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  • I see. In my own made up construction of it, it's probably a lot more flattering.
    Luckily I don't care what stereotype may be associated with it, or I am at least less willing to take things as they may sometimes seem at face value. Knowing how various things can be miss-represented, just like some of the examples brought up here demonstrates. I always believe in letting the 'thing' itself, be it's own objective representative as much as possible, and be careful by not letting others give a 'something' a bad reputation because of how they represent something.

    What you mention next is part of the key then I suppose. That because it's perceived as an easy road to some, it attracts the wrong people for the wrong reasons.

    Eheh Iggy making them look bad in their own supposedly strong-point, making their chosen excuse look rather shallow I imagine. ^

    Myself find these things interesting for the sake of curiosity and understanding. Though when I think about this subject, my own attraction is more towards the philosophical aspects, rather than for the soft skills sought for a business setting. I only say that because I looked up soft skills online to familiarize myself more with it and found a long long list of skills geared towards management.

    Finally, I'd like to say I'm not very judgmental of others, each to their own choice for the most part. What I suspect both of us find rather unsightly or worse however in certain things mentioned or alluded to here, is some peoples tendencies to make excuses, justifications, and, or, meaningless explanations instead of just owning up to their own choices; whether good or bad.
    And perhaps not necessary to say about me~ But I don't take myself to seriously either, but can still treat knowledge that way.

    Anyways *v* *Throws some pokemons on Ignis to end with lighter and easier thoughts before leaving ^^ May You, Will & Uno fight in each others dreams. Cough* random.
    I took to a VM then to give a little feedback.

    Well, I for one perceive value of that in strong correlation to certain parts of the liberal arts. Things like trivium precedes the quadrivium for a reason after all~ But much neglected today it seems in the culture of the times. (that might be a gross understatement) With society emphasizing utility over principles, and career building over persons building. Resulting in a society with increasingly advanced technology, but less advanced people; the very backbone of society itself.

    If people are taught and trained to perform and think only within their specific tasks and over-specializations, in order to become productive "working ants", having certain 'fundamentals' removed from them as "trivial" it only makes society so more open for the manipulation and ruling by a few.
    Left some things implicit though to not make it like a long rant. In short, I've considered somethings I have the impression may be related to, or overlapping a bit with with your literature bk.

    Actually I'm unfamiliar with the stereotype you mention, are they, umh, "unenthusiastic" about tech ?
    ehehe, feeling smug Cough*seems worth it Cough*. Job hunting, I can figure, perhaps a literary critic and editor would be interesting~

    Lonely element ( ‘. ‘ )
    Sorry for the late reply, was soooooooo busy that I forgot to come online!

    If so, then why are you bullying me?!
    Girls mature faster than guys! And about that, I just happen to bump across such an interesting site >_<
    The reason is actually quite... long, so I wouldn't really want to go in-depth about it.
    If you're gonna take me away from home, I would want my little sister to come along as well! And to have more little sisters as well!
    Nosebleeding to death is not worth it! You should probably consider it!
    That was definitely voyeurism... don't hide it!
    Kyaaa! Iggy in frills!!!!
    So you DO have feet fetish! Stop covering it up with frills and whatnot!
    Anime is too mainstream... that's the first time I hear that. Then what games/books are you playing/reading?
    Twintails are not handlebars!! How can you treat them like one?! Hidoi!

    Don't lie! You hurt their bodies and feelings! Now they are out there somewhere suffering by themselves!
    I was talking about your leg hairs! Shave it and you will be able to wear frills! Guhehehe...
    But, you don't like ripe ladies right?? I'm sorry for growing up.. >_<
    I got shocked when I thought you were that old, my bad! You will be soon enough! Iggy oji-chan~
    What are you talking about?! I'm always lost at what you're saying!

    Yeah! Don't worry, I'll pay for my own stuffs! We can shop the whole day!
    Hentai Iggy... getting hentai-er by the day!
    Iggy... I trusted you! Why are you doing this to me (๑◕︵◕๑)

    Iggy doubted me too (╥_╥) 酷いです~
    What do you plan to do when I am at a legal age?!
    BDSM is on another level, so we can't compare that with your fetish!
    Check nii-san is just hentai, but he doesn't actually do anything harmful! I believe him! Voyeurism... Iggy is omega hentai! Σ(゚Д゚|||)
    You were always telling me how cute those lolis are in frills and all, so I wasn't sure if it's the lolis you are interested in or those frills...
    You told me back then you had foot fetish! Is that a lie??
    You don't watch anime now? (ノゝ∀・)~キラ
    Twintails = Tsundere! So people will usually love twintails more than ponytails, BUT they don't know the true power of ponytail!! And, handlebars? (・□・;)

    You just totally rape them and throw them aside, didn't you ( ¬_¬)
    You can always shave those and wear it! It will make you look more ladylike (*≧▽≦)
    Ohh, I was right? Those grading system makes me confuse.. I can't stay small forever... /pats
    One half... 16+16+8... Wait, you're THAT old?!? (((( ;°Д°))))
    Are you sure that will work? What if he doesn't reply me after that? >_<

    We should go shopping some other time! And maybe some frills for you!
    No way! It's so warm over here! I usually wear hotpants when I'm out (・ω・*)
    You clearly are! Iggy is so mean...

    Hasn't time moved for you?! What are you talking about!!!! And it's only four years!! Hmphhhhh!
    Your fetishes have always been harmful one way or another... somehow... Yeah!
    First it was lolis in frills, then it was foot fetish... then it became worse... guess I shouldn't say more.
    No way! You watch that anime too?! Fabulous! Iggy-sama! Sparkle! Sunshine!
    NOOO! Ponytails are far superior! Side ponytails are even far more superior! I understand how you feel now!

    But, you told me you had a stash full of lolis back then! You wanted to drag me in too! What was that?!
    Garterbelts too?! Iggy has transformed!! Do you happen to wear one of those?
    I don't mind, but we don't call it grade over here... Let me see, grade 10? Not sure if that's correct.
    But we call it Secondary education in my country, and I'm currently in Sec 4, having GCE 'O' level this year >_<
    I know you're way older than me, but it's okay as long as your heart is young Iggy!
    He's always busy! And he always doesn't reply me when he's busy.. uuu

    Somehow, my image of Iggy has become girly! So I assume you wear skirts too! Heeeheee
    How am I suppose to give you when I don't really have much frills?!
    Iggy, are you bullying me? >_<

    Hey! I'm at a legal age right now!! There's nothing wrong with a hug! *Hugs Iggy*
    Somehow, your fetishes have grown to an extreme level O_O
    Iggy is acting weird! Have you really changed that much while I was away??
    And NO, how are those things keeping you THAT busy?!

    Which means... you're not a lolicon anymore? Banzai~ Iggy is normal now!
    I just wanted to know if your lolicon level has increased! Hehehehe...
    But it seems that another fetish of yours has GROWN quite a lil' bit >_<
    I was busy with my studies and school work, the load has grown quite a fair bit...
    And I miss Check nii-san too! I leaved a VM but I guess he's too busy to reply >_>
    Iggy is getting more kawaii lately! <3
    Give me some of those frills!!
    Iggy! I miss you!
    I've been busyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, what about you?
    Are you still collecting those in your stash? Ehe
    thanks for the reply! also thanks for sharing the link. i will keep it in mind for when i want something sprite-based.
    hey there o/

    i have a little question, if you dont mind. could you tell me where the animated sprite of your avatar is from?
    Yes, I do ..... too >< really kinda hope so. Then on the other hand I was kinda hoping that if they Do, try and push it, they would bring it to a formal instance, that way I could bring closure to the case hopefully quick and efficiently, instead of ending up hearing all their words and nonsense over and over. Cause you know, disputes and words, may end up like the never ending story. A court would shut them down I had thought as long as one side could be clearly demonstrated over the other. So it appeared to me as a more quick and to the point kind of way. I don't know how that would actually turn out though, when thinking about what ideas I had about it, and what you say about dragging out. Perhaps I'll just consider myself lucky if I don't have to find out.

    HOA, I see, I looked it up, seems like the same thing. Keyword is: 'common debt' I think for this. I can't move right away no, kinda stuck here for the time being. Plus I hate moving, I very much like things stable and constant. But one can always hope, I long for a place more of my own, so that I can turn up my volume real loud, and keep it that way even if it is 4am :P and the birds are starting to twitter outside. Don't you just love those mornings in the summer ? I think their sweet. Summer nights, best enjoyed in ones "own" space, like a certain other place I lived once, which had basically no neighbors at all, except threes and some animals.

    Your own ways.. Hey, your making my imagination start churning 0j Those are usually the most special to us. Your welcome, I have to care, or I might as well lay down and die...I think my heart would stop beating.

    May I just say, all them servers(bases) belong to us, otherwise may them all just burn. 8/ It seems even better to be kind of otaku like the more messed up the world is to be in. (We could hire Frank, I think he loves burning things. And Ana + Samy for ddos.)

    You mean Cisco only trying to save publics relations by the complaint right ? By showing their "outrage" lol.
    I don't think this situation has long left anyway now, empires have fallen again and again, and times running out.... Or so I would say.
    (whatever's, and however, is going to happen, thats in the cards on the horizon is a paradigm shift, but how ugly things might become during, or before that, we will have to see. No doubt in my mind there are desperate people in the equation, people with power, that will cling to the old ways(status quo) with all their might)
    Well, it's not actually turned into a lawsuit yet, I've just prepared ahead of time So I can utterly crush them for the sillies that they are xD 'Take that neighbors for wanting to play "important" politics of what other people have on their own porch that is really none of your business' ^

    Thanks for the luck, if I'm lucky, I think they might realize that they have no real case, and so just let it pass. For now they seem to just bluff with words, demanding I take it down giving the appearance that right is on their side. It's just some windshields or whatever they are called, in order to create some privacy. But it's one of those "living communities" that's similarly structured as a stock-company. So they have their General Assemblies once a year so they can play important decision making and rule on stuff, very important stuff ofc, like where the postboxes should be and if they need a new roof over them. And sadly, since they don't have anything better to do, rule in the affairs of others. I find the saying true at least in this case "There are two types of people in the world, those that just want to be left alone, and those who won't leave you alone"

    yeah! pancakes is mandatory for me I guess at least once a year on my birthday. Old Childhood memories right there. I try to find some pleasures in life, even if they are small and simple, and make the best of what I got. It will be made good in the end, may you have the faith for that as well if you don't already, and don't let life steal it away, that it can so easily do, for faith & hope, paired with love is like a light in a dark place that stubbornly refuses to go out, and the world tries to suffocate it. But in the end, it will shine like the sun in midday, always. Thanks, -thats...I can try :j
    Why, thank you ! I wasn't sure anyone would notice this here today. I will def try my best at that.
    I think I will have some pancakes and push everything else away and just play a game today. Plus getting my 1tb samsung 840 evo delivered, great timing. And as usual I will keep my birthday alive for a week minimum. c; And wait a whole year for the next one...

    Here's a little something, in case you find it interesting/curious and missed it: I don't really even know what a "beacon" is though, but I can still :raging:
    Sent a little something else as well.
    I bought some kinder eggs for Easter but they still haven't arrived :( I'm guessing US Customs ate them :(
    Hello, Ignis. I am mildis. I understand. That is good. If thread opener is on line, ask or consult with him/her. As I wrote, it is usually a phrase used only by male person. My Inbox is still filled. And number of posts still under 100. So I post VM. Good day. Thank you. Regards, mrd.
    here we are ok, life is returning very fast i can say :)

    Thank you for the badge!

    I will give my best to make something better in featured SOTMS
    Hello there!!! It's been a while, I hope that you are fine :)

    Well a really fast question,

    I won recently the 23 Sotm, but why i don't have the award badge?

    Thanx for you time!
    Hey Ignis. By any chance do you know a good USB WiFi adapter for a laptop? My laptop sucks at picking up wireless signals :/
    Don not apologies! We are human beings so we all have a real life problems that we should take care of ;)

    No am not a ranger or a military.

    I am a civil servant in the department of Buildings Inspections.

    Thank god my family is ok an my friends.
    why i feel so much assured with the statics board back again...???

    The days that it wasn't there i felt lost cause it was very useful for seeing the latest posts!!!

    Thank you for working out ;)
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