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  • i think i see the problem the file is a img file, how do i change my daemon lite setting so it can read that file?
    alright i'll try contacting the person, but let me explain the situation maybe you had this problem before , daemon lite free does not read the mounting file, have you had issue before?
    corocoro im having problem mounting/installing Tsuki: Possession need your help again ):
    ah wow thank a lot. ones again you prove to be the best person to ask for help so thank you.
    coro i having trouble geting some cg from Tsukino Akari in Cosplay Fetish Academy any thing i need to know in order to obtain it?
    thank you i finally got the game to work thanks to you. thanks a lot, your the best:)
    hmm... sorry to ask but i was just wondering, if you were going to still show me the installing Walkthrough for sagara family in screen shot form?
    I see... Well, I've finally an day off weekend from work: Where I of course what to home worked have, but otherwise in the net surffed; some animes watched etc. etc. etc.
    Lol... It was more stormy and coldy situation here...:sowwy:

    ...Anyway; what's up so at you...?
    Well, so was also before 2-3 years; where about 1-2 months rained has, was then suddeny the cursed heat we get have.

    Anyway, what's up at you?
    this is probably to much to ask but is it possible to show me how you did it with screen shot? explaining the step? my buddie did that 4 me ones.
    that what i did, but it still give me this window that still saids please insert the game disc and click ok. what should i do? ps if you want i can give you a photo on where i put the crack just to see if i made a mistake or not.
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