[Hentai game] [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game] [Crack]

I finished the game already and compared to other Eushully game, this one is pretty bad. Fuukan no Grasesta has an excellent story and rich lore, even the NG+ they added more story into it.
Congratulations on your hard work for completing the game. Can I ask you to help share your own Save Data file, I want to open a collection in the Scene and CG sections. I hope you want to help me, sorry for my request
Does this have multiple endings or after stories?

Don't know about multiple endings - I haven't finished the game yet, but knowing Eushully, the chance of them releasing an append patch sometime in the future is quite high.

So even if the game doesn't have any yet, after stories are definitely a possibility in the future...
just finished the game too, pretty darn easy compared to past titles. The production level also seems lower. Story and world building was not the best, maybe the blandest work of all eushully titles.

For the start dash dungeon aka deadbeat dungeon abuse conco before mentioned, this game is annoying but not hard to point where you have to rely on it. But here's the how to:

1. Under the friendship/expedition for Claus, he has a option for you to forcefully NG+ and bring over all you current units with their stats intact to a new game. IIRC you don't truly unlock ng+ content this way

2.Under the friendship/expedition for Claus, you can access the start dash dungeon which has gold puttetos/slime.

3.When you forcefully NG+ from the start, turn off tutorial and turn on敵ユニットLV上限解放.

4.Start dash dungeon 1, capture all the gold puttetos and leave the dungeon. Do the same for dungeon 2.

4.Sacrifice all the gold puttetos.

Level 60 gold puttetos fetches 39000 points each, so it's wack af to the point of unfun
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How many stages are there? Some time-waste-inducing-stages are taking away my will to continue
Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]


Also note that Windows 7 users WILL SEE NO MOVIES, they get silently skipped with this method.
If the game crashes on startup with DirectXGraphics error, next time it will offer to open the configuration utility - agree and then switch from fullscreen mode to windowed mode (top left radio buttons on the 1st tab).

Edit: if you're using [email protected] combo, Win7 users can patch AGE.EXE in memory with Cheat Engine: open the game in CE, search for arrays of bytes above and add them to the table along with the new values to make the patching easier. CE can auto-load the table (and the patches) associated with the game when attaching.

i'm using win 7 and i got a few question:

since the crack already out we dont need to crack age.exe with CE anymore, right?
what about the skipped movie? does it will be recorded in library/Eu room or i need to get some save files to view them later?
or is the movie skip is because of using the trial exe files and the crack released can make win7 user watch the movie normally without skip?
Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

since the crack already out we dont need to crack age.exe with CE anymore, right?
what about the skipped movie? does it will be recorded in library/Eu room or i need to get some save files to view them later?
or is the movie skip is because of using the trial exe files and the crack released can make win7 user watch the movie normally without skip?
Cheat Engine is not required for the cracked exe and the trial exe because they are DRM-free and can be patched on disk in a hex editor, once and forever. CE can be used to patch DRM-protected exe in memory by the legitimate buyers and those who used serial code from eyny. If you are not one of them, you don't need CE - just patch AGE.EXE (posted by always_smile) on disk because unpatched exe in Win7 shows many error message boxes (still playable, but pretty distracting).

The movies cannot be played in Win7 because legit MFPlat.dll in Win7 doesn't have MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager function that the game requires for video playback, no matter what exe you're using there (trial, legit or cracked). Dummy MFPlat I posted earlier doesn't have it either, but it's enough to make the game think it's there. MFPlat DLLs in Win8.x and Win10 do have that function, but these newer DLLs cannot be used in Win7, at least without extensive patching (which I'm not willing to do).
I think that the game unlocks the movies it failed to display in Win7, so keep your save if you want to use it in Win8.x/Win10 later. If I'm wrong and the movies remain locked in the save files made in Win7, you can take someone else's 100% save anyway.
Re: [200529] [エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ + Append Disk [H-Game]

Cheat Engine is not required for the cracked exe and the trial exe because they are DRM-free and can be patched on disk in a hex editor, once and forever. CE can be used to patch DRM-protected exe in memory by the legitimate buyers and those who used serial code from eyny. If you are not one of them, you don't need CE - just patch AGE.EXE (posted by always_smile) on disk because unpatched exe in Win7 shows many error message boxes (still playable, but pretty distracting).

The movies cannot be played in Win7 because legit MFPlat.dll in Win7 doesn't have MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager function that the game requires for video playback, no matter what exe you're using there (trial, legit or cracked). Dummy MFPlat I posted earlier doesn't have it either, but it's enough to make the game think it's there. MFPlat DLLs in Win8.x and Win10 do have that function, but these newer DLLs cannot be used in Win7, at least without extensive patching (which I'm not willing to do).
I think that the game unlocks the movies it failed to display in Win7, so keep your save if you want to use it in Win8.x/Win10 later. If I'm wrong and the movies remain locked in the save files made in Win7, you can take someone else's 100% save anyway.

What kind of movies are they anyway? Just opening and ending scenes?
just finished the game too, pretty darn easy compared to past titles. The production level also seems lower. Story and world building was not the best, maybe the blandest work of all eushully titles.

For the start dash dungeon aka deadbeat dungeon abuse conco before mentioned, this game is annoying but not hard to point where you have to rely on it. But here's the how to:

1. Under the friendship/expedition for Claus, he has a option for you to forcefully NG+ and bring over all you current units with their stats intact to a new game. IIRC you don't truly unlock ng+ content this way

2.Under the friendship/expedition for Claus, you can access the start dash dungeon which has gold puttetos/slime.

3.When you forcefully NG+ from the start, turn off tutorial and turn on敵ユニットLV上限解放.

4.Start dash dungeon 1, capture all the gold puttetos and leave the dungeon. Do the same for dungeon 2.

4.Sacrifice all the gold puttetos.

Level 60 gold puttetos fetches 39000 points each, so it's wack af to the point of unfun

Well, if you ruin your game experience by abusing this kind of exploit, of course the game will be too easy.
You don't have anyone to blame but yourself.
so download save but you spoil all the fun with the game it gravitates you, that's why I go through the next stages myself and I have a lot of fun
hmm i just got Juliana but it doesent feel like she realy joint...she is just like any monster unit i captured...is the whole main story like that? so only klaus and helmina and the rest is never to be seen again after you get them?
Exactly. With all the other angels captured, there are only 2 events for each heroine. At the very end, additional H-scenes open if you catch all the main characters.
I am having trouble starting the game and I tried reinstalling it several times. The first time I installed and they asked for the key and I inserted HXGT-LTX2-N4E8-77QM . Afterwards it doesn't ask for the key anymore but I still can't play the game saying mfplat, api..... are missing so I downloaded from the ones that are posted here along with the crack. So i tried reinstalling it after trying to fix it. Even after reinstalling they never asked for the key anymore and still can't get it to start after installing the crack. Now it kept on popping ''0xc000007b''. I had this problem dealt with before with normal PC games but never with VN.I had tried reinstalling/ update microsoft c+ and net framework. Been trying like crazy for the past few days and I am at the point of giving up. Anyone can help?

Btw using windows 7
I am having trouble starting the game and I tried reinstalling it several times. The first time I installed and they asked for the key and I inserted HXGT-LTX2-N4E8-77QM . Afterwards it doesn't ask for the key anymore but I still can't play the game saying mfplat, api..... are missing so I downloaded from the ones that are posted here along with the crack. So i tried reinstalling it after trying to fix it. Even after reinstalling they never asked for the key anymore and still can't get it to start after installing the crack. Now it kept on popping ''0xc000007b''. I had this problem dealt with before with normal PC games but never with VN.I had tried reinstalling/ update microsoft c+ and net framework. Been trying like crazy for the past few days and I am at the point of giving up. Anyone can help?

Btw using windows 7

The game isn't officially supporting Windows 7 which is the reason why it's not working for you. Either upgrading to Windows 8.1 / 10 or read the steps posted earlier in this thread - near the beginning if I remember correctly that you need to take in order to run the game under Windows 7 - but without any movies in it. ( intro / outro requires the game to be run under Windows 8.1 or higher...)
Thanks for telling me that the windows version is the problem but I would still rather stick with 7 though. I did follow the steps in the earlier post but I still couldn't get it running
I am having trouble starting the game and I tried reinstalling it several times. The first time I installed and they asked for the key and I inserted HXGT-LTX2-N4E8-77QM . Afterwards it doesn't ask for the key anymore but I still can't play the game saying mfplat, api..... are missing so I downloaded from the ones that are posted here along with the crack. So i tried reinstalling it after trying to fix it. Even after reinstalling they never asked for the key anymore and still can't get it to start after installing the crack. Now it kept on popping ''0xc000007b''. I had this problem dealt with before with normal PC games but never with VN.I had tried reinstalling/ update microsoft c+ and net framework. Been trying like crazy for the past few days and I am at the point of giving up. Anyone can help?

Btw using windows 7

Yea that 0xc000007b error happened to me too until I reread the instructions about the 3 DLLs again. I facepalmed and was able to fix it. It shouldn't have been a problem in the first place if I read the instructions more thoroughly.
Are you using windows 7 too? If you were able to fix it would you tell me how you did it? Because I downloaded the mfplat, xinput and api yet still I couldn't get it running
Anyone got this working on Linux?
If so, please send help. I love me some Eushully goodness, but damn, they are notorious at being a pain in the ass to run in penguin land.
Are you using windows 7 too? If you were able to fix it would you tell me how you did it? Because I downloaded the mfplat, xinput and api yet still I couldn't get it running

i think your problem is Xinput4 dll , you should get it from system 64.
1st time hacking Eushully-chan's game :v?
Welp, I only hack mana though, just scan for unknown value 1st then make change or just go in or out a window then scan far change or unchange value :3

Though I'm in the 1st play through. Max lv is 60 and stats are kinda low even at max lv... welp

I tried many times but the value didn't change in the game, I used cheat engine 7.0 and 7.1:(:(
I don't think the stage matters except if you have the objective to defeat a specific target like Juliana or Elvire.

I found this out while taking my time capturing as many enemies for sacrificial lambs for ritual points. 10 hp healing rod on Lily topping my units off before every group of enemies led to me taking over 30 turns.
The first time you take over 30 turns on a stage gives a prompt and a level 40 Lupus will appear with high stats and about 124 HP. He can be captured and his five movement along with map attack is quite strong.
The second time spawns a level 45 Evelinael with relatively high stats and a little over 100 HP. She can be captured and she only has enough SP to use her map skill 3 times. This one was the last hscene i needed.
The third time spawns a level 50 maid angel just as strong and she has a 100% chance to act twice in one turn. She spawns with the 100 HP healing consumable. She can't be captured.
The fourth time spawns a level 55 maid angel. Stronger in stats with same items and can't be captured.
The fifth time spawns a level 60 maid angel for the last time. She still can't be captured.
I tested for a sixth time and nothing spawned. I tried it for the 50th stage after defeating the maid angel three times and nothing spawned after 30 turns. I don't think there are more content beyond this.

The weapon dropped by the level 60 maid angel

View attachment 24785

To add on to the above post:

1. Playing the game for the first time will spawn the two 魔神. Players can and should capture them since they make the last parts of the game much more manageable. There is no need to cheese them early, they can be beaten once players have assembled most of the unique characters and are 3-5 levels behind.
2. Eushully-Chan is exclusive to NG+. I tried spawning her on stages before finishing the game once and she won't show.
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I tried many times but the value didn't change in the game, I used cheat engine 7.0 and 7.1:(:(

welp in that case u should search for cheat table online. But 1st u will need AGE decryption for CE.

To add on to the above post:

1. Playing the game for the first time will spawn the two 魔神. Players can and should capture them since they make the last parts of the game much more manageable. There is no need to cheese them early, they can be beaten once players have assembled most of the unique characters and are 3-5 levels behind.
2. Eushully-Chan is exclusive to NG+. I tried spawning her on stages before finishing the game once and she won't show.

At some special stage, u cannot make those characters to pop out. So better do it in normal stages instead of in some stages w special objectives.
I did have it but still having the 0xc000007b error. I also reinstalled Microsoft C+ and net framework which usually fix it but still didn't work

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[210226][株式会社 HIKARI FIELD] Re:LieF ~親愛なるあなたへ~ / Re:LieF ~献给亲爱的你~18+ [JPN/CHN] ?

I need Japanese version only.
And quite sorry but RG doesn't work for me.
Rosemerta wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you re-upload this [221013] please? Thank you :D
NIKKA wrote on Esan's profile.
Could you please reupload https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/160129-cuterush-らぶきゅばす!おんなのこ-あくま-おとこのこ-あくま.1193778/
alaadria wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
is it possible to reupload RJ188070 with a mexashare link?