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  • Can you check my post on the Pokémon thread when you have time? Maybe you can help.
    Didn't enjoy B/W much either. There are only like.. 4 or 5 pokes I really like from that Gen. Don't know much about the game either. I bought White and Downloaded a Rom for Black. I like to have at least one physical copy from each Generation of pokemon :3

    Useful shinies huh..that's pretty hard to come by unless you're breeding and you hatch one. I've hatched numerous shinies and only 2 of them were useful for competitive play, others turned out to have either crappy IV's or the worst possible nature/ability =/

    I'll save a Cottonee for ya :3

    That Onix..Not bad, not bad at all :o I assume it's a Relaxed Nature?

    And how do you calculate it's IV's at such a low level? (even with the margin)
    In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum I used to hold these so called 'IV battles' to get a 100% accurate reading on their IV's. Is there a place in Pokemon X/Y where your pokemon are set to a higher level automatically?
    Yeah some of my friends had the galaxy, so I wanted to try it also. There are lot's of Android Phones, all made by different companies, but they all use the Android OS. Thanks! I just downloaded the emulator!
    LOL, that's the exact phone I have! The operating system for that phone is called Android. That's why they are called Android phones.
    Cool, is the emulator for your PC, or phone? I have the GBA emulator on my phone, and I have all the GBA Pokémon's. I'm about to get back on my 3DS after I eat lunch.
    Yeah I don't think salad would taste good on a meatball sub. It snows here a lot during winter. BTW, what emulator did you use to play DS games?
    I have troubles with a few from Gen 5 as well. I only know the cool ones xD Wasn't into B/W at all. EV trained a few pokemon but that's it =/

    You can't just 'look' for more shinies unless you are chaining with PokeRadar or Fishing. It's pure luck :3
    That should work but getting good IV's can be a pain without good parents..
    But I understand where you're coming from, I've had that problem quite a few times too back in Diamond. Now I have really good Ditto's to breed with but I can't send the over yet.
    To get back to you question about that. They will release Pokemon Bank somewhere in December for a trial period of a Month. You need to pay if you want to use it after that. Just a while longer to wait~
    Actually the Meatball Subs only come with meatball, marinara sauce, cheese (if you want cheese), and whatever spices you want. Thanks, I'm taking medicine for it. Does it always snow in Sweden since you are so up north?
    Zweilous xD

    Hmm..I guess spamming the E-4 is a good idea. I don't have the patience to battle over and over and getting no money D: But the wild shinies are a bonus though :3 And Lucky egg only works if the poke holding it actually enters battle unfortunately.. =/
    Yeah I love meatball subs from subway! So tasty! That's good you are feeling better. On my way to the 7th gym!
    Haha, I don't mind :3 But I want more friendcodes to add D: The more pokemon the merrier :runhappy.

    Ah..Steelix. It's pretty cool :3 I just hatced a Deino I wanna train but..it's gonna be a b!tch to get to to lv 64 until it evolves ._.
    Not interested enough to check it's base stats =/

    Friend Safari let's you can pokemon like any other Safari. but this time the pokemon you get in the safari is dependent on your friend. And you can capture pokemon normally not in the game as well. Every friend has a certain type and when you pick someone, you will only get pokemon from that type.
    Also, each friend gives you a max of 3 pokemon.
    As an example, if I pick you for Friend Safari, I can find the following pokemon: I get Rock type and I can catch Nosepass and Pupitar. Only 2. But there's on more spot free so if you beat the League another pokemon will appear in your Safari.
    Gwee gives me: Ghost type, Lampent, the ghost grass tree thingy, Dusclops

    So..the more friends you have registered, the more different pokes you will be able to catch.
    I'm not that s-scared. o-of it! o.o

    Hmm..there is a way I think and that should be through Friend Safari but I don't someone in my friend list that gives me Cottonee.
    But I can get it from Pokemon White though :o
    That doesn't sound to bad, I like soup, sausage, and rice. Do you like a lot of Swedish traditional foods? Hope you feel better! I have a sore throat.
    It's number 666? :scared:
    Nothing special though, just another Bug/Flying type =/ Only thing special is it's different colors :o

    Depends on what that 'specific' pokemon is. Do I have it? :o
    Hmm, Don't think I heard of it? A kind of meat? Soup? Did you have work therapy today?
    *yells into Hino's ear

    Go catch a Scatterbug in Route 2/Santalune Forest and train it :o

    I'm going to collect every Vivilion pattern, they're so pretty *_*
    Thanks, I will go back and get it. Never mind I already have it! It's called Gengarite. What are you making?
    You can use Amulet Coin and Prize Money at the same time. What does the Gengar Stone do?
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