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  • Its not much fun to EV train it.... And its not as easy as in gen 6....in gen 6 it might be easier~

    He has more than 2000 points~~~

    Fight in restaurants:3
    I WANT KINDER EGSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are lucky they sell them where you live! Hopefully this week you will get D2? Do you get mail on Saturdays?
    Well Pikachu is pretty useless if you don't evolve him/her, don't you already have a strong Oddish?
    I want to evolve my Pikachu with the thunderstone. Still trying to catch a Oddish?
    I wont do it again >.<
    At least not the EV training~

    Sam has one of the most VMs....he is second place in having the most VMs...

    I see~ that could be the reason~
    That's cool, well you could also you yahoo messenger for that, that has group messaging.
    We can chat sometime later if you want. My laptop has a camera built-in, or do you only use the voice option?

    Oh cool :3 And yes, Male Snorlax can still breed with Ditto. But you need female if you breed it with something else though. I got mine with Careful on the 2nd reset :3 And it took me 1 poke ball everytime I tried to catch xD So far..the poke that cost me most pokeballs was a damn Roselia.. 3x pokeballs and then finally the 6th Great ball >_>

    It has been quite a while indeed :3 I'm doing ok. Nothing special happening. Usual working days and stuff =/
    How about you?
    Do you use Skype? I have a account also, but I don't use it much. Usually just to talk to my brother, and niece and nephew.
    My fault, I don't know why I thought you said thunderstone. Are you playing right now?
    Are you going to evolve Pikachu, or Eevee with the thunderstone you were looking for? I will try to find out what the costumes look like
    My water type Pokémon would own your Fire Type :P Actually, I haven't played much D2 since I got Pokémon, so I'm not even sure what they look like.
    I dont know if u can catch it in this gen~
    And I already have a EV trained metagross lvl 100 so catching another one would be useless :goodtea:

    Sam is rival .... /me glares at sam..... :surprised: wait!!! But im writing with him too D:
    Yeah that sucks, well at least you will get the free Soundtrack with it! and don't forget the free DLC! after 30 days you will have to pay for it. Have you set up a U.S. PSN account? If you were asked to pick a favorite type of Pokémon (I'm asking you :P) which would it be?
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