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  • there is and its prob the best out of all the emulators too and its combined with the wii emulator so u dont have to look for both

    it still wasnt good enough to be playable (for my laptop i mean) but i could tell it was way smoother than the ps2 one

    its called dolphin something and i've got the rar files(to the ps2 emu as well) if u want to have them and set it up
    you need a bios to play ps2 emulators which are a pain to find but i've got some so if you ever decide u wanna try it let me know and ill send u a copy of them~

    i played metroid on super nintendo emulator...talk about nostalgic
    i tried playing some ps2 games using an emulator and the like but its so laggy its not playable

    idk how it is for most ppl but there is no way its THAT bad so...yea >.>
    im really wanting to get a PC so i can play games and stuff

    i can do them on my laptop but...well you understand
    is the laptop old? mine is relatively new~...although i dont have a home comp (anymore) so u dont need to feel envious...
    i know the feeling~ wanna sleep but dont wanna sleep...if only u could continue browsing the web as you laid down in bed right~
    lol 2 am would def be enough to make you sleepy i guess~ although i plan to stay up till about 3 am tonight myself...
    mmm...man im actually getting sleepy irl from this convo lol

    even petting imaginary kittens just has that effect on you i guess...
    sou desuka...well at the very least i can give some of the donuts to shinobu-chan so i guess its okay~
    well, i don't usually drink. i do, when everyone else does.. otherwise i'd just be sitting in the corner.
    why? is that a bad thing? :/
    I see. I only played civ 4.. had a nice opening :3

    anyways.. got something to do now. cya later~
    I'd rather say that I am just not in the mood for anything.. watched/read Genshiken and Usagi Drop the last few days, but that's about it. Not playing a real lot at the moment either~

    Any anime/manga/games that got you hooked recently?
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