Dark Angel
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  • Yeah I found a few good background ones but first thought to ask you, even a wasteland we would be great
    Okay :) that would be good, there was another thing I was going to ask but hope it's not much or rude, but a good fallout wasteland Sig for mafia game host and my user name on it for this mg.
    Shishou must be Busy with his real life reember that he isn't alone any more he has a family ;)
    Decree's Wait

    Ender of things, wolf of ice, lend me your breath.
    Freeze them to a slice deeper than death.

    Even the affluent perish in this cruel world.
    The inescapable deeds of the past life declared by God.

    As water runs from high to low, take away all life.
    Show me a world standing still as though time itself had frozen.

    Show me eternal, ultimate beauty indestructible, unassailable.

    I reject understanding, I seek only perfection.

    How despicable!

    Life gathers, undulating, reeking,
    displaying the horrors of its procreation.

    I Will not accept it, I will not understand it.

    I long for a scenery of pure white.
    I long for a beautiful world of death.
    I long for a world where all creatures
    are buried and closed off.
    I long for everything to Stop.


    Everything began with water.
    Everything will return to water.
    There for water is life and death.
    The birthing mother and the swallowing snake.

    Everything flows. Not even time itself can escape.
    Like a boat at the mercy of a mighty river, all are swallowed in the end.
    Oh, heartless nature of transience.
    Yet I will love the heartlessness and transience deeply.

    I have long forgotten my mother’s face.
    My body will become a snake with its mouth wide open, and level everything.
    Insatiable, endless emptiness.
    Endless pleasure, never stagnating.
    All things must flow, back into nothigness


    Darkness of ice, sprit of snow, lend me your breath.
    Freeze them to silence deeper than death.
    I got upset because it's a serious and not good hearing that word. Anyway i am cool but please watch your back Sensei!
    hm Lefti, no need to ge angry with nobody ;) I know what nice person you are so, do never be upset with all the others!
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