KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(前篇)

All new KanMusu get
Get all new equipment (or at least the most powerful versions), clearing Hard if necessary
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(前篇)

All new KanMusu get
Get all new equipment (or at least the most powerful versions), clearing Hard if necessary

I'm not looking forward to Night battle E3 (so I heard) Abyssal Akizuki :L
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(前篇)

I only want Suzutsuki. Don't really care about equipment.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(前篇)

Managed to clear E1N, E2N, E3H, and by godly luck managed to get Tsushima and I-400 to drop while clearing E2 and E3, leaving only E4 (on Normal or Hard) and Suzutsuki.

But E4 is just Jesus Christ...

EDIT: and after considering the remaining SAN in my life, I've decided to go with Normal
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(前篇)

E4 does sounds really crazy doing it on Hard Mode :L

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