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  • Ah coro, I think I figured out the problem as to why the threads the show up for me cut in half. I'm not sure if you already know this but it seems some Japanese characters are the problem. It shows up as question marks and when I check the thread later I don't see them anymore o_o. Like some of these words (責められ系Mシチュ)Something like those. But since others don't seem to be affected maybe it would mean my browser or something? >_>
    I see... well I guess I'll keep that in mind next time and report if a fileserve link is dead instead xD Thanks again for Shiki.
    Hey coro. Can you check your links for [umee][720]shiki? 5, 8 and 10 for hotfile have been deleted it appears. It's fine since I'm using FS to but I guess you might want to fix them. Arigato~
    Hey coro, I wanna use this image as my sig, but I'm not sure if it breaks the sig rules. It doesn't look Hentai but it's questionable. You think it's OK? Or if you have the one where she has clothes on it would be nice if you could show it so I can use that instead.
    I would have to repack it, which would take at least 2 hours - what is the filesize limit for free MU users?
    Nah, I didn't suggest often, just thought it might be nice to have new looks. Plus no matter how much I change, people still recognizes me because it is pretty much always Saber XD
    oh, so that's where you are >.< my bad for being ignorant (since I'm not looking at the bottom part) hehehe. thanks coro
    Oh I see... lol guess the thread I made breached it limit? xD OK, I contacted firev1 to make sure everything is OK with the thread since he moderates the forum there. Arigato ^^

    Edit: it keeps doing it though ;_;
    Hey coro, something weird happened. When I posted the ar tonelico music collection thread it removed out more then 2/3s of the thread including the download links. A lot of hard work gone... ;_; what happened? it also told me about the tags again >_> Was the thread to big?

    Edit: it fixed itself? o.o
    lol I see... I'll just be cautious of uploading something you're already doing then... xD
    Then I'll upload the complete(ish) collection in one thread including the Drama CDs in the Game OST section and see if it's OK with firev1 to. Thanks ^^

    I know, that's why I said I was just about to do it as well in till you beat me to it xD
    So I'll have to split up the Drama CDs from the collection? o.o

    btw, I was just about to upload Sora no Otoshimono Forte at this moment, Thanks xD
    Sou ka... Gomen for the trouble. By the way, their's a collection of Ar tonelico music that I want to make. It's all in one thread type of thing. The problem is it has Drama CDs and I was wondering if it's OK to make a thread containing a lot of music and such in one. If so, where do I put it? o.o
    As of now I met this in the Non hentai artbooks section. Not sure if there are places like this.
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