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  • When I am making a thread it said I could only place up to 5 tags per thread. Right above the box were you place the tags is where it says that. Though I haven't tried to see if I could put more, but I always listen to signs xD
    Oh btw, my first post may have been misleading. I mean I can only put five words as tags. Not five letters per word if you though this was the case xD
    Hi coro ^^
    Say, is there anyway for me to pass the 5 tag limit that I see each time I make a thread? Some of my uploads in the future contain tags that are more than 5 words. Or if i can't, if I could bother you in placing the tags then if you have the power? :)
    Noticed how you put up a ton of English translated games, you are possibly my favorite person ever right now.
    Wait... ohhhhhhhhhhh I deleted them accidently when I edited the thread >_> Darn and I just deleted it from FS to :(

    OK, uploading to HF~
    lol OK then xD
    Hmm... OK then, screenshots it is ^^

    Now how did that happen...? o.o OK, I'll upload them to Hotfile instead ^^ If you can change the icon to Hotfile that would be great ^^ It's take me awhile but it'll be done before tomorrow :P
    Oops I sent a message in my profile instead of yours. The message before the one I posted was "Oh I see thanks ^^ OK, going to replace the screenshots again xD".
    Done~ I'll do this from now on next time I upload an OVA/anime and whatnot. Thanks again ^^
    Ohhh this player... I downloaded this before but I never used it... Ok I'll use it to screenshot the vids then... now where's the button...
    KM player...And the message I sent you via PM capped it out xD Good thing PMs don't :)
    Oh lol I put full screen when I did them... oops... one sec

    Edit: OK it added better screenshots where I cropped the outer image (My desktop with the player). And sent you the video info via PM since there were to many characters to fit in VMs I guess >_>
    lol understood xD I added them by the way. I wasn't sure ether what the pixels were...
    Sure thing coro ^^ I'll get on it right away. I always read my messages so you can drop a VM to make it easier if you want xD
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