Fate/Grand Order Master Training Area!

Sorry for the double-post but hot news here :

Each time these CM are so cool :bigeyes:

Is the first girl the already seen Jeanne or Artoria Lancer ? And the last one could it be Parvati ? Medb is back again !? :reallyconfused:

Jeanne Alter use 3 katana (with sageo for ancer_nyaa :rn1: ). I'm glad Jeanne Alter is free because she is the cutest and with my luck I'm sure it's all I will get.
Sorry for the double-post but hot news here :

Each time these CM are so cool :bigeyes:

Is the first girl the already seen Jeanne or Artoria Lancer ? And the last one could it be Parvati ? Medb is back again !? :reallyconfused:

Jeanne Alter use 3 katana (with sageo for ancer_nyaa :rn1: ). I'm glad Jeanne Alter is free because she is the cutest and with my luck I'm sure it's all I will get.

The first is definitely Artoria Oppai. It's hard to tell cause of similar hair color, eye color....front armor....so you have to look at the bangs. Jeanne's go downward while Artoria's goes out the side. That in the very picture you posted of Jalter and Jeanne, Jeanne is wearing a bikini while the one in the video is wearing a sport swimsuit.

Better question is Atalanta! Shuten! Medea! Irisviel! Swimsuit! Fucking! When!?

Also now have Artoria (Archer), Martha (Ruler) and Anne and Mary (Archer) of the NA summer event. I won't disclose how many SQ it took or I would seriously get depressed. Still no Tamamo.....still no Mordred....still no Viva la France (caster)...well, 2/5 that I really wanted isn't bad.
You're still lucky as ever !

It's Vive la France. Viva is for Spain or Portugal.

......you're right, I've been saying it wrong this whole time! Profound embarrassment!

lol, I can't agree this time with the lucky.....over 400 SQ and about 10 or so tickets were trash 3* servants or non-event CE. I had a card turn gold on me and since it was an archer (edit: I meant lancer) I got my hopes up thinking I pulled Tamamo.....and it was that....salmon guy......

I did get lucky with event CE though....and due to sleepiness, I screw myself over by throwing 4 Meat Wars.....onto a Meat Wars that already had 3 upgrades....wasted 3 Meat Wars....
......you're right, I've been saying it wrong this whole time! Profound embarrassment!

Don't worry, the game itself is full of weird French. The worst is for me the Jeanne Alter NP, "Le Grondement Du Haine" should be "Le Grondement De La Haine". I hope they won't mess up with the new JAlter Berseker.

lol, I can't agree this time with the lucky.....over 400 SQ and about 10

How did you get 400 SQ. Did you buy them ?
Don't worry, the game itself is full of weird French. The worst is for me the Jeanne Alter NP, "Le Grondement Du Haine" should be "Le Grondement De La Haine". I hope they won't mess up with the new JAlter Berseker.

How did you get 400 SQ. Did you buy them ?

Combination of bought, leftovers from Camelot (maintenance freebies, log-in freebies, etc) I got lucky with Artoria Oppai and didn't really care about the other knights of the Round though I did also pull Gawain with AO and got Lancelot with free ticket never got blind guy, and free quests I never completed. Lots of apples were eaten that day....
Combination of bought, leftovers from Camelot (maintenance freebies, log-in freebies, etc)

Ooh, that's maybe explain why we have so many differency in luck. I never pay bought anything.

The idea crossed my mind few times but I arrived at the conclusion that is it better spending my money on something more solid. So I buy figure instead. My last one are these two : the first and the second. I also have some Nendoroid.
Ooh, that's maybe explain why we have so many differency in luck. I never pay bought anything.

The idea crossed my mind few times but I arrived at the conclusion that is it better spending my money on something more solid. So I buy figure instead. My last one are these two : the first and the second. I also have some Nendoroid.

Meh, I have some as well (none for f/go yet). Eyeing a Swimsuit Elizabeth at the moment. Back when I was hard into gaming, I made something of a gaming fund. I would put in some money per paycheck and use that to preorder/buy games or hit the arcades with. But now maybe 2-3 games a year if that catches my eye and all the arcades in my town or either gone or haven't been updated in a decade so the fund had been steadily growing. Then f/go came out and I figured "welp, since I'm not using that money on anything might as well use it to get some SQ." And it's become sort of a thing now that every other paycheck I just buy some SQ.
It sucks now though, since next month I have 2 games I want to buy and Illya event is coming up next and I refuse to go outside my pre-set budget.
ARGH!! Why is summer Mordred so freaking cool-cutel!? And why can't I have her!? I mean London she was pretty cool and we saw how cute she can be in Camelot....but damn not both at the same time!!

.....seriously wonder if I can convince them to put in a trade system for servants. I would gladly give over summer Kiyohime for summer Mordred and my Tamamo Cat army for summer Marie.
.....seriously wonder if I can convince them to put in a trade system for servants. I would gladly give over summer Kiyohime for summer Mordred and my Tamamo Cat army for summer Marie.

I know how you feel. I have myself an army of Emiya Archer and Elisabeth Lancer.

But there is a trade system. by burning those card you get yellow prism that can by exchanged in the special shop. I didn't do it myself but now that I have past the NP limit break for Archer I'm wondering if I should use my duplicate in this system instead of leveling NP.

On JP, the girl with glasses in the CM was just Archer Jeanne 2nd acsencion. I pass the first banner and I will wait for the next : Foreigner Mysterous Heroine X (or MHXX), Moon Cancer BB (again) and Saber Medb.
I know how you feel. I have myself an army of Emiya Archer and Elisabeth Lancer.

But there is a trade system. by burning those card you get yellow prism that can by exchanged in the special shop. I didn't do it myself but now that I have past the NP limit break for Archer I'm wondering if I should use my duplicate in this system instead of leveling NP.

On JP, the girl with glasses in the CM was just Archer Jeanne 2nd acsencion. I pass the first banner and I will wait for the next : Foreigner Mysterous Heroine X (or MHXX), Moon Cancer BB (again) and Saber Medb.

Special shop not up for NA yet cause we suck. But yeah, I've already turned one Tamamo Cat into a yellow prism to test it. Might do the same for the less than stellar 4*'s that I either don't like or will never use. Problem is....Fate/go makes a use of all servants eventually. So I need to just hold off until I can max another 4* or get more Tamamo Cats. Despite my luck, I only have 2 max NP cards. Tamamo Cat (if it wasn't obvious) and Fran......both berserkers....this game love dumping berserkers and sabers on me......I'm sick of seeing Fergus's face....
edit: Just checked, and sorry it was 3 max NP cards......Heracles...yet another berserker.....

What!? It was Jeanne!? The bangs lied to me...impossible!! Seriously all the saber faces need a hat or badge or something.....
Also, totally thought you said Super Medb for a second.
I had trouble getting 100% in 2nd shinsengumi event points, now there are three of them. I am starting to get annoyed by this. It's still not as much as those mission based ones but these makes me think of how much time I have to spend to get to a decent amount of progress.

Also, is this a 2 part event as well? I can't wait for Heroine X with my quartz.
It's only since the Fate/Apocrypha event that I can pretend going to the last reward of a event points so I'm not too frustrated by 3 of then since I'm not planing to go to the end.

This time I find the loop system confusing. It's hard to see what's needed for free CE and free JAlter. I really want Kiara's CE.

I read somewhere the maintenance is sheduled for the next few hour. So Part 2 should be online tomorow or the day after. MHXX is also my target. Rumor say BB is the 5* and Heroine XX the 4*.

I played the NA summer event until the last hours for golden ticket and few chance summoning a summer servant. I got Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II).
22 Golden tickets and 132 SQ wasn't enough for MHXX for me :ohnoes:
But the event is not finished yet, there is still hope :samuraihero:
I'm not salty though because I got Tomoe Gosen and BB ! :rant:

As much as I like BB, I think Moon Cancer aren't very usefull since only Avenger are weak against them but I'm surprised how powerfull this Summer BB is. And I'm in love with her NP :blushhappy:
My problem is... I don't have material anymore and my BB is stuck in gyaru style ! :raging: Curently I'm farming a 30 AP where some Saber Piece can be droped :rudolph:

I'm happy with Tomoe Gosen. For some time I even think she was a 5* only because I found her very charismatic. And Archer is the last classic class where I don't have a 5* so I will use her.
I got double BB and AbiLavi CE in one 10 roll.
The following 10 Roll got me a XX.

I also got two MikaPika CE which I always wanted since they announced its existence. I wanted it just because MikaPika drew it.

I also got Ushiwakamaru with a ticket......the wrong one.
The event is gone and I didn't get MHXX.

I got a second BB. Having two of the same 5* is a first time for me.

I was able to finish just in time the event shop and the point reward.

Now it's time for leveling up BB, JAlter and Tomoe Gozen.

Here is the last CM for the next chapter :

I didn't spot any new servant in it, witch is weird because every new chapter have ones. I spot JAlter and Miyamoto Musashi so there will may be a new rate up worth of my Golden Ticket.
Here is the last CM for the next chapter :

That video is just a general CM for the game itself, not a chapter. Musashi won't appear that frequently, as much as I love it when that happens.

Congrats on your double BB, we're double BB buddies now!
Illya cross-over NA:
1st round - double Nursery Rhyme.
2nd round - Illya and Helena........first time ever pulling an limited event 5* using only 60 sq.
Quit while I was ahead.

2 days later, needed more CE for farming so
3rd round + 3 tickets - 2nd Illya....another first time. Illya is the first limited event 5* servant I was able to get multiples of. plus the CE I needed as well as 2nd Medea Lily.
Have 60 more sq (20 due to 400 days log in bonus, woohoo!) but....not going to push my luck for a 3rd Illya. I has my twin lolis, I are happy.
Next event come on! No seriously please....this mission/item grind is killing me!
2 re-run events back to back gave me plenty of down time from grinding quest items and missions.

I'm refreshed and ready to go for NA 2018 Halloween event and the spew of events afterwards.
After less than 10 Golden tickets on NA I summoned Jeanne Alter.

At last ! Too bad I didn't have this kind of luck before because if it was the case I would still be playing the game now.

I just come every day to pick login bonus on NA and JP. I'm not even sure I will do Halloween 2018 on JP because I'm not into loli.

I still play Fire Emblem Heroes and now I play Azur Lane : less grind and more SSR. Comparing all these game I have the feeling F/GO gatcha is broken and not worst of my time. It's not over for me but I will be more picky about event I will play.
Ereshikigal really eats lots of chains. It's gonna take forever to level up all her skills.
Been a long absence, so let's just go with the results of the past summon events. Of course this is all NA

Halloween 2018 (Goal: Cleo, Uncle Vlad and Dangerous Beast CE) - No Cleo, No Uncle Vlad, No Dangerous Beast CE.... 180 SQ and 3 tickets used. No other 4 star or higher servants gained. Having fun with Hero Elza though.

Christmas 2018 (Goal: OG Rin) - No Ishtar, 180 SQ and 10 tickets used. Enjoyed my Jeanne Alter Santa though and got 3rd Nitocris.....helped with the tears.

Babylon part 1 (Goal: Medusa Lancer) - 330 SQ to finally obtain Medusa......I damn near cried. Managed a 3rd Jack and a 2nd Vlad III. No Goldie Caster or Enkidu.

Babylon part 2 (Goal: Gorgon, Quetzalcoatl, Taiga) - 30 SQ, second pull got Gorgon. 60 SQ, somewhere in the middle got Taiga. 90 SQ, 2nd to last got Quetzalcoatl. Very surprised by this luck. Oh also pulled 4th Siegfried...but you know, who cares.

Solomon - Didn't even try cause to hell with Merlin. I'm saving for Passionlip and Meltlilith, and rematch for Ishtar.
Another Summary post, again just going over results:

New Year 2019 - Musashi = O, Ishtar = O, Kintoku = X. 180 SQ spent.

New Year guaranteed 5* - Went for Caster aiming for Xuanzang. Xuanzang = X, got Tamamo instead.

First Hassan = X, 90 SQ spent and some tickets.

Vengeful Demon re-run - Dante = O, 30 SQ spent and 5 tickets.

5 Million Downloads - Leonardo = X, 180 SQ spent and 10 tickets.

Valentine Re-run - waiting til 14th for chance at both Heroine X Alter and Xuanzang.....I hope my luck holds out.

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