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  • maybe it might be my vision? don't know they looked a bit more sharp? But i like them! I am full of request for renders and i am a bit tired lately so i might not be in clear mind when i looked up at those badges.
    Hey man :) did you made any changes at the rank badges at least from Mods & Admins? why i think they are a bit different? Needless to say i like them now even more.
    1st: Hello Ignis!

    2nd: I say it directly - Something should what happen with SOTM! - Because there are still 3 undecided SOTM events openly. And there should already slowly at least the Spring/Sakura-event-SOTM be... If Pinky busy is and doesn't have time to check the past SOTMs, then should who temporary her task over take - So is at least a constantly movement in that section...:bored:

    3rd: We see us~!
    Let's hope so. I doubt I will see any here anytime soon :( kinder egg ban still in effect in the U.S. :(
    Thanks Ignis!

    Well, yeah... And Unown-kun did finally after 3 years (painful time) the goal reached^_^

    And I see... Well, in this case I had maybe a idea or a recommendation for the next year: Several head-banners for ASF - I mean: That if no animated banner be can, then normal banners for the main seasons in the year (New Year/Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter-Xmas/End Year head-banners) - Well, this is just a opinion from me no request or order...:goodtea:
    Well, everyone has his/her busy periode sometime/sometimes...

    And with me...? Well, I living my days by... But otherwise is with me fine...:goodtea:

    Edit: Nice presentation about the winners of the both SOTMs in the past!

    Edit2: Last year was falling snows to seen at the forum, are you (or the staff) not in Xmas mood?
    Aaaah...!!!???:surprised: Was probably not fast enough, further and faster...:runaway:

    Jk... Hello and what's up lately...?:goodtea:
    Oh, there is.

    And donmai. I've skimmed through it on some Chinese site. It kinda ends.

    btw I want to practice ripping some manga with some scorching hot iron. Do you know who I should turn to for advice?
    Hello, my dear Ignis. I have an urgent question. =\

    I don't have the vol 2 of Tenshin Ranman manga. Does it have the "see the rest in the VN" ending or does it end similar to the game?
    If you so say... But I see that you very much experiences at developing of the look of ASF shown (And still sure will...) have: The banner; the design of the dialog-boxes and and and... Short said: Don't be so..., you've this genre already mastered...:goodtea:

    And I try always my part of this community to fill out...^^!
    *Heheheee...~* But you're the artist king of ASF, not? - ASF wouldn't then so look out how now is, if you not were (Means: That you with this genre/stuff very familiar are)...:goodtea:
    1st: Hello Ignis^^!

    2nd: Thank you very much for your suggestion and tricks - I'll sure later try... You was also in this time a big help...:goodtea:

    Edit: It's too shame that at PMs/VMs no Like applications give^^!
    Well, hello Ignis and don't worry, I can understand that you busy was...^^!

    Well, how you at the final product see can: Is at the gif version the shit black mass behind of the chara and at the sword region looks also not nice... The shadow should so be how at the parts is.>_>
    Well, okay Ignis am' here now...:goodtea:

    Well, to topic now: I wanted actually the siggy what I currently have/wear than gif-siggy, it should actually at the sword (Where my u'name is) the thunders animating, but as/than I it than gif saved have, did then noticed that the shadows behind of her in an shit mass turns - what this look me very annoyes...>_>

    Could me please then help or saying why so is...?
    Oh yeh, Semantics...my turn to say you hit the nail on the head. yummy xD That was actually more specifically my interest in regards to linguistics. +some semiotics. But I haven't found much time for it yet.

    I don't think it makes you look judgemental, at least not to me or that I think can truly know or "judge" yet. But sometimes just saying the truth can make us look like a lot of things.

    Ah, no no, not depressing, but perhaps just a more serious minded person (but we have more than one side to us). hahaha, wonderfully ugly, thank you xD Not sure I can outdo that.(did you make it all by yourself? (*using ctrl+v Xj)) Maybe I can punch it some and cover it in it's own miserable blood, while making it grin annoyingly at the same time, that should make it real damnable ugly I think :3 Oh; ...dang, I feel sry for 'it' already. Takes it all back and gives it a hug instead.

    Come to think of it, you know, I just had the thought if maybe some of "us" who for various reasons and experiences in life, has become aware of the important details of communication, might have, or develop a bit of a subtle angst for being misunderstood. ~just a thought as I scrutinize myself. If so I wonder if I should just understand communications better, or find some emotional relief.

    p.s. kudos for the sweet colors of your profile. And I promise I'm not just making this up, but it screams IT professional for some inexplicable reason.
    Aih, I hear you on that, it follows that it would have some grounds to account for it's mere existence in the first place. (ignoring exceptions) I'm guessing without giving it too much thought that it boils down to a confusion between cause and relation at times; or something similar. Like the stereotype may be true, or have some real basis in them but for reasons and relations not entirely understood by most, unless they have a more thorough interest. (so ppl jump to conclusions, pewh, never gets out of fashion :p) I was thinking to myself just now I'm about to start potentially typing some longwinded circumlocutory writing just now but, I think it turned out not so bad~

    Actually the first thing that comes to my mind besides lawyers is more of a divine flavor, one of decency and truth. I've had the thoughts in my mind before that: "why didn't they teach us this at school" "it should be obligatory" Yes, I suppose they're actually precise bullets, but most of us are left as child soldiers having been given an ak-47 and told to squeeze the trigger. The biggest issue in regards to this imo is actually honesty, if people where just more honest, and less cowardice, instead of practitioners of Eristics, (which I loathe. Though it emphasizes the "need" for understanding) then I can much more easily imagine a world where the things we are talking about could be, well, at least far less needed. And one might even be so lucky to be considered blissfully unaware. Alas the world as it is for now is nothing like that we know, and ignorance is a curse that lets wickedness and exploit run rampant. And all because of words. Neglected. Even the old saying that's not accurately related to this: "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can not hurt me" It may help teach kids a lesson about attitude, but it's not true.

    Thank you for the message.

    Yes, I have been well. I cooped myself up working on my art project in the past few days, but I reminded myself to eat and sleep. My lively self has been fortunate to be surrounded by my family and friends, including you and those in this community. I tend to say, "A little bit of laughter makes the day much better.

    In regards to the original intent of your message, I am more than willing to assist in any way. I shall look forward to the conversation with Checkmate.

    It is true. I do have a proposal from a fellow A-S user. I shall PM you or perhaps open a thread with the details in 24-48 hours.

    Lastly, I shall take you up on your offer and frequent IRC when possible with any questions or concerns.

    Thank you again for everything you and the rest of this community have done.

    As always, I wish you and those you cherish the best in life~
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