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  • Hello corocoro-san do you happen to have a list of Movies, OVA and Live action movies (that is anime though)?:)
    Wow so many! Thank you so much![IMG]
    Do you have any mangas that you can recommend me as well?:nyanmusu_happy:
    If you don't mind me asking what is your favourite anime? Think you can recommend me some?
    Well to tell you the truth in my country they make us pick our major in college at the first year than University. University just helps to continue that specific major you have selected in college.
    I am studying in an engineering or IT college by the way so my major was selected right from the begining haha..
    Oh hope you get rid of the cold soon and get better!
    Well i am fine though aside from the fact that i just passed my 1st year of college and i am starting my second year right now which will lead me to a good university.
    (just having a lot of stressing over my studies
    Hello corocoro-san! How are you doing? and thanks for being my friend i really appreciate it!
    hello corocoro, I have a quick question. I'm not sure if i am allowed to ask this, but I noticed that biohrd was banned, is that a permanent ban or temporary? Was wondering cause he uploads a good amount on here. Thanks.
    please upload these anime series in animesharing and i will send you the links :
    here the list all the animes are 1080p bluray with dual audio with english subtitles for japanese and for sign and songs please help by uploading these series in animesharing to download links at fast speed i will give you the links and here are the animes list:
    [DHD] Tokyo Ravens [BD-1080p] [Dual-Audio]
    Ping Pong The Animation [bD-1080p] [Dual-Audio]
    [DHD] Maid-Sama! [BD-1080p] [Dual-Audio]
    Spice and Wolf [blu-ray][1080p][Hi10][Dual audio]
    and please answer and if anyone can help me upload this anime series in mega that would me very helpful please help.
    Hello Admin, I just have a quick question. I noticed on your signature that you will no loner re-upload in Q2, will you still upload new anime even after you stop re-uploading? Just curious, and as always thanks for all you hard work here.
    Thanks for the quick reply :)

    Well then,though I'll give it a try :)
    thanks dear~

    Um there's one thing I want to make sure before doing so,since you're an admin to this forum,,I want to post a thread on Site Support > Suggestions. And it's about adding ASF a chat box,I quite spend my time on other forums too and I' started to see this everywhere and it's pretty useful for any activity. it's this > Arrowchat

    so will this be okay for a suggestion thread? and I really want this function to be on such a big forum too,,sorry for taking your time but please reply >///<

    Merry Xmas!!!

    Wishing you and all of your family&friends to have the best new year~!
    Merry Christmas!! Thanks for all your hard work uploading/reuploading all the anime and keeping the forum going!
    Hi Corocoro,
    Ich wollte mal Fragen, ob du vielleicht eine Seite kennst, wo sämtliche engsub Gruppen verzeichnet sind? Ich suche jetzt schon etwas länger, bin aber leider nicht fündig geworden. Da du ja des öfteren mal was uploadest, dachte ich, dass du da was kennst.
    Der Hintergrund dabei ist, dass ich wissen möchte von wem der Sub stammt und dass ich weiß, wo ich die Subgruppen für die jeweilige Serie finde. Dabei beziehe ich mich auf die Webpräsens der einzelnen Subgruppen.
    Ich weiß nicht, ob du vielleicht kennst, doch genau sowas suche ich. Dort sind alle(fast alle) Serien verzeichnet und auf jeder Seite(für jeweils eie Serie) sind sämtliche informationen(wie bei myanimelist) verzeichnet und die jeweiligen druppen die diese Serie gesubbt haben mit den dazugehörigen Links, wo man die Gruppe im Internet finden kann. Ich suche nach einer Seite, wo ich ein Seriennamen von einer Animeserie suchen kann und die zugehörigen links zu den Subgruppen ausgespuckt bekomme wo sich ihre Webpräsens finden lässt, der Name der Gruppe wäre aber auch schon okay.
    Kannst du mir da vielleicht weiterhelfen?
    I Am very much Sorry that I didn't follow the instructions And thank You very much for Uploading anime I am very Much Happy that you Uploaded No One Could Have done This Work That You Did Thank You And You Are The Best.
    Dear corocoro Please Upload Heroman Complete anime Series in 1080p. All the links are dead Please Can you Please Upload in anime sharing Please I am begging You Please......I cannot Find it Anywhere Else Please Upload This Anime Please.:chuuni_bwaaah:
    I was wondering.
    What to ASL and AST members do and what does it stand for?

    Are they like special moderators of a certain variety or other?

    okie dokie.

    Nice avatar btw. Osaka is golden! xD
    I think I know what it was.
    I didn't have an album made, so pushing on the button when it was unusable made it freeze I think.
    Are we going to have the option to use images in our profile pages or not?

    I don't see the option to.
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