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  • Nope, but I was looking everywhere for the Amulet Coin and couldn't find it... The reason I couldn't find it was because I ALREADY HAD IT AND DIDN'T REALIZE IT :deadsad:
    Where you can write more, it's just hard to fit a lot of words into one page, you'll see what I mean if you download it. Gonna play more Pokemon tomorrow, and hopefully beat gyms 7, and 8.
    Cool, it's for simple messages like a single sentence maybe. Cool, I should win that gym easily.
    Yeah it's in the eShop, it will let you send messages. What type of Pokemon are used in the 7th Gym?
    Did you ever try the Fire Emblem demo? Also did you download the free "swap note" app on the 3DS so you can send messages to your friends?
    Yeah, I always write on my wall LOL. You can also put the bluetooth on the PS3. Are you still playing Pokemon?
    Do you have a bluetooth? You can connect that to your PS3. Yeah but talking to them will get you practice in talking to people. GAHHH Writing on my page again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Try talking with everyone and making friends with people at your work therapy, that will help in being able to talk to people. Do you have a headset for your PS3? If you do we can talk on that so you can get more comfortable in having real conversations, not just typing on forums. My grades in High School were bad also
    Yeah I have trouble talking to people irl also, I get nervous if I don't know the person, I hate studying, but I will have more job options if I get a degree. Do you have work therapy everyday?
    Well here you need a 4 year degree (Bachelors) then you need extra school to be certified to teach. It's a community college they aren't to expensive, the 4 year colleges which I will go to next are more expensive
    It's actually not that expensive, also I don't live in the dorms, so no roommates for me! In the U.S. you have to be certified to be a teacher, so about 6 years worth of college
    Yeah the 3rd Fatal Frame is on the PSN Store for $9.99, but it's not on sale :( so I am getting Fatal Frame 2 instead. Thanks, have to write a 3 page report.
    The 3rd one is just as good, with a little better graphics, the 3rd one was only on PS2 though. Yeah I am typing my paper on Word, so I will be offline on Pokemon for a bit :(
    LOL, yeah I'm probably just getting that one, and I will rather pay $3.99 then $9.99 for it, so I'll get it while it's on sale. It's really good, you have to use the special camera to kill the ghost since regular weapons won't work on them. Fatal Frame 3 has another pair of sisters, but that one isn't on sale.
    Yeah that happened to me also, and it scared the shit out of me when I woke up and saw the ghost, I thought it was real at first since I just woke up LOL. I might just get the 2nd fatal frame since that is the one with the cute twin sisters :D
    It actually controls really well on the 3DS, I still haven't beat it yet. They also have scary type games like Resident Evil on sale on the U.S. PSN store for Halloween, I might get Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition.
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