Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

爆災雷鋼ライオウガー (RJ241553) makes for an enjoyable few hours. I like to play games that have interesting gimmicks, even if their plot is otherwise straightforward. In this case it’s your pretty typical heroine corruption story, though the ability to switch between the protagonist and heroine’s POV is a welcome addition here.

I’m a pervert who enjoys mystery so much that if I have the choice, I’m going to go out of my way to avoid seeing any erotic scenes at all. I just love implied sex that much more, and this game certainly delivers. Playing as Kouta and being able to check both the sexual statistics of his lover Asuka and every male villager is great, especially when those numbers for fellatio and the like slowly start to rise. Yet even just starting the game and finding out one guy had fapped to the heroine 88 times was somehow incredibly arousing by itself.

The game’s cleverest gimmick however is also the reason I decided to play it. When you sortie in the mecha as Kouta, you can access the menu and receive advice from Asuka via videolink. In the early stages her advice really helps you avoid enemy mobs and get to the bosses quicker. But as you progress through the game, her advice becomes less reliable, culminating near the end where she seems to treat advising you as an afterthought.
In particular, reaching the point where the videofeed cuts out, only to return with her pretending everything's fine and cum down her front was utterly incredible.
It’s a neat idea and is another example of how RPGmaker games can still be unique and not simply settle for being tedious CG collectors.

Sadly it doesn't really feel like it's intended to be played solely as a mystery game. I played through without ever switching to Asuka because I’m that sort of pervert, but the game seems to expect that you will reguarly swap between POVs. Thus Kouta unfortunately remains a silent protagonist and you get little actual emotion or sense of tension from him, as well as no hint at all as to why Asuka is being taken advantage of day by day (Though it’s only a rather dubious blackmail plot anyway). You are also seemingly locked into one particular ending, though it’s a wonderfully dark resolution itself, as you have to play as Asuka in order to raise points with a specific antagonist and get their unique endings. But you can unlock everything in the gallery afterwards anyway so it’s not too troublesome.

If I was being selfish I would’ve preferred the game to focus on implied NTR and get more out of its sexual statistics and menu gimmick, but even as it is now, definitely not a bad way to waste a few hours.
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lol! SAO Alicization
Eugeo got NTRd by Kirito!

Edit: confirmed, I don't know how the spoiler tagging works in this forum...

can you explain lol. i stopped watching SAO after gungale online. if that's the correct name.

who is the girl and how did kirito NTR Eugeo?

(found Eugeo by googling his name).
Nice, seems that we're not gonna have to wait 2-3 weeks for the Atelier Sakura game this time, it will be available tomorrow I think.
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Not having my expectations high because of AS, I'll wait for others opinion about it.
I'm on Yugifan's discord and he seems to already be aware of it so expect at least an interface patch
Both links download this game are required membership and fee. So I pass this time. T___T. Damn...

Don't worry, is not even complete, part 3 is missing, will be available tomorrow.
And the torrent will probably be available tomorrow too.
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I'm on Yugifan's discord and he seems to already be aware of it so expect at least an interface patch

Yeah i also remembered he mentioned wanting to work on it years ago xD, i just talekd with him and he told me he was waiting until later since the game is sure to comebugged as hell and he wants the patch to work with a more stable version.
can you explain lol. i stopped watching SAO after gungale online. if that's the correct name.

who is the girl and how did kirito NTR Eugeo?

(found Eugeo by googling his name).

Eugeo saw an image of Kirito and Alice alone flirting with each other when they were young. He was left out and felt that Alice was stolen by Kirito, who he considers his best friend..
It was all however, an illusion made by Quinella the Administrator in order to lure Eugeo to her side so she can brainwash him into becoming an integrity knight.

I recommended it as a good watch as it is probably the best arc in the series right now. Totally fresh, in fact you don't really need to have watched any of the past SAO seasons to relate.
Do you know who the netori guy is supposed to be? Or is it like supposed to be a ntr by orcs/bandits fuzz?

Hahahaha, i amstill downloading (thank you Chavez for a decade of backwardness) but reading the ULMF thread i still ahve no idea, they mention an evil personality bt is all messed up xD, plus that was 3 years ago so it may have changed (guy i think decided to change the story at some point becaus ehe thought it sucked)
So just played トモダチ♂♀セックス 彼氏に内緒で同棲生活 as I needed to get my hands on it for my own game, first off the game is told/follows from the girls perspective with her "boyfriend" more or less a third character barely seen. I rather liked the NTR in this game when it did happen even if it didn't really "feel" strong to me, maybe because I didn't care about her absent boyfriend. It felt more like she had a relationship with Bobby the black basketball player (no comment on stereotypes lol) then her boyfriend who seemed more token. I really enjoyed CERTAIN "ntr" moments like with her in a yellow hoodie. It was short but fun.

There is some focus on filming or taking pictures which is weird because she never makes ahegao face or even peace which I kinda thought was like 101 for these type of games/sex picture poses. One thing that was lame is she literally spends the entire game getting cum dumped in her and either Bobby is infertile or she is...because damn.

As a Atelier game, I really loved the artwork and the story was somewhat original. The game literally starts with her fucking Bobby so there is zero build up and its just sex marathon to the end. Honestly if she didn't have the absent boyfriend I would have called this "Me & my foreign fuck friend".

To end this review - the ending is fucking awesome laugh out funny.

Oh I also really like the new music, especially title track. Some of AS games have dreary music and make an appearance, but this game had a fun music vibe of an anime teenage (girls sex) life.

Aaanyway now I have my new the assets I can continue on in my own game creation!


Plus a new location - ateliers first basketball court!


Both good and bad because I'd never planned to use one haha....but it just opens up so many indirect NTR possibilities....
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I finished the new Atelier Sakura game, it was what I expected from the demo, a nice and fun nukige, but almost vanilla. Her boyfriend has almost no bearing in the story, there are some ntr tension points, but very few and far between, the main issue is that the boyfriend is not present (even counting the telephone calls) in most of the game and the girl relationship with him feels weak, even if she says otherwise. But it is still a nice nukige with some good and fun moments, I liked the characters.
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So just played トモダチ♂♀セックス 彼氏に内緒で同棲生活 as I needed to get my hands on it for my own game, first off the game is told/follows from the girls perspective with her "boyfriend" more or less a third character barely seen. I rather liked the NTR in this game when it did happen even if it didn't really "feel" strong to me, maybe because I didn't care about her absent boyfriend. It felt more like she had a relationship with Bobby the black basketball player (no comment on stereotypes lol) then her boyfriend who seemed more token. I really enjoyed CERTAIN "ntr" moments like with her in a yellow hoodie. It was short but fun.

There is some focus on filming or taking pictures which is weird because she never makes ahegao face or even peace which I kinda thought was like 101 for these type of games/sex picture poses. One thing that was lame is she literally spends the entire game getting cum dumped in her and either Bobby is infertile or she is...because damn.

As a Atelier game, I really loved the artwork and the story was somewhat original. The game literally starts with her fucking Bobby so there is zero build up and its just sex marathon to the end. Honestly if she didn't have the absent boyfriend I would have called this "Me & my foreign fuck friend".

Both good and bad because I'd never planned to use one haha....but it just opens up so many indirect NTR possibilities....

I am downloading it and will try it immediately. Thanks. " One thing that was lame is she literally spends the entire game getting cum dumped in her and either Bobby is infertile or she is...because damn. "... DAMN, why Sakura... WHY... You should at least make us totally satisfy with your product... You should lead us to deep down of the darkest satisfying feeling.

I have just quickly finished this game and ... It feels like I am playing vanilla game... CG and voice actress is quite good, NTR feeling is almost nothing... The ending is quite... Now what game should I wait for?
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My review for atelier sakura game.
It's almost vanilla with little NTR, damn! Also sex scenes is too fews, if only they making Heroine's boyfriend get more role, this will be better

Tomodachi sex. Not bad, It's pretty funny, and yes i really mean it. I cant stop laughing when playing.

The story is about Yukako who currently living together with her childhood friend, Tanaka Bob, who starting exchange study in Japan. Yukako also has another childhood friend, Rukawa, who currently is her boyfriend.

Without any useless drama, the game started with Bob fucking her hahaha joy . And pretty much the story is about Bob having sex with Yukako, behind Rukawa.

Its pretty much very standard atelier sakura game, and NTR is very weak in this game, if you expecting for good ntr teasing scene like usual As game, you will be very DISAPPOINTED. This game main gimmick is more like funny gag story and cute chibi sex, but their normal sex scenes is pretty hot!

Yukako is the DUMBEST heroine in any Atelier Sakura game I've played, maybe any eroge heroine. She is very careless, spontaneous, and little slutty. She really doesn't feel the weight of romance relationship, i feel pretty sad to Rukawa tobe honest. She still love him till the end, but she won't stop having sex with Bob, just because "It's feels so good".

Some of the funniest scene:
- When she finally take her BF virginity, she cant feel any penetration (either her pussy too streched or Rukawa's too small, or both), even say it in her mind "eh? did he really put inside of me?" and hillarity ensues when she blamming Bob about it, "Damn you Bob! Because of you my pussy stretched too wide! i cant feel my boyfriend's penis!" .
- When Bob leave her after his study time is up. He send her big dildo with similar size as his to Yukako It's pretty hilarious, even better, in the epilogue Rukawa found it and decide to use it to her when they have sex .
Some of the funniest scene:
- When she finally take her BF virginity, she cant feel any penetration (either her pussy too streched or Rukawa's too small, or both), even say it in her mind "eh? did he really put inside of me?" and hillarity ensues when she blamming Bob about it, "Damn you Bob! Because of you my pussy stretched too wide! i cant feel my boyfriend's penis!" .
- When Bob leave her after his study time is up. He send her big dildo with similar size as his to Yukako It's pretty hilarious, even better, in the epilogue Rukawa found it and decide to use it to her when they have sex .

But still this game have some flaws:
- Bad BGM, atelier sakura need to create more song for this game. Sure it's works for using recycle song for another game, but not for this game. Too many mood breaker, and unsuitable bgm.
- At one point Yukako classmate find out about her and bob relationship, even recording it. She ask Yukako to lend Bob to her to silence her, bit this part is awkward and unnecessary.
- They wasting potential by making Bob telling Netorare blog to Yukako but doesn't give anything about it, aaaaaaah.

6,5/10 Fun game but yeah.. nothing special beside gentle sasaki artworks.

By the way, i like how they separate arc in this game. Actually making this game feels neat. I hope they have separates arc in the future game.
Ah yeah this game has breaking the 4th wall scene too. There is a gag scene like this. So Yukako refuse to having sex one day because she had menstruation. Bob reaction is "Eh? Eroge character can have menstruation too ??"
Ah yeah this game has breaking the 4th wall scene too. There is a gag scene like this. So Yukako refuse to having sex one day because she had menstruation. Bob reaction is "Eh? Eroge character can have menstruation too ??"

LOL! I haven't play this game but from the comments I can picture it pretty well. Thanks guys, now I know I will play this game when I need a good laugh instead of a good fap LOL!

Atelier Sakura tends to do one thing really good and screw up everything else. I don't know why is that, I mean, I think it would be easier to make everything else also good or at least acceptable rather than screw it up. For instance, why not make the boyfriend be present and living with Bob and Yukako? That would totally fix the lack of NTR feeling withouth changing the mood of the game. Even if the boyfriend never finds out about her cheating, the sole fact that he is present and living togueter with her, while she fucks Bob behind his back the whole time, would be enough to create a strong NTR feeling. This also gives the developers an oportunity to add some juicy stealth sex into it, something that's always welcomed by the fans. Why Atelier Sakura make so damn good decisions for some parts of their games, but so damn bad and dissapointing ones for some other parts, is a mystery to me.

Nonetheless I'm really glad this game came out because we need more lighthearted NTR games with Rom-Com elements into it. That doesn't mean they have to mutate the genre into vainilla NTR. Games with those elements can have a really powerful NTR feeling when done right. As an example we have the Toaru Hahaoya Series, Toaru Hitozuma no Netorare Jijou 2, Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei and maybe Yanzuma Koharu (at least the first half). I wish there were more games like that. Hopefully this is a start and more developers realize the potential of this.

I also noticed that Atelier Sakura is really good into making cheerful heroines with a little bit of a slutty character that are dominant in the relationship and have no qualms about sex. As an example we have Marina, Mariko, Rin and now Yukako. I think they should focus more into this kind of characters. It's clear that the fans like them.

I wouldn't be surprised if this game has a sequel in the future, since the characters are so likable, however I hope Atelier Sakura notice what they did wrong and fix it if they make a sequel.
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One thing that was lame is she literally spends the entire game getting cum dumped in her and either Bobby is infertile or she is...because damn.

Is this true? Because that’s supremely disappointing if it is. What a cop-out.

Does the game actually mention one of them being infertile or does it just gloss over the nakadashi without addressing possible pregnancy?

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