time consuming! Meaning I have to work alot. Good thing is it is going smoothly.
:reallyconfused: I thought you were aiming for perfection. If you don't wanna spend too much time why not moving bunch of UVs at the same time. It only took 5 minutes in the example I gave you and I only see 1 wrong texture at one of the stairs steps. Or perhaps I don't know how the result supposed to look like. Can you share some images?
:reallyconfused: I thought you were aiming for perfection. If you don't wanna spend too much time why not moving bunch of UVs at the same time. It only took 5 minutes in the example I gave you and I only see 1 wrong texture at one of the stairs steps. Or perhaps I don't know how the result supposed to look like. Can you share some images?

I am the most stupidest guy with smartest tool. The blunder I was making when following your institution is that I selected first the faces with bad UVs that going over to UV editor and trying to move them them which causing a mayhem in rest of the UV layout that I was forced fix each face! Stupid me. What I should have done it that I convert to vertices than shift the UVs.

I re-done the work again following your instruction properly and here is the final result. I have also fixed the stair problem too.

Here is the mesh file if you want to open in Maya yourself for check.
:eek: Oh no..I'm sorry It's actually my fault providing an unclear example. But it's great you to the result in the end...please think of it as a learning experience :whistle:.
finally, the new dlc offers 2 color clothing options now. finally able to do more complex colored oufits & accessories.
Is there a list of mods that are supposed to have ID conflicts with the game files? I know the 4k mod should but are there any others? I think I'll be starting the long process of resolving conflicts but I don't want to screw anything up in the process.

I have an litte question about the meshes in the head unity file.
I noticed, if I replace not matter which mesh, that it becomes pink.
Don't know if it was talked in the past, how to solve this issue, but nevertheless here is my work so far.

I copied cf_head_00.unity3d, renamed it into cf_head_cat.unity3d and placed it into an folder, which I named it FutyBoy.
abdata --> char --> FutyBoy --> cf_head_cat.unity.3d
I put first the mat_cha_00.unity3d into SB3U, which includes the materials and textures and opened my copied unity file.
Inside the unity, I replace the cf_O_ha (teeth) and the corresponding morphs and choosed the material for the teeth.

When I open my file without the mat_cha_00.unity3d, than you can see "External" inside the material.

I created an new list file

In the game I have that mentioned pink teeth. But the tongue is pink too and the eyes are missing their pupils.

But if I reneame my file into the original one and add it into the original source, than is the head fully working.
abdata --> char --> cf_head_00.unity.3d

Any ideas, what is working wrong?

Pink means the game can't find material for that mesh. When you open mat_cha_00 and your cat head SB3UGS should link them together and you should see the mesh with texture in the render panel and NOT the word "external". Are you sure you link your head file to the mat_cha_00 correctly?

I have an litte question about the meshes in the head unity file.
I noticed, if I replace not matter which mesh, that it becomes pink.
Don't know if it was talked in the past, how to solve this issue, but nevertheless here is my work so far.

I copied cf_head_00.unity3d, renamed it into cf_head_cat.unity3d and placed it into an folder, which I named it FutyBoy.
abdata --> char --> FutyBoy --> cf_head_cat.unity.3d
I put first the mat_cha_00.unity3d into SB3U, which includes the materials and textures and opened my copied unity file.
Inside the unity, I replace the cf_O_ha (teeth) and the corresponding morphs and choosed the material for the teeth.

When I open my file without the mat_cha_00.unity3d, than you can see "External" inside the material.

I created an new list file

In the game I have that mentioned pink teeth. But the tongue is pink too and the eyes are missing their pupils.

But if I reneame my file into the original one and add it into the original source, than is the head fully working.
abdata --> char --> cf_head_00.unity.3d

Any ideas, what is working wrong?

You can also copy-paste the material in your custom head without linking them to "External" material.

A Template File with no material in the Material Tree.

Go to the desire material file mat_cha_xx. Copy the material you intended to work and paste back to your custom head.

Once the material is copy-paste to your custom head file. Double click on the material that is recently inserted in the Material tab and it will link the to the Materials Tree in Object Tree
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if you want to use the Stock illusion materials/texture you have to link them in sb3u AND create a new add file (notice all those add01, add02, etc.. in abdata folder) which will link your mod to the stock material/texture. You also have to change your List file column where it has "abdata" to you new "add" file name.

The Long eyelash mod has the same type of error you running into cause it doesn't use an add file. Roy's head replacement doesn't have that issue cause he's not using the stock materials/textures, but ported ones.
@ Ram-O-Ram
well that was my first idea, but I want to figure it first out, how it works with the external material.

I have no idea what are you trying to explain me.
How it works? How I can do that?

if you want to use the Stock illusion materials/texture you have to link them in sb3u AND create a new add file (notice all those add01, add02, etc.. in abdata folder) which will link your mod to the stock material/texture. You also have to change your List file column where it has "abdata" to you new "add" file name.

Eh? In SB3UGS, I just open mat_cha_00, open my mod, then choose File->External->select cab string of mat_cha_00, and that's it. I can use external material without having to edit any list file.
Correct you define the external link like this, but that does not cause the loading of the external file. Your mod works because something else is causing the loading of mat_cha_00.unity3d before your mod comes in play. And this "something else" in turn is in one of the (extensionless) AssetBundleManifest files. AssetBundleManifest files are read at startup and a dependency in such file causes the loading of a new resource file.

Now if your mod has the chance to be the first every read, you must take care for the loading of dependent files. And that is done in an extra (or expanding one existing) AssetBundleManifest file.

This all is for minimizing loading overhead and reusing identical resources. If there is no chance that a different loading order of mods profits from this caching then you should use internal resources.
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Oh ic...so if I use other external source beside the mat_cha_00 it won't load right? And the proper way to link is like DillDoe suggest?

I linked the mat_cha_00 because I wanted to use a material. The mod file ended up with a very long unsorted material list so I don't use external link anymore :/.
As soon as another mod or original file is loaded it becomes available to every other file as external. But if you want to be sure, you would create a new AssetBundleManifest file with your required files. I made two small tutorials and also posted them here.

Not included in the tutorials is that you only need to define directly dependent files. E.g. a geometry file needs a link to a file with the material. But if the material uses an external texture in a third file, you only create the link in the material file to the texture file - the geometry file does not get that link to the texture file.

This makes the creation of an AssetBundleManifest file relatively easy. Each file inserted there just needs the entries of files you get with "Dump AssetBundle".
Hmmm... I noticed something strange, that the teeth are only in the maker pink, but in the studio are the teeth, tongue and eyes are working well.
I found out another rule for AssetBundleManifests. A file can only be defined once - for all AssetBundleManifest files!

This means mat_cha_00.unity3d is defined in abdata, and can not be referenced in another AssetBundleManifest. Ergo, you must add such a face mod file in abdata in order to be able to reference mat_cha_00.unity3d.

Dont forget to delete the backup from Sb3UGS afterwards. A file named abdata.bak0.none is still an AssetBundleManifest file which is read by the game. And it produces many errors.
Sorry im not sure if this is the place to ask a question. I have seen video recorder and handphones having screen that shows the girl in the background. How do i go about doing that? Sorry for my poor english, it is not my main language.
I noticed an other odd thing about my head. By starting the maker and choose one of the heads, where I add the fangs, you know that I get those issues with the teeth etc.
But if I load an saved girl, no matter if I load an created or the standart girl and switch to the new heads, than are the heads working well in the maker.

But there is still one thing what is disturbing me. There is an issue which I got it too in SBPR.
In some mouth positions, where I can use the slider, the fangs are moving strangely.

This happens only with the mouth positions 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 17 and 37.
How I can manage this issue?
The really funny thing is, that it happens only with the cat fangs. With the snake fangs, which I made them for SBPR, I got not this kind of issue.

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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
Bedusz wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Reupload please 🙏
okinawa wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

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