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  • part1

    You're very welcome dearie I hope it helps :3 Yes he's actually very kind although he's a tease, the game I currently play is Ozmafia ^-^ This game's route is are so complicated and long :dead: Trying to get all cg's xD Finished caramia >.< started playing kyrie's route but got tired and created another save for axel, I wonder am i the only one who plays multi. routes xD Ozmafia is really fun to play and i love the art it's my favorite mangaka who used to draw for diabolik lovers :bigeyes: let me share some cg's :bigeyes:

    by the way, this is my otome/otoge/bl game folder's inside xD
    I'm sowwie ♥ *huggles*
    I won't be like that again
    *feeds dawn with marshmallow*
    I'm not like that to other people, I guess I just love torturing you, I'm so sorry uwu!
    Ah I feel like I'm being rude lol
    I'm so sorry, dawn.
    /me stares
    I want YOU to feed me!
    /me opens mouth
    Yes we are owo

    Gimme marshmallows! +w+
    I dont think age has changed anything for me during the past few years :alice_orz:

    Might work better if they were friends before that :alice_...: Go where? :akazukin_wut:
    Heh... well... a day before I go back so I can watch at home..~

    Y-yes... veryyy...... :akazukin_sweat:

    I guess save on hotel costs xD My place is kind of... not quite in the main city though..~ :nekopara_sigh:
    uwu...want moar marshmallows!

    We're in a relationship?!OWO
    I thought imouto was 18... and why do you want those......... :akazukin_wut:

    Poor not so nice looking people :alice_down: I guess thats why there is plastic surgery and make up :alice_sorry:
    I guess you watched it for the guy then? :puniko_think:

    Umm... sure... sure I did... :alice_hide:

    It might cost more to visit me than just japan :alice_dead:
    Yush >w<

    Hahaha nooo I'm not talking about bishies!

    I'm fine I guess:3

    hahaha why not?;3
    /me eats
    nom nom nom >w<

    Hahah we're not talking about the same big boss:3

    How are chu? can I eat you next?:3
    /me huggles and open mouth
    the venom one?!OwO
    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarshmallooooooooooow~! +w+
    /me glomps dawn
    Why do you want to get older? :alice_shock:

    Im not really sure what he was thinking.. He might be a real nutcase who truly believed himself a messenger of god... but ill deny that at every step... Actions are louder than words :kurochan_shifty:

    I suppose they should put effort into looking nice at least :lapi_present:
    My sis said to go watch it too... :miku_tehee:

    Just had an eggplant dish today... or at least everyone else at the table did :kurochan_thumb:

    Probably before the world ends at least :miku_cheer:
    Who wants to get older? :akazukin_down:

    I dont think he was anything more than a narcissistic... Not sure if he got satisfaction out of it but he sure did get money... My mom doesnt regret it..... shes too brainwashed to... I think the main reason she stopped talking to them is because they moved away and she cant see them anymore... She went back to a normal church as well so...
    I just ignore him whenever he tries to "teach" me... You cant argue with idiots because theyll spout illogical garbage in an attempt to argue back... :kurochan_sigh:

    Heh... its always sweet when someone confesses... unless theyre a creeper :kurochan_fear:
    Ill see if I can x3

    My mom makes it every so often so yeahhhhhh :nekopara_sigh:

    In the far future~ :kurochan_thumb:
    I dun consider myself a grown up even though I probably am :akazukin_sweat:

    He was a priest which twisted gullible minds for his own benefit... He somehow convinced my mom that her life was horrible and something was wrong with everyone who said otherwise... completely exaggerated every negative in her life so she would feel horrible all the time... She had since stopped communications with the douche but for about three years, she was on the phone with them every day or doing some other "organization" work... Most of which involved screaming at people and telling them that they should change to be more like her and anyone who thought otherwise was screwy in the mind... except to the rest of the world, they were the nutcases... She was such a pain to deal with and still acts quite irrational at times... For a few months, she was basically yelling at everyone around every other day... The house was a scream fest to return to... The dumbass tried to "psychologically analyze" me to find out what was wrong with me but just about everything he spouted was wrong... He said three whole things about me that I agreed with in the five or so years I knew him... Frankly I was perfectly content with life until he came and told me I was wrong, then proceeded to screw it up... So since he was working with the premise that I was unhappy with life, everything he said was garbage... He had this month or two where he started every sentence with "God told you to" and forced people to do things... stupid god complexed freak... :shinonome_srs:

    You like when boys confess?..~ :alice_confused:

    I dont really...~ I only see random episodes when my sis watches..~ :miku_tehee:

    B-but its a veggie :akazukin_but:

    I guess we would... Not happening anytime soon... :alice_dead:
    I guess there was a time when some went through a rebellious phase, except it was my mom being a pain and a cultist dolt egging her on :alice_...:

    As long as you are able to understand :akazukin_fight:

    Organic... I guess they do taste different... not that im touching those veggies either way :miku_beee:

    Lets go on a food tour of Japan :rr_yay:
    I dont think I had any point where I rebelled like they do so in the movies :nekopara_sigh: It is kind of illogical to do dumb things just because parents said not to before :nekopara_puzzled:

    I guess you would prefer if a bishie read it to you :nekopara_tehee:

    That depends how strongly people are opposed to its use and whether the taste is worth it :nyanmusu_yousee:

    Hmm... I want to try all the different types of noodles :miku_prance:
    Where was my first :akazukin_wut:

    Are there other voices? :nekopara_dizzy:

    I guess they dont really care about avoiding msg here... :nekopara_sigh:

    Udon is good too :nyanmusu_happy:
    *jumps on imouto* dammit having net connection problems again...my heartu cant handle the non wi-fi world :dispirited:
    Its a bit late for a rebellious phase isnt it? :puniko_timid:

    You use it to scare yourself? :puniko_wtf:

    Im not sure if its msg but... :nekopara_dead:

    If you go to those really fancy sushi restaurants, they have the taste made just as they want so.... they already have wasabi in if they wanted it to be served as such... also dun need soy sauce :nekopara_sigh:
    I dunno if that is really true though :nekopara_sigh:

    If you dont click it on purpose, how else would you use it? :nekopara_confused:

    Im not sure if its good for your health... they have their own broth stock which probably isnt healthy :nekopara_dizzy:

    They already have wasabi tho? :nekopara_confused:
    Hmm... yes that seems to be the impression... :nekopara_dizzy:

    Im not sure if I would say it is always right... since accents differ and some words even have multiple ways to say it... :nekopara_dead:

    Not really... the main thing about their hot pot is that the broth has lots of herb flavors so there is no need for sauces :puniko_hungry:

    Fresh... like how Jiro believes sushi should be consumed immediately after preparation? :nekopara_confused:
    I dunno... Cant really visit them that easily... Im just quiet all the time :akazukin_down:

    Google does have pronunciation now~ :kurochan_tsk:

    Hmm... there is a chain restaurant for mongolian hotpot~
    I dont really like raw things either.. cooked is tastier~ :lapi_ko:
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