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  • Part 2...

    I haven't played Etrian that much. Just a bit on Etrian Odyssey 2 I think (not sure). Nvm, I'm sure. EO1 didn't have the gunner girl. I didn't like the fact that a F.O.E. could ambush you from behind without warning. I liked the game on all parts except for the fact that the F.O.E. was so retardedly overpowered. You had no chance at all to win against them in the beginning of the game. Not even the ones on the 2nd floor...
    "The text that you have entered is too long (2080 characters). Please shorten it to 2000 characters long."
    VM likes to bullshit me :deadsad:

    Part 1... again...

    I guess. It have happened while writing to HGSS as well...

    Yup, that works as well. 6 sec cooldown with a 3 sec long Silence? Why the hell not? :3 Hmm, should I be honest or not? I'm honest then... I've used her heal many times. My adc takes as much damage as normal. That's what it feels like so I barely remember that it increase armor. Why shouldn't you lvl up Nunu's Ice Blast? It wrecks shit :goodtea:

    Yeah, I suppose so. Most nuzlockes I see on youtube is usually with the same lvls as the ones they're facing. Mainly because they're so careless that their characters die and then they have to use a new one from the wild which doesn't that many lvls... I don't even remember the E4 in Touhoumon. It was a while ago I played through the entire game I guess.
    Weird? Maybe... I do like some of them since they're so damn cute though :3

    I couldn't trade with people so I couldn't get pokemon that needed to be traded in order to evolve D: That changed when I started with emulators and simply evolved my pokemon manually by fucking up the rom. Like editing it so a Graveler could evolve at a lvl or with a stone instead of trading. And that's how I got my Steelix which was named Hana!
    Would he really punch you back? Depends on how hard you punch :3 Give him a light slap on his cheek xD

    Hmm, games or figurines for my part. I'm a kind of collector in general when it comes to glass figures. So I wanna collect figurines in the future. That's kinda my hobby. Cosplay huh... I would never go as far as to do something like that since I don't like attention. But I guess that it could be fun if you got friends who also does that...
    Part 2... Apparently it did...

    Well, it depends on how retarded mistakes you do and if you're the same lvl as the enemies. Expect to be able to take 3 hits from an enemy for example. Then you attack an enemy with a ranged character and you forget to check how far the enemy can walk and attack. So if there's 3 enemies that can reach you without you knowing that you could lose a character instantly. You can have many characters (don't know exactly how many) but you can only deploy 10 of those characters on the field in a fight.
    Part 1... Wtf, it seriously got this long?

    I usually spam the Silence spell on my adc when I play Soraka since they need mana... The only annoying thing is that people don't always know that Soraka got a 19 sec cd on her heal. Which is why I hate Soraka... Nunu's Ice Blast hurts like hell though. Especially since he can do some auto attacks on minions to get a free skill. He don't have to steal last hits though.

    Nuzlocke huh... I usually overlevel my characters. Like on my current run of a Touhoumon game. I got a Dai-chan and she's the highest lvled. Yet she's still underlvled -.- You get too low exp from wild encounters sometimes... Sometimes I also save state because battles can be cheap like hell. Imagine an evolved Komachi when I only have Chibi characters (mainly Dai-chan since she had Nature type skills which is good against Water) and the Komachi does Teeter Dance which got 100% accuracy to confuse you and then she spams Shadow Hit which can't miss and that literally took more than 50% of my Dai-chan's HP each hit. And my Dai-chan was lvl 21 which is the same lvl as the Komachi. That's when the game decides to bullshit you -.-
    Nuzlocke isn't that hard if you keep your lvls high. But I guess that it ruins the tension if you do that?
    Moemon is basically the same as Pokemon except that they are supposed to look like cosplaying girls... or something...
    Most look like shit from my perspective :goodtea: Some are cute though...

    Hmm, same thing happened to me except that it was my battery that died so it erased my save data. My precious save data... I had a Dragonite named Vera. She was awesome D: Punch your father for me :/

    I actually want to waste it. But I never really do it. It feels like I don't deserve it even though it's my own money :/
    Well, that's good :3 Same here I guess.

    Hmm, I like to poke and being generally annoying as a support. I got trouble with that though. I like to poke the enemies and go into them. But I won't fit as a tank since I don't know when to go in so I usually wait until someone else goes in first...
    I like Nami and Nunu. I dislike that Sona got the auto target heal...

    I play Pokemon, Moemon and Touhoumon. Touhoumon actually doesn't have that much of a spike in difficulty from my perspective. If you don't count Touhoumon Insane/Lunatic which only rely on lvls as difficulty... I want more clever bots...
    Pokemon with Randomizer was more difficult in that case since you could randomize everything in the game. So a Bulbasaur could be a special attack glass cannon, be a fire type and know water type moves. So you never know what was good against something and the enemy could suddenly use a move that was super effective against you.

    You can get Ho-oh and Lugia in every generation 2 game. You just had to get the Rainbow Wing for Ho-oh and Silver Wing for Lugia and then you can find Ho-oh at the top of the tower where you fought Suicune and Lugia in the cave that you swim past to reach the 5th gym. In Crystal you need to capture the 3 legendary beasts and speak to a sage who guards Tin Tower to get Rainbow Wing. You can get Silver Wing from an old man who's near the entrance to route 3 in Pewter City.

    I know that feeling. I do that alot as well. Especially when it comes to buying things. I prioritize having money and that's why I never buy anything to myself. The exception is today. I preordered Disgaea D2 limited edition for about $106. It felt good to finally give something to myself :3

    Oh, okay :/ I've played Disgaea 1 and 4 and I will play Disgaea 2 soon. Check it up if you want to. It's a strategy game :3 And it can punish you hard sometimes for doing simple mistakes...
    Hmm... I remembered...

    Everyone is stubborn in their own ways. You can't get anywhere with your life if you isn't a bit stubborn sometimes.

    You're usually better with one character even though it maybe doesn't feel like it. I'm good with supporting characters that doesn't support with healing and crap. Like Alistar. He can heal but that isn't really his primary thing to do compared with a Soraka.

    Yeah, it's the grass starter one. I like turtles and he's the only grass starter that I actually like :/ You could always play a pokemon game if you feel like it. I do it now and then :3

    Yeah, I always liked Ho-oh the most so I actually wanted Gold when I realized that I coulg get him instead of Suicune before the 8th gym... I never bought Gold though. I stayed with my Crystal even though I only could get Ho-oh extremely late in the game.

    I guess you're right... I have a hard time prioritizing stuff as well.
    Hmm, I suppose so... a bit...

    Btw, have you ever heard of Disgaea? Are you interested in the Disgaea D2 in that case?
    Meh, subborn D:

    Yeah, it's not easy to choose one that fits your play style. It takes alot of practice with every character to find one that you really love. I love Annie because she's my type of character. either you go in and wreck them or else you die yourself if you're too weak. No escapes or anything. Just raw damage output :3
    Awesome, I really like Torterra from Diamond which was the first game I played in gen 4. Torterra is a beast :3 I guess that Glaceon also is pretty cool, but my favorite Eevee evolution will always be Vaporeon no matter which evolutions they will give her in the future ^^
    Yup, I really wanted Gold instead of Crystal though since Gold gave you Ho-oh instead of Suicune before the 8th gym...

    Yeah, but you can't answer VMs when you're away. I feel more guilty for not answering even though I'm online almost every day :/
    Yeah, I didn't even know about you before :runhappy:
    If you say so...

    Hopefully you'll find a favorite soon :runhappy: My friend's favorite is Kha'Zix as top because he's op :< Don't worry. You'll become an awesome top, mid or support ^^
    Is Pearl included or is that the series that started to make you dislike pokemon? I liked gen 2 the best. Red, Blue and Yellow had those small flaws that was annoying as hell.
    Box is full? Change manually or you can't capture pokemon.
    Wanna check stats again after you checked moves? You have to check the pokemon's stats all over to see it again instead of just pressing < on the GBC.
    You didn't see an exp bar, 1HKO moves was extremely cheap and so on. Pokemon Gold fixed all those problems!

    Still, you was away. I'm online almost every day and I still forget it to the point that 1 month and 14 days have passed :/
    Okay, I warned you though D:

    Yeah, I've only jungled with Nasus. I liked his passive lifesteal :3 Hmm, go for that instead then? ^^ I suppose that it would take alot of time, but you would eventually reach your goal!
    Okay, good ^^
    Oh, I've only played Red, Crystal and Sapphire on consoles. I've played Yellow, Blue, Gold, Ruby, Emerald, Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, HeartGold, Black 1 and White 2 on emulators :3 I love pokemon :runhappy:

    But it might be a long time depending on how long I forget about it :/ Like HGSS's VM. I forgot it and it took me 1 month and 14 days to remember about it D:
    Are you sure? I can be extremely long sometimes.

    It will be hard to survive against the golems without runes in the beginning. It also depends on which jungler you choose to play as. Nah, depends on how much will you have put into becoming a pro jungler :3 I got no interest at all so I absolutely won't become one xD
    Yeah, I've been called childish before for liking pokémon so I wanted to make sure :/
    Did you play them on the actual console or did you use an emulator to play some of them?

    On my answers or what do you mean? :/
    I'm slow to answer these sometimes...

    I guess that it would be the best to buy it or else you'll only feel regret for not doing it :/
    Yeah, runes are extremely important as a jungler if I remember right. I expect you to become a pro jungler soon! >:3
    I like pokémon too. I don't know. Some people feels like that regarding pokémon. Just wanted to ask you. Have you played any games?

    Maybe, I'm not sure :/ Well, that could probably be the reason. My sleep routines suck :sigh:
    i see. did something else happen after you finally cheered up? or why did it get even worse?
    Hmm, will you buy that much? I've never been at one of those so I don't know how much you usually spend there. I wonder if Sweden even have that. I guess that it's the same here... around 2-3 years ago or something.
    Lucky you knowing how to jungle. It looks fun but I got a feeling that it isn't something for me :/ I've never watched streams of League players myself. I don't find it that fun to watch I guess :/
    Oh btw, do you have any interest in pokémon or is it too childish for you? :<

    Thanks, but you don't really have to worry ^^ Headache is kinda common to me. I guess that my stomach usually doesn't hurt so I wonder myself why it was complaining. Maybe I was worried about something.

    You're welcome!
    Yeah, Jayce is overpowered in general :/ At least whenever I see one.
    Lmao xD Your computer begs you to get a mic :3
    Did you play with or without the hitbox patch to EoSD? My favorite boss in that game is Patchy. She's hard and fun to fight and she got alot of pretty colours :3
    I do know that the value gets lower for every new soul that Thresh grabs.
    Are you too offensive as an ADC? ^^ I usually have that problem though... Jungler is hard to play for me. I'm bad at ganking :/

    Thanks and yup it all went away ^^

    I won't be online much today and tomorrow just so you know. I will be busy later today and I'm going to my friend's house tomorrow. I like to tell people things like this so I don't have to feel guilty for disappearing for 2 days without sayign anything.
    just to make it easier to fig out do you live in the USA or korea or what?

    or u add me that works too lol
    is there a trick to that? i was young back then so i might have just missed something i suppose...
    i never finished the one where i fight the dark samus at the end now that i think of it...i could have done it if it wasnt for that fuxing time limit....im bad with time limits >.>
    i really wanted to play that eternal darkness(?) i think it was but it was just too slow as expected...it looks like a really cool game tho...
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