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  • Just wondering here but is it possible to download files from file share site/uploader using FTP?
    It's OK, no problem, mate.

    BTW, I was trying to compare both HorribleSubs' with Hatsuyuki's works on Astarotte no Omocha (episode 1), and from my observation, I found out that Hatsuyuki's quality is much better compared to HorribleSubs in which the sub in HorribleSubs version tend to be a lil bit off sync with the video, or then again, it might just be caused by my computer performance.
    But then again, it's still too soon to judge since I only watch the 1st episode of that anime.
    Ohhh... Didn't know MU was like that... Anyway, the reason why i was asking, is cause I usually dl 2-3 full series at a time and then transfer them to my portable hd and watch them on my big screen tv using my laptop. (My desktop dls WAY faster since it's wired)
    That way I can sit down and watch the whole series of an anime without waiting for the next ep.
    But thanks for the info. :)
    Hello corocoro, here is the link for my next request, thank you for your concern,, :D

    Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san 1-43 (End)
    Konnichiwa Anne 1-39 (End) + Movie 2010
    VS Knight Ramune & 40 Fire 1-26 (End)
    Tobe! Isami 1-50 (End)
    Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba 1-52 (End)

    Hey corocoro, I'm a new member to this site, so I'd like to start off by saying...
    HI ! How's it going? This site is awesome! Lots of anime to watch!

    I do have one question though... I was wondering why there are no megaupload links?
    I use jdownloader and every filehoster on this site uses recaptcha :(
    It's kindof a pain... Megaupload also seems to be the fastest as well.
    Would you possibly be able to start posting MU links? PUUUWWEEEEEEZZZZ!!!
    I hope it's not too much, but is it possible for you to add (Recommend Group) in your Complete Anime Index, since there several groups that do sub on one anime?

    Thanks in advance.
    I was planning on downloading The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
    But there's many choice, between Chihiro, Doki and Mazui, and I don't know which group make better sub (or is it another group make the sub file?).
    Based on your experience, if it was you, which one would you choose?
    erm, just wanna know, do you mind come to my side ?

    i mean "guro" side, osaka-san is inviting you too,, :D

    here we goes, thread created:
    [Request] Rokumon Tengai Mon Colle Knights TV Series 1-51 (End) + Movie
    [Request] Mushrambo 1-32 (End) + OVA Remake 1-2

    i hope you can help me,, :D

    nah think im going to give up lol. did everything that im supose to. extracted the .rar iso file, then mounted the .iso file., opened the drive to install and nothing. a blip of black from all files like i did something wrong.
    running 32bit os(vista)
    ive extracted the .rar file
    mounted the .iso
    when into the mounted version or whatever and tried hitting the exe file to install.
    ok did it all but when i click on the .exe a black screen blinks then nothing. useing vista if that helps
    right now im looking at the .iso file. when i extract it i get the /crack folder then what looks like all the game files. don't see a disk to i mount the iso file itself? feel like a newb when it comes to the junk.
    hope you don't mind me asking but im new to useing the site and am useing daemon tools. i downloaded come see me tonight game and have been looking for instructions how to play the thing. i did it once but there were cd things that i had to copy then do something with the crack. been looking around the site for instructions but can't find one.
    can you reup moetan 5.5 plis?

    Link is corrupt (it will display properly but will download only a 0 kb file)
    yo dude, qq, i wanted to post KnT the movie (live action), where do i post something like that?
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