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  • R
    Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas. Have fun and have a happy new year too.
    hi checkmate

    i have a problem running custom maid 3d2 and ive posted the problem on the download thread. could you read it and if possible help me out?
    Sorry for one more time if i am bothering you.

    Please can you change the new Sotm 35 Join Notice here :

    Thank you

    And sorry if i am bothering you :)

    Sorry for the interruption, Have you seen Ignis? We must need to close the running sotm and also to make the new poll :(

    If you have any news or any ways to communicate with him would be nice! Thanks!!!

    See ya around!!!!

    Hi. I don't think I have ever properly introduced myself even though I have been on this forum a few years. Just wanted to say hello.
    How is everything? Still eroging?
    Do you take medication for that? : o
    Hey there. How is the day/night treating you?
    Cool! Yeah I noticed. : )
    I think friends get in the way most of the time, which is why I do everything alone.
    That's a long time...
    What do your friends think of your eroge games?
    Ok. How long have you been into eroges for?
    They look so innocent in the previews don't they?
    You wouldn't think it had sex scenes. : /
    In what way, don't you believe?

    Just the actual dating online, or is there more to it?
    That'd be hard to accomplish.
    Girls are so shallow nowadays.

    If they don't want you for sex, then it's money.
    I am sure you'll find someone.

    Have you tried online dating?
    I bet you could.
    My mum once said to me, to get a girlfriend that looked like chi from chobits lol
    I was like, they don't exist. : o
    I see nothing wrong with that image. I find it cute even.
    North America is suss at best.

    The way they do things over there, so over the top.
    I find hentai and anime in general. Just a fantasy that speaks through art.
    It's not real and it's just an expression created by people, who are passionate in fulfilling those said fantasies

    It doesn't make you a pedophile in the least.
    I think it's a normal thing to look at anime/hentai etc.

    for what it was made for.

    Violence in games has always been frowned upon.
    I don't like it much myself. Though at times I find it enjoyable.
    Yeah western games are pretty bad.
    Some are okay though.

    Japan makes the best games, hands down.
    Oh.... I can see that happening.
    I gradually had a phase, where I didn't game nearly as much.

    Do you listen to music much?
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