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  • Y-you didnt have to if you couldnt afford it :nekopara_dizzy::nekopara_hug:

    I guess that works... so what have they discovered? :nekopara_confused:
    But we have a bed dont we? :akazukin_wut:

    Was it tasty? :alice_glitter:

    But the black pigs are the ones people consider the best :alice_love:

    Ehh... not quite..~ Just saw a bit of it :alice_sorry:
    Maybe I can forgive you if theres cake :rr_mmm:

    When did we have spies? :puniko_shocked:
    I dont think we would both fit if it was as small as that :nekopara_wut:

    Did you see that sun thing that people say is outside? I heard it was bright :miku_tehee:

    Was it Jeju black pig? :kurochan_kyaa:

    Was forgotten :alice_down:

    And how do you suppose we do that? :akazukin_wut:
    Comparing that to a dead body is kind of morbid :kurochan_shock:

    That took all of two seconds :lapi_shock:

    /me tries a bit of the piggy :miku_shock:
    Too shiny :kurochan_sun:

    Do you think they would just tell if they hadnt already? :miku_wut:
    How would you do that? :akazukin_wut:

    How is the world outside? :rr_slump:

    Piggy turned into a drumstick? :lapi_shock:

    /me puts lights on imouto's head as well :akazukin_roger:

    I wonder how they are.... friendly would be nice yes... :kurochan_sigh:
    I dont usually snore... though I found that I do when Im sick or sleeping in a not so great position :nekopara_sigh:

    /me nudges imouto closer to the door :rr_hold:

    Poor piggy?... :lapi_depressed:
    Light has quite a few definitions depending on context :akazukin_tehee:

    Aliens might exist :nekopara_sigh:
    Ish a warm blanket :rr_hug:

    Lets try and get out the door then :miku_wut:

    I guess those would be the compressed meat... :lapi_annoyed:


    哇,唱得好听! 我的朋友是少女时代的fan, 发现到他在Facebook上分享了这视频。
    Light could mean lightweight :akazukin_pfft:

    Yes... that stuff... except those who believe in fairy tales just have high expectations of things that will never happen :nekopara_sigh:
    /me uses imouto as blanket instead :miku_tehee:

    We didnt get far... :lapi_ko:

    Depends on the type of ham... :miku_wut:
    The keyboard is made of light? :miku_wut:

    But to really believe it is another story... :lapi_ko:
    /me gets a blanket to cover imouto

    /me bumps into a wall :kurochan_dead:

    What do they have to do with ham though? :kurochan_wut:
    Keyboard abuse :kurochan_shock:

    Im not sure anyone is that into fairy tales :nekopara_dizzy:
    Maybe :nekopara_sleep:

    To... over there or something :rr_hands:

    I guess.. that might be better than sardines... :lapi_annoyed:
    U-uh :nyanmusu_unsure:

    Do you want him to turn himself into a monster and look for something like beauty and the beast? :lapi_depressed:

    /me hugs back :nekopara_hug: and slowly nudges imouto away from eggplant

    I dont think its that dense :nekopara_dizzy:
    Ill write one.. soon... :akazukin_halp:

    Then we get back to plastic surgery and classes on manners :akazukin_easy:
    /me takes a few more deep breaths :rr_slump:

    /me cries more while slowly nudging away the eggplant :nekopara_cry:

    Probably~ Considering how tokyo is pretty densely packed :nekopara_dizzy:
    I'm fine I guess, just woke up xwx
    How is your day so far?:3
    I'm sorry, I can't say that in public:3
    W-wah... completely forgot about that.... :akazukin_sweat:

    Wont be seen as a creep either... unless they normally act like a creep and she rejects him for that :akazukin_pfft:
    /me takes a deep breath and :miku_panic:

    B-but that doesnt mean you have to headbutt meee :miku_cry:

    I think the US only has two metropolis while Asia has mega conurbations or something like that :miku_tehee:
    B-but im short.... :akazukin_down:

    It is a better chance than asking a random girl? :akazukin_wut: O-of course not :alice_dont:
    I dun like heights tho :nyanmusu_unsure:

    /me eats meats that look like eggplant :puniko_thumbsup:

    Hmm... I dont think any of the cities in the US are quite as overpopulated as those in Asia :nekopara_sigh:
    oh forgot to mention its the same artist who drew un-rebirthday song game series x3
    I reccomend this one click me :3

    As for real hentai lol I once played this but removed it on accident :dead: it has a second game from point of view of different heroine , want to re download the last 3games I posted x3 otherwise thats all the games I tried so far as hentai xD
    hmm hentai xD the otoge's I play are these : 1 2 3 4 5
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