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  • About reporting dead links in Code Geass. Sorry, I can't see my post until a mod approval so I don't know what it looks like because the links were too long. Next time, I will mention the host and copy the name of the files individually instead of copy the whole things. Thank you for your trouble.
    Okay Coro, thanks for this as well good info...^_^!

    Well, because AT-X is the only channel where less censored will than at the others, and because of this looking forward which fansubbers with AT-X releases...:goodtea:
    Hmm, sorry for bothering you (And g'evening Coro!), but can you just say me please, if the FFF version of Juuou Mujin no Fafnir Episode 1 the AT-X version is. - Thanks Coro^_^!
    Hmm... I see, well thanks for this as well interesting info Coro^_^!

    Edit: Did me just wondered, because AD was at 4th at AT-X placed - what then actually since yesterday at some fansubbers been posted would.
    Yo Coro,

    do you have maybe some pre-info about Absolute Duo's fansubber(s)?

    Thanks Coro!
    Dear corocoro, on your anime index, your 2nd page leads to a hentai post instead of the actual second page every now and then for some reason.
    Nun, ich vermute meistens von der Arbeit, nicht wahr...?:goodtea:

    Und mit mir... Nun, die alljährliche Vorbereitungsstress mit den kommenden Event... - Aber jetzt sehe ich nur ein Film.
    *Heheheee...~* Nun, mehr oder weniger...^_^

    Wie auch immer... Was gibt's bei dir so...?:goodtea:
    1. G'Abend Coro!

    2. Hmm... Na ja, ich habe nur als Vorschlag gesagt - nicht als Befehl oder so, okay?...:goodtea:

    3. Oh, wirklich ASF ist schon 4 Jahre alt - alt genug zum KiTa zu gehn.
    Hmm... Hello wider!

    Ich habe nicht gemeint dass du die Version/Fan subbern wechseln musst/solltest, sondern dass du von die selben Gruppe die Videos downloaden könntest, wo du einst downloadet hast... - Verstehst du...?:goodtea:
    Hallo Coro, ist wieder lang her seit unseren letzten Gespräch damals...^_^

    Nun zum Thema jetzt: Ich bemerke seit eine weile, dass einige Members über tote Links beklagen, wo du dann manchmal sagen musst: Dass du Die nich mehr hast. Nun, dann warum nicht downloadest wieder von der Quelle (Fan subbern) - Vielleicht habe die noch...:goodtea:
    Ah that okay but can you re uploaded so me and some of my other friend can get downloaded the remain episode all of us are missing episode 39 through 50 i think. if you can re uploaded we would be really grateful. thank you :)
    Corocoro may i ask about you Ten gundam seed download you uploaded awhile back. can you reupload it because i cant seem to access it from file factory or the other one. if you can, can you please torrent and seed it on nyaa website so that we can download it faster because it take a long while to downloaded it from hosting website like file factory and rapid gator and they put limits on us so it take us a long time to download just one episode. >.<. and there is 50 episode to download. thank you
    Thanks for your reply.
    Next time I'll post in the thread.

    And also thanks for uploading eps 23 in Rapidgator host.
    Can i ask you to reupload eps 23 part 2 of [Virus123] Lucky Star [Dual Audio] [Bluray] which in filefactory host ?

    I know your policy, that you wont upload a file that in server maintenance status.
    But it's been months since i download the other file and its only that part still in server maintenance status.

    Hey corocoro, I wanted to ask which file-hoster do you think is better rapidgator, or filefactoy? I have been using rapidgator but they seem to be down a lot.
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